loadPackage OK for extension/stringChunk.cls
loadPackage OK for utilities/indentedStream.cls
loadPackage OK for extension/extensions.cls
loadLibrary OK for rxunixsys
loadPackage OK for ncurses.cls
loadPackage OK for csvStream.cls
loadLibrary OK for hostemu
loadPackage OK for json.cls
loadPackage OK for mime.cls
loadPackage OK for rxftp.cls
loadLibrary OK for rxmath
loadPackage OK for rxregexp.cls
loadPackage OK for regex/regex.cls
loadPackage OK for smtp.cls
loadPackage OK for socket.cls
loadPackage OK for streamsocket.cls
loadPackage OK for pipeline/pipe.cls
loadPackage OK for rgf_util2/rgf_util2.rex
loadPackage OK for BSF.CLS
loadPackage OK for oorexxshell_queries.cls
loadPackage OK for pipeline/pipe_extension.cls
loadPackage OK for rgf_util2/rgf_util2_wrappers.rex

REXX-ooRexx_4.3.0(MT)_64-bit 6.04 26 Mar 2023
Input queue name: S603cQ600003049a00

-- Classic Rexx

Executor has been adapted to improve the compatibility with classic rexx:
- variables # @ $ ¢
- assignment V=   (assign "")
- instruction UPPER var1 var2 ...
- negator characters ^ and ¬ can be used in place of \
- operators /= and /==

