Compiler prerequisite for Executor: Your compiler supports C++17. Tested with Apple clang version 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202) Tested with clang+llvm-15.0.3-x86_64-apple-darwin Tested with clang+llvm-15.0.6-arm64-apple-darwin21.0 Tested under WSL with gcc/g++ GNU 11.4.0 Tested with Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) - Version 17.3.6 Shell prerequisite for MacOS: Works only with bash. If your shell is zsh, then launch bash from your shell session and follow the instructions. At the end, you can launch zsh from the bash session, but some libraries (like bsf) may not work because of SIP. The workaround for bash works only for bash. The zsh session will inherit the environment variables but NOT the aliases. Shell prerequisite for Linux: Works only with bash. If your shell is not bash, then launch bash from your shell session and follow the instructions. At the end, you can launch your shell from the bash session, it will inherit the environment variables but NOT the aliases. Shell prerequisite for Windows: Works only with cmd. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ooRexx directory hierarchy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One MacOs host. One Linux virtual machine. One Windows virtual machine. Only one occurence of the git & svn sources, stored on the MacOs host. Any change made to the sources under MacOs is immediatly available from the VMs. Under MacOs, which is the main machine (host of the virtual machines): /local1 SMB share (exported, will be mounted as Y: under Windows VM) local@ symbolic link to /local (the goal is to have Y:\local) /local NFS share (exported, will be mounted as /host/local under Linux VM) rexx/ builder/ Scripts to support builds for several branches, configurations, bitness oorexx/ $builder_shared_dir ---------------------------- executor/ git sources (fork of official/sandbox/jlf) sandbox/ jlf/ trunk/ executor5/ git sources (fork of official/main/trunk) main/ trunk/ official/ svn sources of ooRexx main/ branches/ 4.2 next minor release to deliver releases/ 5.0.0/ last delivered version (older : 4.2.0, 4.1.1, 4.1.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.0, 3.2.0, 3.1.2) trunk/ trunk/ next version to deliver ---------------------------- build/ where all the builds and deliveries for MacOs are done. executor.master/ other branches : block_closure | merge_svn_main | operators | pipeline sandbox/ jlf/ trunk/ macos-[x86_64|arm64]/clang/[debug|reldbg|release] executor5.master/ other branches : none for the moment main/ trunk/ macos-[x86_64|arm64]/clang/[debug|reldbg|release] official/ main/ branches 4.2/ trunk/ macos-x86_64/clang/[debug|reldbg|release] releases/ 4.2.0/ trunk/ macos-x86_64/clang/[debug|reldbg|release] 5.0.0/ trunk/ macos-[x86_64|arm64]/clang/[debug|reldbg|release] trunk/ macos-[x86_64|arm64]/clang/[debug|reldbg|release] Linux virtual machine: The build directory is put inside the VM because of bad performances when accessing $builder_shared_dir. See notes.txt for "WSL: Creation of the build environment". /host/local NFS mount MacOs /local /local rexx@ symbolic link to /host/local/rexx builder/ oorexx/ $builder_shared_dir build/ not used for Linux ---------------------------- executor/ git sources (fork of official/sandbox/jlf) executor5/ git sources (fork of official/main/trunk) official/ svn sources of ooRexx rexxlocal/ Local directory oorexx/ $builder_local_dir ---------------------------- build/ where all the builds and deliveries for Linux are done. executor.master/ other branches : block_closure | merge_svn_main | operators | pipeline sandbox/ jlf/ trunk/ ubuntu-[x86_64|aarch64]/gcc/[debug|profiling|reldbg|release] executor5.master/ other branches : none for the moment main/ trunk/ ubuntu-[x86_64|aarch64]/gcc/[debug|profiling|reldbg|release] official/ main/ branches 4.2/ trunk/ ubuntu-x86_64/gcc/[debug|profiling|reldbg|release] releases/ 4.2.0/ trunk/ ubuntu-x86_64/gcc/[debug|profiling|reldbg|release] 5.0.0/ trunk/ ubuntu-[x86_64|aarch64]/gcc/[debug|profiling|reldbg|release] trunk/ ubuntu-[x86_64|aarch64]/gcc/[debug|profiling|reldbg|release] Windows virtual machine: The build directory is put inside the VM because of bad performances when accessing $builder_shared_dir. C:\jlf\local\rexxlocal root directory of the local files for rexx E: subst E: C:\jlf Y: SMB mount MacOs /local1 which contains local@ -> /local Y:\local rexx\ builder\ oorexx\ $builder_shared_dir build\ not used ---------------------------- executor\ git sources (fork of official/sandbox/jlf) executor5\ git sources (fork of official/main/trunk) official\ svn sources of ooRexx E:\local\ rexxlocal/ Local directory oorexx/ $builder_local_dir ---------------------------- build/ where all the builds and deliveries for Windows are done. executor.master/ other branches : block_closure | merge_svn_main | operators | pipeline sandbox/ jlf/ trunk/ windows-[x86_64|arm64]/cl/[debug|reldbg|release] executor5.master/ other branches : none for the moment main/ trunk/ windows-[x86_64|arm64]/cl/[debug|reldbg|release] official/ main/ branches 4.2/ trunk/ windows-x86_64/cl/[debug|reldbg|release] releases/ 4.2.0/ trunk/ windows-x86_64/cl/[debug|reldbg|release] 5.0.0/ trunk/ windows-[x86_64|arm64]/cl/[debug|reldbg|release] trunk/ windows-[x86_64|arm64]/cl/[debug|reldbg|release] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting the git sources of Builder -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cd /local/rexx git clone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting the svn sources of ooRexx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # To get everything (1,3Gb: trunk, all releases, doc, test, sandbox): cd /local/rexx/oorexx svn checkout svn:// official # You can checkout only subsets. # In this case each subset will have its own .svn repository to manage separately. # To get only the main trunk of the interpreter sources (25Mb): cd /local/rexx/oorexx svn checkout svn:// official/main/trunk svn checkout svn:// official/build-utilities # To get only the main trunk of the documentation (24Mb): cd /local/rexx/oorexx svn checkout svn:// official/docs/trunk # To get only the test framework (7Mb): cd /local/rexx/oorexx svn checkout svn:// official/test/trunk # To get only the regex package (loaded by ooRexxShell if available) cd /local/rexx/oorexx svn checkout svn:// official/incubator/regex -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting the git sources of executor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cd /local/rexx/oorexx # --depth 1 needed because of error "fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output" git clone --depth 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross references between ooRexx and executor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [MacOs & Linux] # From the directory official/incubator, reference some subdirectories in executor : ln -s ../../executor/incubator/ooRexxShell ooRexxShell-executor ln -s ../../executor/incubator/DocMusings DocMusings-executor # From the directory official/sandbox, reference some subdirectories in executor : ln -s ../../executor/sandbox/jlf jlf-executor # From the directory executor/incubator, reference some subdirectories in official : ln -s ../../official/incubator/regex regex :: [Windows] :: From the directory official\incubator, reference some subdirectories in executor : mklink /d ooRexxShell-executor ..\..\executor\incubator\ooRexxShell mklink /d DocMusings-executor ..\..\executor\incubator\DocMusings :: From the directory official/sandbox, reference some subdirectories in executor : mklink /d jlf-executor ..\..\executor\sandbox\jlf :: From the directory executor\incubator, reference some subdirectories in official : mklink /d regex ..\..\official\incubator\regex -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting the git sources of executor5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cd /local/rexx/oorexx git clone executor5/main/trunk # [MacOs & Linux] # From the directory executor5, reference some subdirectories in executor : ln -s ../executor/incubator incubator ln -s ../executor/sandbox sandbox :: [Windows] :: From the directory executor5, reference some subdirectories in executor : mklink /d incubator ..\executor\incubator mklink /d sandbox ..\executor\sandbox -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR OLD BUILD SYSTEMS ONLY (those not using cmake) Changes that must be applied before the first build -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See the directory builder/adaptations. The files in the subdirectories are either new files or existing files that have been adaptated for some reasons. You can copy manually these files or you can execute the script create_links which will create hard links -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MacOs & Linux build NEW BUILD SYSTEM (cmake) Build the 64-bit release configuration of official ooRexx trunk, executor master branch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remember: the instructions in this section work only with bash. # If you use another shell (like zsh), then type bash -l # See the folder setenv/bash for examples of configuration files for bash. cd /local/rexx/oorexx # Initialize the build environment (only one of them): # MacOs # system-arch is macos-arm64 or macos-x86_64. # MacOs ooRexx . ../builder/scripts/setenv build/official/main/trunk/macos-arm64/clang/release # MacOs executor . ../builder/scripts/setenv build/executor.master/sandbox/jlf/trunk/macos-arm64/clang/release # MacOs executor5 . ../builder/scripts/setenv build/executor5.master/main/trunk/macos-arm64/clang/release # Linux # system-arch is ubuntu-aarch64 or