Illustration by running the Rosetta Code solutions for REXX.
The solutions are installed locally from https://github.com/acmeism/RosettaCodeData
The script RunRosettaCode must be executed from the directory which contains the directory Lang.
The script and the results for Regina and ooRexx5 are available here:
ooRexx[sh]> system
sh[ooRexx]> cd /local/RosettaCodeData/git
sh[ooRexx]> ls Lang/Rexx
./								MD5@
../								MD5-Implementation@
.DS_Store							Mad-Libs@
00DESCRIPTION							Magic-squares-of-odd-order@
100-doors@							Main-step-of-GOST-28147-89@
24-game@							Make-directory-path@
24-game-Solve@							Man-or-boy-test@
9-billion-names-of-God-the-integer@				Mandelbrot-set@
99-Bottles-of-Beer@						Map-range@
A+B@								Matrix-arithmetic@
ABC-Problem@							Matrix-multiplication@
AKS-test-for-primes@						Matrix-transposition@
Abundant,-deficient-and-perfect-number-classifications@		Maximum-triangle-path-sum@
Accumulator-factory@						Maze-generation@
Ackermann-function@						Memory-allocation@
Active-Directory-Search-for-a-user@				Memory-layout-of-a-data-structure@
Address-of-a-variable@						Menu@
Align-columns@							Metaprogramming@
Aliquot-sequence-classifications@				Metronome@
Almost-prime@							Middle-three-digits@
Amb@								Modular-exponentiation@
Amicable-pairs@							Modular-inverse@
Anagrams@							Monte-Carlo-methods@
Anagrams-Deranged-anagrams@					Monty-Hall-problem@
Animation@							Move-to-front-algorithm@
Anonymous-recursion@						Multifactorial@
Append-a-record-to-the-end-of-a-text-file@			Multiplication-tables@
Apply-a-callback-to-an-array@					Multiplicative-order@
Arbitrary-precision-integers--included-@			Multisplit@
Arena-storage-pool@						Munching-squares@
Arithmetic-Complex@						Mutual-recursion@
Arithmetic-Integer@						N-queens-problem@
Arithmetic-Rational@						Named-parameters@
Arithmetic-evaluation@						Narcissist@
Arithmetic-geometric-mean@					Narcissistic-decimal-number@
Arithmetic-geometric-mean-Calculate-Pi@				Nautical-bell@
Array-concatenation@						Non-continuous-subsequences@
Arrays@								Non-decimal-radices-Convert@
Assertions@							Non-decimal-radices-Input@
Associative-array-Creation@					Non-decimal-radices-Output@
Associative-array-Iteration@					Nth@
Average-loop-length@						Nth-root@
Averages-Arithmetic-mean@					Null-object@
Averages-Mean-angle@						Number-reversal-game@
Averages-Mean-time-of-day@					Numeric-error-propagation@
Averages-Median@						Numerical-integration@
Averages-Mode@							Numerical-integration-Gauss-Legendre-Quadrature@
Averages-Pythagorean-means@					OUTPUT.HTML
Averages-Root-mean-square@					Odd-word-problem@
Averages-Simple-moving-average@					Old-lady-swallowed-a-fly@
Balanced-brackets@						One-dimensional-cellular-automata@
Balanced-ternary@						One-of-n-lines-in-a-file@
Benfords-law@							Optional-parameters@
Bernoulli-numbers@						Order-disjoint-list-items@
Best-shuffle@							Order-two-numerical-lists@
Binary-digits@							Ordered-Partitions@
Binary-search@							Ordered-words@
Binary-strings@							Palindrome-detection@
Bitmap@								Pangram-checker@
Bitmap-Bresenhams-line-algorithm@				Paraffins@
Bitmap-Flood-fill@						Parametric-polymorphism@
Bitmap-Midpoint-circle-algorithm@				Parse-an-IP-Address@
Bitmap-Read-a-PPM-file@						Parsing-RPN-calculator-algorithm@
Bitmap-Write-a-PPM-file@					Parsing-RPN-to-infix-conversion@
Bitwise-IO@							Parsing-Shunting-yard-algorithm@
Bitwise-operations@						Partial-function-application@
Boolean-values@							Pascals-triangle@
Box-the-compass@						Pascals-triangle-Puzzle@
Brownian-tree@							Pattern-matching@
Bulls-and-cows@							Penneys-game@
Bulls-and-cows-Player@						Perfect-numbers@
CRC-32@								Permutation-test@
CSV-data-manipulation@						Permutations@
CSV-to-HTML-translation@					Permutations-Derangements@
CSV_SUM.DAT							Permutations-Rank-of-a-permutation@
Caesar-cipher@							Permutations-by-swapping@
Calendar@							Pernicious-numbers@
Calendar---for-REAL-programmers@				Phrase-reversals@
Call-a-foreign-language-function@				Pi@
Call-a-function@						Pick-random-element@
Call-a-function-in-a-shared-library@				Pig-the-dice-game@
Carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes@				Pig-the-dice-game-Player@
Case-sensitivity-of-identifiers@				Playing-cards@
Casting-out-nines@						Plot-coordinate-pairs@
Catalan-numbers@						Polymorphic-copy@
Catalan-numbers-Pascals-triangle@				Polynomial-long-division@
Catamorphism@							Polynomial-regression@
Character-codes@						Power-set@
Check-Machin-like-formulas@					Price-fraction@
Check-that-file-exists@						Primality-by-trial-division@
Chinese-remainder-theorem@					Prime-decomposition@
Cholesky-decomposition@						Priority-queue@
Circles-of-given-radius-through-two-points@			Probabilistic-choice@
Closest-pair-problem@						Problem-of-Apollonius@
Closures-Value-capture@						Program-name@
Collections@							Program-termination@
Color-of-a-screen-pixel@					Pythagorean-triples@
Colour-bars-Display@						Quaternion-type@
Combinations@							Queue-Definition@
Combinations-and-permutations@					Queue-Usage@
Combinations-with-repetitions@					Quickselect-algorithm@
Comma-quibbling@						Quine@
Command-line-arguments@						README
Comments@							Random-number-generator--device-@
Compile-time-calculation@					Random-number-generator--included-@
Compound-data-type@						Random-numbers@
Conditional-structures@						Range-expansion@
Conjugate-transpose@						Range-extraction@
Constrained-random-points-on-a-circle@				Ranking-methods@
Continued-fraction@						Rate-counter@
Continued-fraction-Arithmetic-Construct-from-rational-number@	Ray-casting-algorithm@
Convert-decimal-number-to-rational@				Read-a-configuration-file@
Conways-Game-of-Life@						Read-a-file-line-by-line@
Copy-a-string@							Read-a-specific-line-from-a-file@
Count-in-factors@						Read-entire-file@
Count-in-octal@							Real-constants-and-functions@
Count-occurrences-of-a-substring@				Reduced-row-echelon-form@
Count-the-coins@						Regular-expressions@
Create-a-file@							Remove-duplicate-elements@
Create-a-file-on-magnetic-tape@					Remove-lines-from-a-file@
Create-a-two-dimensional-array-at-runtime@			Rename-a-file@
Create-an-HTML-table@						Rep-string@
Currying@							Repeat-a-string@
Cut-a-rectangle@						Resistor-mesh@
DNS-query@							Return-multiple-values@
DOCS/								Reverse-a-string@
Date-format@							Reverse-words-in-a-string@
Date-manipulation@						Rock-paper-scissors@
Day-of-the-week@						Roman-numerals-Decode@
Deal-cards-for-FreeCell@					Roman-numerals-Encode@
Death-Star@							Roots-of-a-function@
Deconvolution-1D@						Roots-of-a-quadratic-function@
Delete-a-file@							Roots-of-unity@
Detect-division-by-zero@					Rot-13@
Determine-if-a-string-is-numeric@				Run-length-encoding@
Determine-if-only-one-instance-is-running@			Runge-Kutta-method@
Digital-root@							Runtime-evaluation@
Digital-root-Multiplicative-digital-root@			Runtime-evaluation-In-an-environment@
Dinesmans-multiple-dwelling-problem@				S-Expressions@
Dining-philosophers@						SEDOLs@
Discordian-date@						Safe-addition@
Documentation@							Same-Fringe@
Dot-product@							Scope-Function-names-and-labels@
Doubly-linked-list-Definition@					Scope-modifiers@
Doubly-linked-list-Element-definition@				Search-a-list@
Doubly-linked-list-Element-insertion@				Self-describing-numbers@
Doubly-linked-list-Traversal@					Self-referential-sequence@
Dragon-curve@							Semiprime@
Draw-a-clock@							Semordnilap@
Draw-a-cuboid@							Sequence-of-non-squares@
Draw-a-sphere@							Sequence-of-primes-by-Trial-Division@
Dutch-national-flag-problem@					Set@
Dynamic-variable-names@						Set-consolidation@
Element-wise-operations@					Set-of-real-numbers@
Empty-directory@						Set-puzzle@
Empty-program@							Seven-sided-dice-from-five-sided-dice@
Empty-string@							Shell-one-liner@
Enforced-immutability@						Short-circuit-evaluation@
Entropy@							Show-the-epoch@
Enumerations@							Sierpinski-carpet@
Environment-variables@						Sierpinski-triangle@
Equilibrium-index@						Sieve-of-Eratosthenes@
Ethiopian-multiplication@					Simple-database@
Euler-method@							Simulate-input-Keyboard@
Evaluate-binomial-coefficients@					Singly-linked-list-Element-definition@
Even-or-odd@							Singly-linked-list-Element-insertion@
Events@								Singly-linked-list-Traversal@
Evolutionary-algorithm@						Sleep@
Exceptions@							Solve-a-Hidato-puzzle@
Exceptions-Catch-an-exception-thrown-in-a-nested-call@		Solve-a-Holy-Knights-tour@
Executable-library@						Solve-a-Hopido-puzzle@
Execute-Brain----@						Solve-a-Numbrix-puzzle@
Execute-HQ9+@							Solve-the-no-connection-puzzle@
Execute-a-Markov-algorithm@					Sort-an-array-of-composite-structures@
Execute-a-system-command@					Sort-an-integer-array@
Exponentiation-operator@					Sort-disjoint-sublist@
Extend-your-language@						Sort-stability@
Extensible-prime-generator@					Sort-using-a-custom-comparator@
Extreme-floating-point-values@					Sorting-algorithms-Bead-sort@
Factorial@							Sorting-algorithms-Bogosort@
Factors-of-a-Mersenne-number@					Sorting-algorithms-Bubble-sort@
Factors-of-an-integer@						Sorting-algorithms-Cocktail-sort@
Fast-Fourier-transform@						Sorting-algorithms-Comb-sort@
Fibonacci-n-step-number-sequences@				Sorting-algorithms-Counting-sort@
Fibonacci-sequence@						Sorting-algorithms-Gnome-sort@
Fibonacci-word@							Sorting-algorithms-Heapsort@
Fibonacci-word-fractal@						Sorting-algorithms-Insertion-sort@
File-input-output@						Sorting-algorithms-Merge-sort@
File-modification-time@						Sorting-algorithms-Pancake-sort@
File-size@							Sorting-algorithms-Permutation-sort@
Filter@								Sorting-algorithms-Quicksort@
Find-common-directory-path@					Sorting-algorithms-Radix-sort@
Find-limit-of-recursion@					Sorting-algorithms-Selection-sort@
Find-the-last-Sunday-of-each-month@				Sorting-algorithms-Shell-sort@
Find-the-missing-permutation@					Sorting-algorithms-Sleep-sort@
First-class-environments@					Sorting-algorithms-Stooge-sort@
First-class-functions@						Sorting-algorithms-Strand-sort@
First-class-functions-Use-numbers-analogously@			Soundex@
Five-weekends@							Sparkline-in-unicode@
FizzBuzz@							Special-characters@
Flatten-a-list@							Special-variables@
Flipping-bits-game@						Speech-synthesis@
Flow-control-structures@					Spiral-matrix@
Floyds-triangle@						Stable-marriage-problem@
Forest-fire@							Stack@
Fork@								Stack-traces@
Formatted-numeric-output@					Stair-climbing-puzzle@
Forward-difference@						Start-from-a-main-routine@
Four-bit-adder@							State-name-puzzle@
Fractran@							Statistics-Basic@
Function-composition@						Stem-and-leaf-plot@
Function-definition@						Stern-Brocot-sequence@
Function-frequency@						String-append@
Galton-box-animation@						String-case@
Gamma-function@							String-comparison@
Gaussian-elimination@						String-concatenation@
Generate-Chess960-starting-position@				String-interpolation--included-@
Generate-lower-case-ASCII-alphabet@				String-length@
Generator-Exponential@						String-matching@
Generic-swap@							String-prepend@
Globally-replace-text-in-several-files@				Strip-a-set-of-characters-from-a-string@
Gray-code@							Strip-block-comments@
Grayscale-image@						Strip-comments-from-a-string@
Greatest-common-divisor@					Strip-control-codes-and-extended-characters-from-a-string@
Greatest-element-of-a-list@					Strip-whitespace-from-a-string-Top-and-tail@
Greatest-subsequential-sum@					Substring@
Guess-the-number@						Substring-Top-and-tail@
Guess-the-number-With-feedback@					Subtractive-generator@
Guess-the-number-With-feedback--player-@			Sum-and-product-of-an-array@
HTTP@								Sum-digits-of-an-integer@
Hailstone-sequence@						Sum-multiples-of-3-and-5@
Hamming-numbers@						Sum-of-a-series@
Handle-a-signal@						Sum-of-squares@
Happy-numbers@							Symmetric-difference@
Harshad-or-Niven-series@					System-time@
Hash-from-two-arrays@						TEMPDNSQUERY.47246$
Hash-join@							TEMPDNSQUERY.47249$
Haversine-formula@						TEMPDNSQUERY.47259$
Hello-world-Graphical@						TEMPDNSQUERY.47261$
Hello-world-Line-printer@					Table-creation-Postal-addresses@
Hello-world-Newbie@						Take-notes-on-the-command-line@
Hello-world-Newline-omission@					Temperature-conversion@
Hello-world-Standard-error@					Terminal-control-Clear-the-screen@
Hello-world-Text@						Terminal-control-Coloured-text@
Hello-world-Web-server@						Terminal-control-Cursor-movement@
Here-document@							Terminal-control-Cursor-positioning@
Heronian-triangles@						Terminal-control-Dimensions@
Hickerson-series-of-almost-integers@				Terminal-control-Display-an-extended-character@
Higher-order-functions@						Terminal-control-Hiding-the-cursor@
History-variables@						Terminal-control-Inverse-video@
Hofstadter-Conway-$10,000-sequence@				Terminal-control-Positional-read@
Hofstadter-Figure-Figure-sequences@				Terminal-control-Preserve-screen@
Hofstadter-Q-sequence@						Terminal-control-Ringing-the-terminal-bell@
Holidays-related-to-Easter@					Ternary-logic@
Horizontal-sundial-calculations@				Test-a-function@
Horners-rule-for-polynomial-evaluation@				Text-processing-1@
Host-introspection@						Text-processing-2@
Hostname@							Text-processing-Max-licenses-in-use@
Huffman-coding@							Textonyms@
I-before-E-except-after-C@					The-ISAAC-Cipher@
IBAN@								The-Twelve-Days-of-Christmas@
Identity-matrix@						Tic-tac-toe@
Image-noise@							Time-a-function@
Include-a-file@							Tokenize-a-string@
Increment-a-numerical-string@					Top-rank-per-group@
Input-loop@							Topic-variable@
Integer-comparison@						Topological-sort@
Integer-overflow@						Topswops@
Integer-sequence@						Total-circles-area@
Interactive-programming@					Towers-of-Hanoi@
Introspection@							Trabb-Pardo-Knuth-algorithm@
Inverted-index@							Tree-traversal@
Inverted-syntax@						Trigonometric-functions@
Iterated-digits-squaring@					Truncatable-primes@
Jensens-Device@							Truncate-a-file@
Josephus-problem@						Twelve-statements@
Jump-anywhere@							URL-decoding@
Kaprekar-numbers@						URL-encoding@
Keyboard-input-Flush-the-keyboard-buffer@			Ulam-spiral--for-primes-@
Keyboard-input-Keypress-check@					Unbias-a-random-generator@
Keyboard-input-Obtain-a-Y-or-N-response@			Undefined-values@
Keyboard-macros@						Unicode-variable-names@
Knapsack-problem-0-1@						Universal-Turing-machine@
Knapsack-problem-Bounded@					Unix-ls@
Knapsack-problem-Continuous@					Update-a-configuration-file@
Knapsack-problem-Unbounded@					User-input-Graphical@
Knights-tour@							User-input-Text@
Knuth-shuffle@							Vampire-number@
Knuths-algorithm-S@						Van-der-Corput-sequence@
LU-decomposition@						Variable-length-quantity@
LZW-compression@						Variable-size-Get@
Langtons-ant@							Variable-size-Set@
Largest-int-from-concatenated-ints@				Variables@
Last-Friday-of-each-month@					Variadic-function@
Last-letter-first-letter@					Vector-products@
Leap-year@							Verify-distribution-uniformity-Chi-squared-test@
Least-common-multiple@						Verify-distribution-uniformity-Naive@
Left-factorials@						Video-display-modes@
Letter-frequency@						Vigen-re-cipher@
Levenshtein-distance@						Visualize-a-tree@
Linear-congruential-generator@					Walk-a-directory-Non-recursively@
List-comprehensions@						Walk-a-directory-Recursively@
Literals-Floating-point@					Wireworld@
Literals-Integer@						Word-wrap@
Literals-String@						World-Cup-group-stage@
Logical-operations@						Write-float-arrays-to-a-text-file@
Long-multiplication@						Write-language-name-in-3D-ASCII@
Longest-common-subsequence@					Write-to-Windows-event-log@
Longest-increasing-subsequence@					XML-Input@
Longest-string-challenge@					XML-Output@
Look-and-say-sequence@						XML-XPath@
Loop-over-multiple-arrays-simultaneously@			Xiaolin-Wus-line-algorithm@
Loops-Break@							Y-combinator@
Loops-Continue@							Yin-and-yang@
Loops-Do-while@							Zebra-puzzle@
Loops-Downward-for@						Zeckendorf-number-representation@
Loops-For@							Zero-to-the-zero-power@
Loops-For-with-a-specified-step@				Zhang-Suen-thinning-algorithm@
Loops-Foreach@							Zig-zag-matrix@
Loops-Infinite@							\TEMP\DNSQUERY.$$$
Loops-N-plus-one-half@						bipole.txt
Loops-Nested@							greyscale.ppm
Loops-While@							in.csv
Lucas-Lehmer-test@						pbmlib.ppm
Ludic-numbers@							pic.bmp
sh[ooRexx]> ls Lang/Rexx | wc
     651     651   14380

There are more than 600 REXX solutions.
For the moment, the script covers 255 solutions.
The script lets list or execute all the covered solutions.
The solutions can be filtered by number or by name.
sh[ooRexx]> rexx runRosettaCode
Your REXX interpreter is REXX-ooRexx_4.3.0(MT)_64-bit 6.04 26 Mar 2023
Your system is DARWIN

rexx runRosettaCode <Action> [Filter]
    Action: -list | -run
    Filter: (integer | integer..integer | not_integer)*
    rexx runRosettaCode -run             -- run all
    rexx runRosettaCode -run string      -- run all the solutions whose name contains 'string'
    rexx runRosettaCode -run 1 3         -- run the solution 1 and 3
    rexx runRosettaCode -run 1..3        -- run the solution 1 to 3 (no space before/after ..)
    rexx runRosettaCode -run 1 .. 3      -- run the solution 1 and 3, and all the solutions whose name contains '..'
    rexx runRosettaCode -run -1          -- run the last solution
    rexx runRosettaCode -run -5..-1      -- run the solution -5 (5th from end) to -1 (last)
    rexx runRosettaCode -run 5..-1       -- run the solution 5 to -1 (last)

Some solutions are skipped because they take too much time, or are incomplete,
or execute a system command which may be dangerous.
sh[ooRexx]> rexx runRosettaCode -list
Your REXX interpreter is REXX-ooRexx_4.3.0(MT)_64-bit 6.04 26 Mar 2023
Your system is DARWIN