ubuntu-x86_64. # WSL ARM ooRexx . ../builder/scripts/setenv /local/rexxlocal/oorexx/build/official/main/trunk/ubuntu-aarch64/gcc/release # Linux ooRexx . ../builder/scripts/setenv /local/rexxlocal/oorexx/build/official/main/trunk/ubuntu-x86_64/gcc/release # Linux executor . ../builder/scripts/setenv /local/rexxlocal/oorexx/build/executor.master/sandbox/jlf/trunk/ubuntu-x86_64/gcc/release # Linux executor5 . ../builder/scripts/setenv /local/rexxlocal/oorexx/build/executor5.master/main/trunk/ubuntu-x86_64/clang/release # Now build... cdbuild cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$builder_delivery_dir $builder_src_dir make install # To build a rpm (Linux): # OS_DIST is optional on the following command. It is used to modify the install package name. # Note JLF : Under Linux, `uname` could be replaced by `lsb_release -i -s`-`lsb_release -r -s` cdbuild cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$builder_delivery_dir $builder_src_dir -DBUILD_RPM=1 -DOS_DIST=`uname` make install cpack -G RPM # To build a deb (Linux): # OS_DIST is optional on the following command. It is used to modify the install package name. cdbuild cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$builder_delivery_dir $builder_src_dir -DBUILD_DEB=1 -DOS_DIST=`uname` make install cpack -G DEB # To build a dmg (Macos): # OS_DIST is optional on the following command. It is used to modify the install package name. cdbuild cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$builder_delivery_dir $builder_src_dir -DBUILD_DMG=1 -DOS_DIST=`uname` make install . ./ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MacOs & Linux build OLD BUILD SYSTEM (configure) + adaptations Build the 64-bit release configuration of official ooRexx release 4.2.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remember: the instructions in this section work only with bash. # If you use another shell (like zsh), then type bash -l # See the folder setenv/bash for examples of configuration files for bash. # MacOs cd /local/rexx/oorexx . ../builder/scripts/setenv build/official/main/releases/4.2.0/trunk/macos-x86_64/clang/release # Linux cd /local/rexx/oorexx . ../builder/scripts/setenv /local/rexxlocal/oorexx/build/official/main/releases/4.2.0/trunk/ubuntu-x86_64/gcc/release # MacOs & Linux cdtrunk ./bootstrap cdbuild ln -s $builder_src_dir/oorexx.ver # must do that otherwise not found $builder_src_dir/configure --prefix=$builder_delivery_dir --disable-static make install -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows build NEW BUILD SYSTEM (cmake) Build the 64-bit release configuration of official ooRexx trunk, executor master branch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Prerequisite :: - No space in the path to the current directory. :: - ooRexx: Visual Studio 2022 or 2019 or 2017 or 2015 or 2013 or 2012 is installed. See scripts\setenv-cl.bat :: - Executor: Visual Studio 2022 :: - Not sure it's needed: An SDK is installed: :: - Install the latest version of :: - Install xalan-c: :: Local directory in the virtual machine for Windows e: cd \local\rexxlocal\oorexx :: Shared directory y: cd \local\rexx\oorexx :: system-arch is windows-arm64 or windows-x86_64 or windows-x86_32. :: ooRexx call ..\builder\scripts\setenv e:build\official\main\trunk\windows-x86_64\cl\release\ :: executor call ..\builder\scripts\setenv e:build\executor.master\sandbox\jlf\trunk\windows-x86_64\cl\release :: executor5 call ..\builder\scripts\setenv e:build\executor5.master\main\trunk\windows-x86_64\cl\release :: Now build... cdbuild cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE% -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%builder_delivery_dir% -DDOC_SOURCE_DIR=%oorexx_doc_dir%\build\trunk %builder_src_dir% nmake install :: Optional nmake nsis_template_installer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows build OLD BUILD SYSTEM (makeorx) + adaptations Build the 64-bit release configuration of official ooRexx release 4.2.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Prerequisite :: - No space in the path to the current directory. :: - Visual Studio 2022 or 2019 or 2017 or 2015 or 2013 or 2012 is installed. See scripts\setenv-cl.bat :: - An SDK is installed: :: - Install the latest version of :: - Install xalan-c: :: - Adapt scripts.private\other_dependencies-oorexx.bat to your COMPUTERNAME: :: - add killer.exe in PATH. :: - add NSIS in PATH. :: - add xalan-c in PATH. :: Local directory in the virtual machine for Windows e: cd \local\rexxlocal\oorexx :: Shared directory y: cd \local\rexx\oorexx :: system-arch is windows-arm64 or windows-x86_64 or windows-x86_32. call ..\builder\scripts\setenv e:build\official\main\releases\4.2.0\trunk\windows-x86_64\cl\release cdtrunk makeorx_verbose %BUILD_TYPE% :: oodialog is not built by default. makeorx_verbose %BUILD_TYPE% oodialog_unicode