Will run:    1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 100-doors/100-doors-1.rexx
Will run:    2 ; 0 ; 0 ; 100-doors/100-doors-2.rexx
Will run:    3 ; 0 ; 0 ; 24-game-Solve/24-game-solve.rexx
Will run:    4 ; 0 ; 0 ; 24-game/24-game-1.rexx
Will run:    5 ; 0 ; 0 ; 9-billion-names-of-God-the-integer/9-billion-names-of-god-the-integer.rexx
Will run:    6 ; 0 ; 0 ; 99-Bottles-of-Beer/99-bottles-of-beer.rexx
Will run:    7 ; 0 ; 0 ; A+B/a+b-1.rexx
Will run:    8 ; 0 ; 0 ; A+B/a+b-2.rexx
Will run:    9 ; 0 ; 0 ; A+B/a+b-3.rexx
Will run:   10 ; 0 ; 0 ; A+B/a+b-4.rexx
Will run:   11 ; 0 ; 0 ; A+B/a+b-5.rexx
Will run:   12 ; 0 ; 0 ; ABC-Problem/abc-problem-1.rexx
Will run:   13 ; 0 ; 0 ; ABC-Problem/abc-problem-2.rexx
Will run:   14 ; 0 ; 0 ; Abundant,-deficient-and-perfect-number-classifications/abundant,-deficient-and-perfect-number-classifications-1.rexx
Will run:   15 ; 0 ; 0 ; Abundant,-deficient-and-perfect-number-classifications/abundant,-deficient-and-perfect-number-classifications-2.rexx
Will run:   17 ; 0 ; 0 ; Accumulator-factory/accumulator-factory.rexx
Will run:   18 ; 0 ; 0 ; Ackermann-function/ackermann-function-1.rexx
Will run:   19 ; 0 ; 0 ; Ackermann-function/ackermann-function-2.rexx
Will run:   20 ; 0 ; 0 ; Ackermann-function/ackermann-function-3.rexx
Will run:   21 ; 0 ; 0 ; Active-Directory-Search-for-a-user/active-directory-search-for-a-user.rexx
Will run:   23 ; 0 ; 0 ; Align-columns/align-columns-1.rexx
Will run:   24 ; 0 ; 0 ; Align-columns/align-columns-2.rexx
Will run:   25 ; 0 ; 0 ; Align-columns/align-columns-3.rexx
Will run:   26 ; 0 ; 0 ; Aliquot-sequence-classifications/aliquot-sequence-classifications.rexx
Will run:   27 ; 0 ; 0 ; Almost-prime/almost-prime-1.rexx
Will run:   28 ; 0 ; 0 ; Almost-prime/almost-prime-2.rexx
Will run:   29 ; 0 ; 0 ; Amb/amb-1.rexx
Will run:   30 ; 0 ; 0 ; Amb/amb-2.rexx
Will run:   32 ; 0 ; 0 ; Amicable-pairs/amicable-pairs-2.rexx
Will run:   33 ; 0 ; 0 ; Amicable-pairs/amicable-pairs-3.rexx
Will run:   34 ; 0 ; 0 ; Amicable-pairs/amicable-pairs-4.rexx
Will run:   35 ; 0 ; 0 ; Amicable-pairs/amicable-pairs-5.rexx
Will run:   36 ; 0 ; 0 ; Anagrams-Deranged-anagrams/anagrams-deranged-anagrams.rexx
Will run:   37 ; 0 ; 0 ; Anagrams/anagrams-1.rexx
Will run:   38 ; 0 ; 0 ; Anagrams/anagrams-2.rexx
Will run:   39 ; 0 ; 0 ; Anagrams/anagrams-3.rexx
Will run:   40 ; 0 ; 0 ; Anagrams/anagrams-4.rexx
Will run:   41 ; 0 ; 0 ; Anagrams/anagrams-5.rexx
Will run:   42 ; 0 ; 0 ; Anagrams/anagrams-6.rexx
Will run:   44 ; 0 ; 0 ; Anonymous-recursion/anonymous-recursion-1.rexx
Will run:   45 ; 0 ; 0 ; Anonymous-recursion/anonymous-recursion-2.rexx
Will run:   46 ; 0 ; 0 ; Append-a-record-to-the-end-of-a-text-file/append-a-record-to-the-end-of-a-text-file.rexx
Will run:   47 ; 0 ; 0 ; Apply-a-callback-to-an-array/apply-a-callback-to-an-array.rexx
Will run:   50 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arena-storage-pool/arena-storage-pool.rexx
Will run:   51 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arithmetic-Complex/arithmetic-complex.rexx
Will run:   52 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arithmetic-Integer/arithmetic-integer.rexx
Will run:   54 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arithmetic-evaluation/arithmetic-evaluation.rexx
Will run:   55 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arithmetic-geometric-mean-Calculate-Pi/arithmetic-geometric-mean-calculate-pi-1.rexx
Will run:   56 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arithmetic-geometric-mean-Calculate-Pi/arithmetic-geometric-mean-calculate-pi-2.rexx
Will run:   57 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arithmetic-geometric-mean-Calculate-Pi/arithmetic-geometric-mean-calculate-pi-3.rexx
Will run:   58 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arithmetic-geometric-mean/arithmetic-geometric-mean.rexx
Will run:   59 ; 0 ; 0 ; Array-concatenation/array-concatenation-1.rexx
Will run:   60 ; 0 ; 0 ; Array-concatenation/array-concatenation-2.rexx
Will run:   61 ; 0 ; 0 ; Array-concatenation/array-concatenation-3.rexx
Will run:   62 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arrays/arrays-1.rexx
Will run:   63 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arrays/arrays-2.rexx
Will run:   64 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arrays/arrays-3.rexx
Will run:   65 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arrays/arrays-4.rexx
Will run:   66 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arrays/arrays-5.rexx
Will run:   67 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arrays/arrays-6.rexx
Will run:   68 ; 0 ; 0 ; Assertions/assertions-1.rexx
Will run:   69 ; 0 ; 0 ; Assertions/assertions-2.rexx
Will run:   70 ; 0 ; 0 ; Associative-array-Creation/associative-array-creation-1.rexx
Will run:   71 ; 0 ; 0 ; Associative-array-Creation/associative-array-creation-2.rexx
Will run:   72 ; 0 ; 0 ; Associative-array-Iteration/associative-array-iteration.rexx
Will run:   74 ; 0 ; 0 ; Averages-Arithmetic-mean/averages-arithmetic-mean.rexx
Will run:   75 ; 0 ; 0 ; Averages-Mean-angle/averages-mean-angle.rexx
Will run:   76 ; 0 ; 0 ; Averages-Mean-time-of-day/averages-mean-time-of-day.rexx
Will run:   77 ; 0 ; 0 ; Averages-Median/averages-median.rexx
Will run:   78 ; 0 ; 0 ; Averages-Mode/averages-mode-1.rexx
Will run:   79 ; 0 ; 0 ; Averages-Mode/averages-mode-2.rexx
Will run:   80 ; 0 ; 0 ; Averages-Pythagorean-means/averages-pythagorean-means.rexx
Will run:   81 ; 0 ; 0 ; Averages-Root-mean-square/averages-root-mean-square.rexx
Will run:   82 ; 0 ; 0 ; Averages-Simple-moving-average/averages-simple-moving-average.rexx
Will run:   83 ; 0 ; 0 ; Balanced-brackets/balanced-brackets-1.rexx
Will run:   84 ; 0 ; 0 ; Balanced-brackets/balanced-brackets-2.rexx
Will run:   85 ; 0 ; 0 ; Balanced-brackets/balanced-brackets-3.rexx
Will run:   86 ; 0 ; 0 ; Balanced-ternary/balanced-ternary.rexx
Will run:   87 ; 0 ; 0 ; Benfords-law/benfords-law.rexx
Will run:   88 ; 0 ; 0 ; Bernoulli-numbers/bernoulli-numbers.rexx
Will run:   89 ; 0 ; 0 ; Best-shuffle/best-shuffle-1.rexx
Will run:   93 ; 0 ; 0 ; Best-shuffle/best-shuffle.rexx
Will run:   94 ; 0 ; 0 ; Binary-digits/binary-digits-1.rexx
Will run:   95 ; 0 ; 0 ; Binary-digits/binary-digits-2.rexx
Will run:   96 ; 0 ; 0 ; Binary-digits/binary-digits-3.rexx
Will run:   97 ; 0 ; 0 ; Binary-digits/binary-digits-4.rexx
Will run:   98 ; 0 ; 0 ; Binary-search/binary-search-1.rexx
Will run:   99 ; 0 ; 0 ; Binary-search/binary-search-2.rexx
Will run:  100 ; 0 ; 0 ; Binary-strings/binary-strings.rexx
Will run:  101 ; 0 ; 0 ; Bitmap-Bresenhams-line-algorithm/bitmap-bresenhams-line-algorithm-1.rexx
Will run:  102 ; 0 ; 0 ; Bitmap-Bresenhams-line-algorithm/bitmap-bresenhams-line-algorithm-2.rexx
Will run:  103 ; 0 ; 0 ; Bitmap-Flood-fill/bitmap-flood-fill.rexx
Will run:  104 ; 0 ; 0 ; Bitmap-Midpoint-circle-algorithm/bitmap-midpoint-circle-algorithm.rexx
Will run:  105 ; 0 ; 0 ; Bitmap-Read-a-PPM-file/bitmap-read-a-ppm-file.rexx
Will run:  106 ; 0 ; 0 ; Bitmap-Write-a-PPM-file/bitmap-write-a-ppm-file.rexx
Will run:  107 ; 0 ; 0 ; Bitmap/bitmap-1.rexx
Will run:  108 ; 0 ; 0 ; Bitmap/bitmap-2.rexx
Will run:  109 ; 0 ; 0 ; Bitwise-IO/bitwise-io-1.rexx
Will run:  110 ; 0 ; 0 ; Bitwise-IO/bitwise-io-2.rexx
Will run:  111 ; 0 ; 0 ; Bitwise-operations/bitwise-operations.rexx
Will run:  112 ; 0 ; 0 ; Boolean-values/boolean-values-1.rexx
Will run:  113 ; 0 ; 0 ; Boolean-values/boolean-values-2.rexx
Will run:  114 ; 0 ; 0 ; Boolean-values/boolean-values-3.rexx
Will run:  115 ; 0 ; 0 ; Boolean-values/boolean-values-4.rexx
Will run:  117 ; 0 ; 0 ; Boolean-values/boolean-values-6.rexx
Will run:  118 ; 0 ; 0 ; Box-the-compass/box-the-compass.rexx
Will run:  119 ; 0 ; 0 ; Brownian-tree/brownian-tree.rexx
Will run:  120 ; 0 ; 0 ; Bulls-and-cows-Player/bulls-and-cows-player.rexx
Will run:  121 ; 0 ; 0 ; Bulls-and-cows/bulls-and-cows-1.rexx
Will run:  122 ; 0 ; 0 ; Bulls-and-cows/bulls-and-cows-2.rexx
Will run:  123 ; 0 ; 0 ; CRC-32/crc-32.rexx
Will run:  124 ; 0 ; 0 ; CSV-data-manipulation/csv-data-manipulation-1.rexx
Will run:  125 ; 0 ; 0 ; CSV-data-manipulation/csv-data-manipulation-2.rexx
Will run:  126 ; 0 ; 0 ; CSV-to-HTML-translation/csv-to-html-translation.rexx
Will run:  127 ; 0 ; 0 ; Caesar-cipher/caesar-cipher-1.rexx
Will run:  128 ; 0 ; 0 ; Caesar-cipher/caesar-cipher-2.rexx
Will run:  129 ; 0 ; 0 ; Calendar/calendar.rexx
Will run:  130 ; 0 ; 0 ; Calendar---for-REAL-programmers/calendar---for-real-programmers.rexx
Will run:  131 ; 0 ; 0 ; Calendar/calendar.rexx
Will run:  133 ; 0 ; 0 ; Call-a-function-in-a-shared-library/call-a-function-in-a-shared-library.rexx
Will run:  134 ; 0 ; 0 ; Call-a-function/call-a-function-1.rexx
Will run:  135 ; 0 ; 0 ; Call-a-function/call-a-function-2.rexx
Will run:  136 ; 0 ; 0 ; Carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes/carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes-1.rexx
Will run:  137 ; 0 ; 0 ; Carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes/carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes-2.rexx
Will run:  138 ; 0 ; 0 ; Carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes/carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes.rexx
Will run:  139 ; 0 ; 0 ; Case-sensitivity-of-identifiers/case-sensitivity-of-identifiers-1.rexx
Will run:  140 ; 0 ; 0 ; Case-sensitivity-of-identifiers/case-sensitivity-of-identifiers-2.rexx
Will run:  141 ; 0 ; 0 ; Casting-out-nines/casting-out-nines.rexx
Will run:  142 ; 0 ; 0 ; Catalan-numbers-Pascals-triangle/catalan-numbers-pascals-triangle-1.rexx
Will run:  143 ; 0 ; 0 ; Catalan-numbers-Pascals-triangle/catalan-numbers-pascals-triangle-2.rexx
Will run:  144 ; 0 ; 0 ; Catalan-numbers-Pascals-triangle/catalan-numbers-pascals-triangle-3.rexx
Will run:  145 ; 0 ; 0 ; Catalan-numbers-Pascals-triangle/catalan-numbers-pascals-triangle-4.rexx
Will run:  146 ; 0 ; 0 ; Catalan-numbers/catalan-numbers-1.rexx
Will run:  147 ; 0 ; 0 ; Catalan-numbers/catalan-numbers-2.rexx
Will run:  148 ; 0 ; 0 ; Catamorphism/catamorphism.rexx
Will run:  149 ; 0 ; 0 ; Character-codes/character-codes-1.rexx
Will run:  150 ; 0 ; 0 ; Character-codes/character-codes-2.rexx
Will run:  151 ; 0 ; 0 ; Check-Machin-like-formulas/check-machin-like-formulas.rexx
Will run:  152 ; 0 ; 0 ; Check-that-file-exists/check-that-file-exists-1.rexx
Will run:  153 ; 0 ; 0 ; Check-that-file-exists/check-that-file-exists-2.rexx
Will run:  154 ; 0 ; 0 ; Chinese-remainder-theorem/chinese-remainder-theorem-1.rexx
Will run:  155 ; 0 ; 0 ; Chinese-remainder-theorem/chinese-remainder-theorem-2.rexx
Will run:  156 ; 0 ; 0 ; Cholesky-decomposition/cholesky-decomposition.rexx
Will run:  157 ; 0 ; 0 ; Circles-of-given-radius-through-two-points/circles-of-given-radius-through-two-points.rexx
Will run:  158 ; 0 ; 0 ; Closest-pair-problem/closest-pair-problem.rexx
Will run:  159 ; 0 ; 0 ; Closures-Value-capture/closures-value-capture.rexx
Will run:  160 ; 0 ; 0 ; Collections/collections-1.rexx
Will run:  161 ; 0 ; 0 ; Collections/collections-2.rexx
Will run:  163 ; 0 ; 0 ; Collections/collections-4.rexx
Will run:  164 ; 0 ; 0 ; Collections/collections-5.rexx
Will run:  165 ; 0 ; 0 ; Color-of-a-screen-pixel/color-of-a-screen-pixel.rexx
Will run:  166 ; 0 ; 0 ; Colour-bars-Display/colour-bars-display.rexx
Will run:  167 ; 0 ; 0 ; Combinations-and-permutations/combinations-and-permutations.rexx
Will run:  168 ; 0 ; 0 ; Combinations-with-repetitions/combinations-with-repetitions-1.rexx
Will run:  169 ; 0 ; 0 ; Combinations-with-repetitions/combinations-with-repetitions-2.rexx
Will run:  170 ; 0 ; 0 ; Combinations-with-repetitions/combinations-with-repetitions-3.rexx
Will run:  171 ; 0 ; 0 ; Combinations/combinations.rexx
Will run:  172 ; 0 ; 0 ; Comma-quibbling/comma-quibbling-1.rexx
Will run:  173 ; 0 ; 0 ; Comma-quibbling/comma-quibbling-2.rexx
Will run:  174 ; 0 ; 0 ; Comma-quibbling/comma-quibbling-3.rexx
Will run:  175 ; 0 ; 0 ; Command-line-arguments/command-line-arguments-1.rexx
Will run:  176 ; 0 ; 0 ; Command-line-arguments/command-line-arguments-2.rexx
Will run:  177 ; 0 ; 0 ; Comments/comments-1.rexx
Will run:  178 ; 0 ; 0 ; Comments/comments-2.rexx
Will run:  179 ; 0 ; 0 ; Comments/comments-3.rexx
Will run:  180 ; 0 ; 0 ; Compile-time-calculation/compile-time-calculation.rexx
Will run:  181 ; 0 ; 0 ; Compound-data-type/compound-data-type-1.rexx
Will run:  182 ; 0 ; 0 ; Compound-data-type/compound-data-type-2.rexx
Will run:  186 ; 0 ; 0 ; Conjugate-transpose/conjugate-transpose.rexx
Will run:  187 ; 0 ; 0 ; Constrained-random-points-on-a-circle/constrained-random-points-on-a-circle-1.rexx
Will run:  188 ; 0 ; 0 ; Constrained-random-points-on-a-circle/constrained-random-points-on-a-circle-2.rexx
Will run:  189 ; 0 ; 0 ; Constrained-random-points-on-a-circle/constrained-random-points-on-a-circle-3.rexx
Will run:  190 ; 0 ; 0 ; Constrained-random-points-on-a-circle/constrained-random-points-on-a-circle-4.rexx
Will run:  191 ; 0 ; 0 ; Continued-fraction-Arithmetic-Construct-from-rational-number/continued-fraction-arithmetic-construct-from-rational-number.rexx
Will run:  192 ; 0 ; 0 ; Continued-fraction/continued-fraction-1.rexx
Will run:  193 ; 0 ; 0 ; Continued-fraction/continued-fraction-2.rexx
Will run:  194 ; 0 ; 0 ; Continued-fraction/continued-fraction-3.rexx
Will run:  195 ; 0 ; 0 ; Convert-decimal-number-to-rational/convert-decimal-number-to-rational-1.rexx
Will run:  196 ; 0 ; 0 ; Convert-decimal-number-to-rational/convert-decimal-number-to-rational-2.rexx
Will run:  197 ; 0 ; 0 ; Convert-decimal-number-to-rational/convert-decimal-number-to-rational-3.rexx
Will run:  198 ; 0 ; 0 ; Conways-Game-of-Life/conways-game-of-life-1.rexx
Will run:  199 ; 0 ; 0 ; Conways-Game-of-Life/conways-game-of-life-2.rexx
Will run:  200 ; 0 ; 0 ; Copy-a-string/copy-a-string.rexx
Will run:  201 ; 0 ; 0 ; Count-in-factors/count-in-factors-1.rexx
Will run:  202 ; 0 ; 0 ; Count-in-factors/count-in-factors-2.rexx
Will run:  203 ; 0 ; 0 ; Count-in-octal/count-in-octal.rexx
Will run:  204 ; 0 ; 0 ; Count-occurrences-of-a-substring/count-occurrences-of-a-substring.rexx
Will run:  205 ; 0 ; 0 ; Count-the-coins/count-the-coins-1.rexx
Will run:  206 ; 0 ; 0 ; Count-the-coins/count-the-coins-2.rexx
Will run:  207 ; 0 ; 0 ; Count-the-coins/count-the-coins-3.rexx
Will run:  208 ; 0 ; 0 ; Create-a-file-on-magnetic-tape/create-a-file-on-magnetic-tape.rexx
Will run:  209 ; 0 ; 0 ; Create-a-file/create-a-file.rexx
Will run:  210 ; 0 ; 0 ; Create-a-two-dimensional-array-at-runtime/create-a-two-dimensional-array-at-runtime.rexx
Will run:  211 ; 0 ; 0 ; Create-an-HTML-table/create-an-html-table.rexx
Will run:  212 ; 0 ; 0 ; Currying/currying-1.rexx
Will run:  213 ; 0 ; 0 ; Currying/currying-2.rexx
Will run:  214 ; 0 ; 0 ; Cut-a-rectangle/cut-a-rectangle-1.rexx
Will run:  215 ; 0 ; 0 ; Cut-a-rectangle/cut-a-rectangle-2.rexx
Will run:  216 ; 0 ; 0 ; DNS-query/dns-query-1.rexx
Will run:  218 ; 0 ; 0 ; Date-format/date-format-1.rexx
Will run:  219 ; 0 ; 0 ; Date-format/date-format-2.rexx
Will run:  220 ; 0 ; 0 ; Date-format/date-format-3.rexx
Will run:  221 ; 0 ; 0 ; Date-manipulation/date-manipulation.rexx
Will run:  222 ; 0 ; 0 ; Day-of-the-week/day-of-the-week-1.rexx
Will run:  223 ; 0 ; 0 ; Day-of-the-week/day-of-the-week-2.rexx
Will run:  224 ; 0 ; 0 ; Day-of-the-week/day-of-the-week-3.rexx
Will run:  225 ; 0 ; 0 ; Day-of-the-week/day-of-the-week-4.rexx
Will run:  226 ; 0 ; 0 ; Deal-cards-for-FreeCell/deal-cards-for-freecell.rexx
Will run:  227 ; 0 ; 0 ; Death-Star/death-star.rexx
Will run:  228 ; 0 ; 0 ; Deconvolution-1D/deconvolution-1d.rexx
Will run:  230 ; 0 ; 0 ; Detect-division-by-zero/detect-division-by-zero.rexx
Will run:  231 ; 0 ; 0 ; Determine-if-a-string-is-numeric/determine-if-a-string-is-numeric.rexx
Will run:  233 ; 0 ; 0 ; Digital-root-Multiplicative-digital-root/digital-root-multiplicative-digital-root-1.rexx
Will run:  234 ; 0 ; 0 ; Digital-root-Multiplicative-digital-root/digital-root-multiplicative-digital-root-2.rexx
Will run:  235 ; 0 ; 0 ; Digital-root/digital-root-1.rexx
Will run:  236 ; 0 ; 0 ; Digital-root/digital-root-2.rexx
Will run:  238 ; 0 ; 0 ; Dinesmans-multiple-dwelling-problem/dinesmans-multiple-dwelling-problem.rexx
Will run:  240 ; 0 ; 0 ; Discordian-date/discordian-date.rexx
Will run:  241 ; 0 ; 0 ; Documentation/documentation-1.rexx
Will run:  242 ; 0 ; 0 ; Documentation/documentation-2.rexx
Will run:  243 ; 0 ; 0 ; Dot-product/dot-product-1.rexx
Will run:  244 ; 0 ; 0 ; Dot-product/dot-product-2.rexx
Will run:  245 ; 0 ; 0 ; Doubly-linked-list-Definition/doubly-linked-list-definition.rexx
Will run:  246 ; 0 ; 0 ; Doubly-linked-list-Element-definition/doubly-linked-list-element-definition.rexx
Will run:  247 ; 0 ; 0 ; Doubly-linked-list-Element-insertion/doubly-linked-list-element-insertion.rexx
Will run:  248 ; 0 ; 0 ; Doubly-linked-list-Traversal/doubly-linked-list-traversal.rexx
Will run:  249 ; 0 ; 0 ; Dragon-curve/dragon-curve.rexx
Will run:  251 ; 0 ; 0 ; Draw-a-cuboid/draw-a-cuboid.rexx
Will run:  252 ; 0 ; 0 ; Draw-a-sphere/draw-a-sphere.rexx
Will run:  253 ; 0 ; 0 ; Dutch-national-flag-problem/dutch-national-flag-problem-1.rexx
Will run:  254 ; 0 ; 0 ; Dutch-national-flag-problem/dutch-national-flag-problem-2.rexx
Will run:  255 ; 0 ; 0 ; Dynamic-variable-names/dynamic-variable-names.rexx

Summary Skip
Skip:   16 ; 0 ; 0 ; Abundant,-deficient-and-perfect-number-classifications/abundant,-deficient-and-perfect-number-classifications-3.rexx
Skip:   22 ; 0 ; 0 ; Address-of-a-variable/address-of-a-variable.rexx
Skip:   31 ; 0 ; 0 ; Amicable-pairs/amicable-pairs-1.rexx
Skip:   43 ; 0 ; 0 ; Animation/animation.rexx
Skip:   48 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arbitrary-precision-integers--included-/arbitrary-precision-integers--included--1.rexx
Skip:   49 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arbitrary-precision-integers--included-/arbitrary-precision-integers--included--2.rexx
Skip:   53 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arithmetic-Rational/arithmetic-rational.rexx
Skip:   73 ; 0 ; 0 ; Average-loop-length/average-loop-length.rexx
Skip:   90 ; 0 ; 0 ; Best-shuffle/best-shuffle-2.rexx
Skip:   91 ; 0 ; 0 ; Best-shuffle/best-shuffle-3.rexx
Skip:   92 ; 0 ; 0 ; Best-shuffle/best-shuffle-4.rexx
Skip:  116 ; 0 ; 0 ; Boolean-values/boolean-values-5.rexx
Skip:  132 ; 0 ; 0 ; Call-a-foreign-language-function/call-a-foreign-language-function.rexx
Skip:  162 ; 0 ; 0 ; Collections/collections-3.rexx
Skip:  183 ; 0 ; 0 ; Conditional-structures/conditional-structures-1.rexx
Skip:  184 ; 0 ; 0 ; Conditional-structures/conditional-structures-2.rexx
Skip:  185 ; 0 ; 0 ; Conditional-structures/conditional-structures-3.rexx
Skip:  217 ; 0 ; 0 ; DNS-query/dns-query-2.rexx
Skip:  229 ; 0 ; 0 ; Delete-a-file/delete-a-file.rexx
Skip:  232 ; 0 ; 0 ; Determine-if-only-one-instance-is-running/determine-if-only-one-instance-is-running.rexx
Skip:  237 ; 0 ; 0 ; Digital-root/digital-root-3.rexx
Skip:  239 ; 0 ; 0 ; Dining-philosophers/dining-philosophers.rexx
Skip:  250 ; 0 ; 0 ; Draw-a-clock/draw-a-clock.rexx

Summary Ko

Summary counters
Will run=232

Start the execution of all the REXX solutions.
Some solution takes time to calculate, hence the scrolling pauses.
sh[ooRexx]> rexx runRosettaCode -run
Your REXX interpreter is REXX-ooRexx_4.3.0(MT)_64-bit 6.04 26 Mar 2023
Your system is DARWIN
[1] 100-doors/100-doors-1.rexx
After  100  passes, the following doors are open:



[2] 100-doors/100-doors-2.rexx
After  100  passes, the following doors are open:



[3] 24-game-Solve/24-game-solve.rexx

No solutions found for 1111

No solutions found for 1112

No solutions found for 1113

No solutions found for 1114

No solutions found for 1115

No solutions found for 1116

No solutions found for 1117
                               a solution for 1118: 24= [1+1+1]*8
                               a solution for 1118: 24= [[1+1+1]*8]
                               a solution for 1118: 24= [8*[1+1+1]]
                               a solution for 1118: 24= 8*[1+1+1]
                               a solution for 1118: 24= 8*[1+[1+1]]
                               a solution for 1118: 24= 8*[[1+1]+1]

6 solutions found for 1118

No solutions found for 1119

No solutions found for 1121

No solutions found for 1122

No solutions found for 1123

No solutions found for 1124

No solutions found for 1125
                               a solution for 1126: 24= [1+1]*2*6
                               a solution for 1126: 24= [1+1]*[2*6]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= [1+1+2]*6
                               a solution for 1126: 24= [[1+1+2]*6]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= [1+1]*6*2
                               a solution for 1126: 24= [1+1]*[6*2]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= [1+2+1]*6
                               a solution for 1126: 24= [[1+2+1]*6]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= 2*[1+1]*6
                               a solution for 1126: 24= 2*[[1+1]*6]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= [2+1+1]*6
                               a solution for 1126: 24= [[2+1+1]*6]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= [2*6]*[1+1]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= 2*[6*[1+1]]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= 6*[1+1]*2
                               a solution for 1126: 24= 6*[[1+1]*2]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= [6*[1+1+2]]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= 6*[1+1+2]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= 6*[1+[1+2]]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= 6*[[1+1]+2]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= [6*[1+2+1]]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= 6*[1+2+1]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= 6*[1+[2+1]]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= 6*[[1+2]+1]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= [6*2]*[1+1]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= 6*[2*[1+1]]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= [6*[2+1+1]]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= 6*[2+1+1]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= 6*[2+[1+1]]
                               a solution for 1126: 24= 6*[[2+1]+1]

30 solutions found for 1126
                               a solution for 1127: 24= [1+2]*[1+7]
                               a solution for 1127: 24= [1+2]*[7+1]
                               a solution for 1127: 24= [1+7]*[1+2]
                               a solution for 1127: 24= [1+7]*[2+1]
                               a solution for 1127: 24= [2+1]*[1+7]
                               a solution for 1127: 24= [2+1]*[7+1]
                               a solution for 1127: 24= [7+1]*[1+2]
                               a solution for 1127: 24= [7+1]*[2+1]

8 solutions found for 1127
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [1*1+2]*8
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [[1*1+2]*8]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 1*[1+2]*8
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 1*[[1+2]*8]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [1/1+2]*8
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [[1/1+2]*8]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [1+1*2]*8
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [[1+1*2]*8]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [1*2+1]*8
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [[1*2+1]*8]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 1*[2+1]*8
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 1*[[2+1]*8]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [1+2]*1*8
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [1+2*1]*8
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [1+2]*[1*8]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [[1+2*1]*8]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [1+2]/1*8
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [1+2/1]*8
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [[1+2/1]*8]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [1+2]/[1/8]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [1+2]*8*1
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [1+2]*[8*1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [1+2]*8/1
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [1+2]*[8/1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [1*8]*[1+2]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 1*[8*[1+2]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [1*8]*[2+1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 1*[8*[2+1]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [2*1+1]*8
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [[2*1+1]*8]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [2/1+1]*8
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [[2/1+1]*8]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [2+1]*1*8
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [2+1*1]*8
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [2+1]*[1*8]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [[2+1*1]*8]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [2+1]/1*8
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [2+1/1]*8
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [[2+1/1]*8]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [2+1]/[1/8]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [2+1]*8*1
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [2+1]*[8*1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [2+1]*8/1
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [2+1]*[8/1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [8*1]*[1+2]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [8*[1*1+2]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[1*1+2]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[1*[1+2]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[[1*1]+2]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [8*[1/1+2]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[1/1+2]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[[1/1]+2]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [8*[1+1*2]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[1+1*2]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[1+[1*2]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [8/1]*[1+2]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8/[1/[1+2]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [8*1]*[2+1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [8*[1*2+1]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[1*2+1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[1*[2+1]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[[1*2]+1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [8*[1+2*1]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[1+2]*1
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[1+2*1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[1+[2*1]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[[1+2]*1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [8*[1+2/1]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[1+2]/1
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[1+2/1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[1+[2/1]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[[1+2]/1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [8/1]*[2+1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8/[1/[2+1]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [8*[2*1+1]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[2*1+1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[[2*1]+1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [8*[2/1+1]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[2/1+1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[[2/1]+1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [8*[2+1*1]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[2+1]*1
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[2+1*1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[2+[1*1]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[[2+1]*1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= [8*[2+1/1]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[2+1]/1
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[2+1/1]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[2+[1/1]]
                               a solution for 1128: 24= 8*[[2+1]/1]

90 solutions found for 1128
                               a solution for 1129: 24= [1+2]*[9-1]
                               a solution for 1129: 24= [2+1]*[9-1]
                               a solution for 1129: 24= [9-1]*[1+2]
                               a solution for 1129: 24= [9-1]*[2+1]

4 solutions found for 1129

(not an error)

[4] 24-game/24-game-1.rexx

──────── Using the digits  2367,  enter an expression that equals 24         (or  ?  or  QUIT):


[5] 9-billion-names-of-God-the-integer/9-billion-names-of-god-the-integer.rexx
                                              1   1                                               
                                            1   1   1                                             
                                          1   2   1   1                                           
                                        1   2   2   1   1                                         
                                      1   3   3   2   1   1                                       
                                    1   3   4   3   2   1   1                                     
                                  1   4   5   5   3   2   1   1                                   
                                1   4   7   6   5   3   2   1   1                                 
                              1   5   8   9   7   5   3   2   1   1                               
                            1   5  10  11  10   7   5   3   2   1   1                             
                          1   6  12  15  13  11   7   5   3   2   1   1                           
                        1   6  14  18  18  14  11   7   5   3   2   1   1                         
                      1   7  16  23  23  20  15  11   7   5   3   2   1   1                       
                    1   7  19  27  30  26  21  15  11   7   5   3   2   1   1                     
                  1   8  21  34  37  35  28  22  15  11   7   5   3   2   1   1                   
                1   8  24  39  47  44  38  29  22  15  11   7   5   3   2   1   1                 
              1   9  27  47  57  58  49  40  30  22  15  11   7   5   3   2   1   1               
            1   9  30  54  70  71  65  52  41  30  22  15  11   7   5   3   2   1   1             
          1  10  33  64  84  90  82  70  54  42  30  22  15  11   7   5   3   2   1   1           
        1  10  37  72 101 110 105  89  73  55  42  30  22  15  11   7   5   3   2   1   1         
      1  11  40  84 119 136 131 116  94  75  56  42  30  22  15  11   7   5   3   2   1   1       
    1  11  44  94 141 163 164 146 123  97  76  56  42  30  22  15  11   7   5   3   2   1   1     
  1  12  48 108 164 199 201 186 157 128  99  77  56  42  30  22  15  11   7   5   3   2   1   1   
1  12  52 120 192 235 248 230 201 164 131 100  77  56  42  30  22  15  11   7   5   3   2   1   1 
         G(25): 1958
partitions(25): 1958


[6] 99-Bottles-of-Beer/99-bottles-of-beer.rexx
99 bottles of beer on the wall,
99 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
98 bottles of beer on the wall.

98 bottles of beer on the wall,
98 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
97 bottles of beer on the wall.

97 bottles of beer on the wall,
97 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
96 bottles of beer on the wall.

96 bottles of beer on the wall,
96 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
95 bottles of beer on the wall.

95 bottles of beer on the wall,
95 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
94 bottles of beer on the wall.

94 bottles of beer on the wall,
94 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
93 bottles of beer on the wall.

93 bottles of beer on the wall,
93 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
92 bottles of beer on the wall.

92 bottles of beer on the wall,
92 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
91 bottles of beer on the wall.

91 bottles of beer on the wall,
91 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
90 bottles of beer on the wall.

90 bottles of beer on the wall,
90 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
89 bottles of beer on the wall.

89 bottles of beer on the wall,
89 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
88 bottles of beer on the wall.

88 bottles of beer on the wall,
88 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
87 bottles of beer on the wall.

87 bottles of beer on the wall,
87 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
86 bottles of beer on the wall.

86 bottles of beer on the wall,
86 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
85 bottles of beer on the wall.

85 bottles of beer on the wall,
85 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
84 bottles of beer on the wall.

84 bottles of beer on the wall,
84 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
83 bottles of beer on the wall.

83 bottles of beer on the wall,
83 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
82 bottles of beer on the wall.

82 bottles of beer on the wall,
82 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
81 bottles of beer on the wall.

81 bottles of beer on the wall,
81 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
80 bottles of beer on the wall.

80 bottles of beer on the wall,
80 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
79 bottles of beer on the wall.

79 bottles of beer on the wall,
79 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
78 bottles of beer on the wall.

78 bottles of beer on the wall,
78 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
77 bottles of beer on the wall.

77 bottles of beer on the wall,
77 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
76 bottles of beer on the wall.

76 bottles of beer on the wall,
76 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
75 bottles of beer on the wall.

75 bottles of beer on the wall,
75 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
74 bottles of beer on the wall.

74 bottles of beer on the wall,
74 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
73 bottles of beer on the wall.

73 bottles of beer on the wall,
73 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
72 bottles of beer on the wall.

72 bottles of beer on the wall,
72 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
71 bottles of beer on the wall.

71 bottles of beer on the wall,
71 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
70 bottles of beer on the wall.

70 bottles of beer on the wall,
70 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
69 bottles of beer on the wall.

69 bottles of beer on the wall,
69 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
68 bottles of beer on the wall.

68 bottles of beer on the wall,
68 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
67 bottles of beer on the wall.

67 bottles of beer on the wall,
67 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
66 bottles of beer on the wall.

66 bottles of beer on the wall,
66 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
65 bottles of beer on the wall.

65 bottles of beer on the wall,
65 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
64 bottles of beer on the wall.

64 bottles of beer on the wall,
64 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
63 bottles of beer on the wall.

63 bottles of beer on the wall,
63 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
62 bottles of beer on the wall.

62 bottles of beer on the wall,
62 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
61 bottles of beer on the wall.

61 bottles of beer on the wall,
61 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
60 bottles of beer on the wall.

60 bottles of beer on the wall,
60 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
59 bottles of beer on the wall.

59 bottles of beer on the wall,
59 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
58 bottles of beer on the wall.

58 bottles of beer on the wall,
58 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
57 bottles of beer on the wall.

57 bottles of beer on the wall,
57 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
56 bottles of beer on the wall.

56 bottles of beer on the wall,
56 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
55 bottles of beer on the wall.

55 bottles of beer on the wall,
55 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
54 bottles of beer on the wall.

54 bottles of beer on the wall,
54 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
53 bottles of beer on the wall.

53 bottles of beer on the wall,
53 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
52 bottles of beer on the wall.

52 bottles of beer on the wall,
52 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
51 bottles of beer on the wall.

51 bottles of beer on the wall,
51 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
50 bottles of beer on the wall.

50 bottles of beer on the wall,
50 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
49 bottles of beer on the wall.

49 bottles of beer on the wall,
49 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
48 bottles of beer on the wall.

48 bottles of beer on the wall,
48 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
47 bottles of beer on the wall.

47 bottles of beer on the wall,
47 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
46 bottles of beer on the wall.

46 bottles of beer on the wall,
46 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
45 bottles of beer on the wall.

45 bottles of beer on the wall,
45 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
44 bottles of beer on the wall.

44 bottles of beer on the wall,
44 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
43 bottles of beer on the wall.

43 bottles of beer on the wall,
43 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
42 bottles of beer on the wall.

42 bottles of beer on the wall,
42 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
41 bottles of beer on the wall.

41 bottles of beer on the wall,
41 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
40 bottles of beer on the wall.

40 bottles of beer on the wall,
40 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
39 bottles of beer on the wall.

39 bottles of beer on the wall,
39 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
38 bottles of beer on the wall.

38 bottles of beer on the wall,
38 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
37 bottles of beer on the wall.

37 bottles of beer on the wall,
37 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
36 bottles of beer on the wall.

36 bottles of beer on the wall,
36 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
35 bottles of beer on the wall.

35 bottles of beer on the wall,
35 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
34 bottles of beer on the wall.

34 bottles of beer on the wall,
34 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
33 bottles of beer on the wall.

33 bottles of beer on the wall,
33 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
32 bottles of beer on the wall.

32 bottles of beer on the wall,
32 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
31 bottles of beer on the wall.

31 bottles of beer on the wall,
31 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
30 bottles of beer on the wall.

30 bottles of beer on the wall,
30 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
29 bottles of beer on the wall.

29 bottles of beer on the wall,
29 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
28 bottles of beer on the wall.

28 bottles of beer on the wall,
28 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
27 bottles of beer on the wall.

27 bottles of beer on the wall,
27 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
26 bottles of beer on the wall.

26 bottles of beer on the wall,
26 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
25 bottles of beer on the wall.

25 bottles of beer on the wall,
25 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
24 bottles of beer on the wall.

24 bottles of beer on the wall,
24 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
23 bottles of beer on the wall.

23 bottles of beer on the wall,
23 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
22 bottles of beer on the wall.

22 bottles of beer on the wall,
22 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
21 bottles of beer on the wall.

21 bottles of beer on the wall,
21 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
20 bottles of beer on the wall.

20 bottles of beer on the wall,
20 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
19 bottles of beer on the wall.

19 bottles of beer on the wall,
19 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
18 bottles of beer on the wall.

18 bottles of beer on the wall,
18 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
17 bottles of beer on the wall.

17 bottles of beer on the wall,
17 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
16 bottles of beer on the wall.

16 bottles of beer on the wall,
16 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
15 bottles of beer on the wall.

15 bottles of beer on the wall,
15 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
14 bottles of beer on the wall.

14 bottles of beer on the wall,
14 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
13 bottles of beer on the wall.

13 bottles of beer on the wall,
13 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
12 bottles of beer on the wall.

12 bottles of beer on the wall,
12 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
11 bottles of beer on the wall.

11 bottles of beer on the wall,
11 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
10 bottles of beer on the wall.

10 bottles of beer on the wall,
10 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
9 bottles of beer on the wall.

9 bottles of beer on the wall,
9 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
8 bottles of beer on the wall.

8 bottles of beer on the wall,
8 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
7 bottles of beer on the wall.

7 bottles of beer on the wall,
7 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
6 bottles of beer on the wall.

6 bottles of beer on the wall,
6 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
5 bottles of beer on the wall.

5 bottles of beer on the wall,
5 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
4 bottles of beer on the wall.

4 bottles of beer on the wall,
4 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
3 bottles of beer on the wall.

3 bottles of beer on the wall,
3 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
2 bottles of beer on the wall.

2 bottles of beer on the wall,
2 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
1 bottle of beer on the wall.

1 bottle of beer on the wall,
1 bottle of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
no bottles of beer on the wall.

No more bottles of beer on the wall,
no more bottles of beer.
Go to the store and buy some more,
99 bottles of beer on the wall.


[7] A+B/a+b-1.rexx


[8] A+B/a+b-2.rexx


[9] A+B/a+b-3.rexx


[10] A+B/a+b-4.rexx
enter some numbers to be summed:
sum of  5  numbers =  150


[11] A+B/a+b-5.rexx
enter some numbers to be summed:
sum of  MANY  numbers =  150


[12] ABC-Problem/abc-problem-1.rexx
                             A    can be spelt.
                          bark    can be spelt.
                          bOOk  can't be spelt.
                         treat    can be spelt.
                        common  can't be spelt.
                         squaD    can be spelt.
                       conFuse    can be spelt.


[13] ABC-Problem/abc-problem-2.rexx
''        cannot be spelt.
'$'       cannot be spelt.
'A'       can be spelt in 2 ways.
'BARK'    can be spelt in 8 ways.
'BOOK'    cannot be spelt.
'TREAT'   can be spelt in 8 ways.
'COMMON'  cannot be spelt.
'SQUAD'   can be spelt in 8 ways.
'CONFUSE' can be spelt in 32 ways.


[14] Abundant,-deficient-and-perfect-number-classifications/abundant,-deficient-and-perfect-number-classifications-1.rexx
═════════integers from  1  to  20000═════════
   the number of perfect   numbers:      4
   the number of abundant  numbers:   4953
   the number of deficient numbers:  15043


[15] Abundant,-deficient-and-perfect-number-classifications/abundant,-deficient-and-perfect-number-classifications-2.rexx
═════════integers from  1  to  20000═════════
   the number of perfect   numbers:      4
   the number of abundant  numbers:   4953
   the number of deficient numbers:  15043


[17] Accumulator-factory/accumulator-factory.rexx
          X value is now 8.3
Accumulator value is now 8.3


[18] Ackermann-function/ackermann-function-1.rexx

Ackermann(0,  0)=                       1              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  1)=                       2              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  2)=                       3              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  3)=                       4              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  4)=                       5              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  5)=                       6              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  6)=                       7              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  7)=                       8              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  8)=                       9              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  9)=                      10              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 10)=                      11              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 11)=                      12              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 12)=                      13              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 13)=                      14              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 14)=                      15              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 15)=                      16              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 16)=                      17              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 17)=                      18              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 18)=                      19              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 19)=                      20              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 20)=                      21              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 21)=                      22              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 22)=                      23              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 23)=                      24              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 24)=                      25              calls=                       1

Ackermann(1,  0)=                       2              calls=                       2
Ackermann(1,  1)=                       3              calls=                       4
Ackermann(1,  2)=                       4              calls=                       6
Ackermann(1,  3)=                       5              calls=                       8
Ackermann(1,  4)=                       6              calls=                      10
Ackermann(1,  5)=                       7              calls=                      12
Ackermann(1,  6)=                       8              calls=                      14
Ackermann(1,  7)=                       9              calls=                      16
Ackermann(1,  8)=                      10              calls=                      18
Ackermann(1,  9)=                      11              calls=                      20
Ackermann(1, 10)=                      12              calls=                      22
Ackermann(1, 11)=                      13              calls=                      24
Ackermann(1, 12)=                      14              calls=                      26
Ackermann(1, 13)=                      15              calls=                      28
Ackermann(1, 14)=                      16              calls=                      30
Ackermann(1, 15)=                      17              calls=                      32
Ackermann(1, 16)=                      18              calls=                      34
Ackermann(1, 17)=                      19              calls=                      36
Ackermann(1, 18)=                      20              calls=                      38
Ackermann(1, 19)=                      21              calls=                      40
Ackermann(1, 20)=                      22              calls=                      42
Ackermann(1, 21)=                      23              calls=                      44
Ackermann(1, 22)=                      24              calls=                      46
Ackermann(1, 23)=                      25              calls=                      48
Ackermann(1, 24)=                      26              calls=                      50

Ackermann(2,  0)=                       3              calls=                       5
Ackermann(2,  1)=                       5              calls=                      14
Ackermann(2,  2)=                       7              calls=                      27
Ackermann(2,  3)=                       9              calls=                      44
Ackermann(2,  4)=                      11              calls=                      65
Ackermann(2,  5)=                      13              calls=                      90
Ackermann(2,  6)=                      15              calls=                     119
Ackermann(2,  7)=                      17              calls=                     152
Ackermann(2,  8)=                      19              calls=                     189
Ackermann(2,  9)=                      21              calls=                     230
Ackermann(2, 10)=                      23              calls=                     275
Ackermann(2, 11)=                      25              calls=                     324
Ackermann(2, 12)=                      27              calls=                     377

Ackermann(3,  0)=                       5              calls=                      15
Ackermann(3,  1)=                      13              calls=                     106
Ackermann(3,  2)=                      29              calls=                     541
Ackermann(3,  3)=                      61              calls=                    2432
Ackermann(3,  4)=                     125              calls=                   10307
Ackermann(3,  5)=                     253              calls=                   42438
Ackermann(3,  6)=                     509              calls=                  172233
Ackermann(3,  7)=                    1021              calls=                  693964
Ackermann(3,  8)=                    2045              calls=                 2785999


[19] Ackermann-function/ackermann-function-2.rexx

Ackermann(0,  0)=                       1              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  1)=                       2              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  2)=                       3              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  3)=                       4              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  4)=                       5              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  5)=                       6              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  6)=                       7              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  7)=                       8              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  8)=                       9              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  9)=                      10              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 10)=                      11              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 11)=                      12              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 12)=                      13              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 13)=                      14              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 14)=                      15              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 15)=                      16              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 16)=                      17              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 17)=                      18              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 18)=                      19              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 19)=                      20              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 20)=                      21              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 21)=                      22              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 22)=                      23              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 23)=                      24              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 24)=                      25              calls=                       1

Ackermann(1,  0)=                       2              calls=                       2
Ackermann(1,  1)=                       3              calls=                       4
Ackermann(1,  2)=                       4              calls=                       6
Ackermann(1,  3)=                       5              calls=                       8
Ackermann(1,  4)=                       6              calls=                      10
Ackermann(1,  5)=                       7              calls=                      12
Ackermann(1,  6)=                       8              calls=                      14
Ackermann(1,  7)=                       9              calls=                      16
Ackermann(1,  8)=                      10              calls=                      18
Ackermann(1,  9)=                      11              calls=                      20
Ackermann(1, 10)=                      12              calls=                      22
Ackermann(1, 11)=                      13              calls=                      24
Ackermann(1, 12)=                      14              calls=                      26
Ackermann(1, 13)=                      15              calls=                      28
Ackermann(1, 14)=                      16              calls=                      30
Ackermann(1, 15)=                      17              calls=                      32
Ackermann(1, 16)=                      18              calls=                      34
Ackermann(1, 17)=                      19              calls=                      36
Ackermann(1, 18)=                      20              calls=                      38
Ackermann(1, 19)=                      21              calls=                      40
Ackermann(1, 20)=                      22              calls=                      42
Ackermann(1, 21)=                      23              calls=                      44
Ackermann(1, 22)=                      24              calls=                      46
Ackermann(1, 23)=                      25              calls=                      48
Ackermann(1, 24)=                      26              calls=                      50

Ackermann(2,  0)=                       3              calls=                       5
Ackermann(2,  1)=                       5              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2,  2)=                       7              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2,  3)=                       9              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2,  4)=                      11              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2,  5)=                      13              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2,  6)=                      15              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2,  7)=                      17              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2,  8)=                      19              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2,  9)=                      21              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2, 10)=                      23              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2, 11)=                      25              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2, 12)=                      27              calls=                       1

Ackermann(3,  0)=                       5              calls=                       2
Ackermann(3,  1)=                      13              calls=                       4
Ackermann(3,  2)=                      29              calls=                       6
Ackermann(3,  3)=                      61              calls=                       8
Ackermann(3,  4)=                     125              calls=                      10
Ackermann(3,  5)=                     253              calls=                      12
Ackermann(3,  6)=                     509              calls=                      14
Ackermann(3,  7)=                    1021              calls=                      16
Ackermann(3,  8)=                    2045              calls=                      18


[20] Ackermann-function/ackermann-function-3.rexx

Ackermann(0,  0)=                       1              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  1)=                       2              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  2)=                       3              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  3)=                       4              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  4)=                       5              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  5)=                       6              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  6)=                       7              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  7)=                       8              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  8)=                       9              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,  9)=                      10              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 10)=                      11              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 11)=                      12              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 12)=                      13              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 13)=                      14              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 14)=                      15              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 15)=                      16              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 16)=                      17              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 17)=                      18              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 18)=                      19              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 19)=                      20              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 20)=                      21              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 21)=                      22              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 22)=                      23              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 23)=                      24              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 24)=                      25              calls=                       1

Ackermann(1,  0)=                       2              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1,  1)=                       3              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1,  2)=                       4              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1,  3)=                       5              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1,  4)=                       6              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1,  5)=                       7              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1,  6)=                       8              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1,  7)=                       9              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1,  8)=                      10              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1,  9)=                      11              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1, 10)=                      12              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1, 11)=                      13              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1, 12)=                      14              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1, 13)=                      15              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1, 14)=                      16              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1, 15)=                      17              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1, 16)=                      18              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1, 17)=                      19              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1, 18)=                      20              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1, 19)=                      21              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1, 20)=                      22              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1, 21)=                      23              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1, 22)=                      24              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1, 23)=                      25              calls=                       1
Ackermann(1, 24)=                      26              calls=                       1

Ackermann(2,  0)=                       3              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2,  1)=                       5              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2,  2)=                       7              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2,  3)=                       9              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2,  4)=                      11              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2,  5)=                      13              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2,  6)=                      15              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2,  7)=                      17              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2,  8)=                      19              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2,  9)=                      21              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2, 10)=                      23              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2, 11)=                      25              calls=                       1
Ackermann(2, 12)=                      27              calls=                       1

Ackermann(3,  0)=                       5              calls=                       1
Ackermann(3,  1)=                      13              calls=                       1
Ackermann(3,  2)=                      29              calls=                       1
Ackermann(3,  3)=                      61              calls=                       1
Ackermann(3,  4)=                     125              calls=                       1
Ackermann(3,  5)=                     253              calls=                       1
Ackermann(3,  6)=                     509              calls=                       1
Ackermann(3,  7)=                    1021              calls=                       1
Ackermann(3,  8)=                    2045              calls=                       1

Ackermann(4,  0)=                      13              calls=                       1
Ackermann(4,  1)=                   65533              calls=                       1
Ackermann(4,  2)=89506130880933348E+19728              calls=                       1


[21] Active-Directory-Search-for-a-user/active-directory-search-for-a-user.rexx
ldapsearch -s base -H ldap://localhost:11389 -LLL -x -v -s sub -D uid=admin,ou=system -w ******** -b ou=users,o=mojo "(&(objectClass=person)(&(uid=*mil*)))" "dn" "cn" "sn" "uid" 
ldap_initialize( ldap://localhost:11389/??base )
ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)


[23] Align-columns/align-columns-1.rexx
align left:

Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line 
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program             
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each 
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.                               
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left 
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.                     

align right:

      Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
        are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program            
       that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
     column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.                            
   Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
 justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.                    

align center:

   Given        a        text     file    of      many     lines,     where   fields  within    a   line 
    are    delineated     by        a   single  'dollar' character,   write     a    program             
   that      aligns      each    column   of     fields      by     ensuring   that   words    in   each 
  column       are     separated   by     at     least       one     space.                              
 Further,     allow       for     each   word      in         a      column     to      be   either left 
justified,    right   justified,   or   center justified   within      its   column.                     


[24] Align-columns/align-columns-2.rexx

══════════════════════════════════════════════left aligned══════════════════════════════════════════════
Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program            
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.                              
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.                    

═════════════════════════════════════════════right aligned══════════════════════════════════════════════
     Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
       are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program            
      that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
    column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.                            
  Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.                    

═════════════════════════════════════════════center aligned═════════════════════════════════════════════
  Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
   are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program            
   that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
  column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.                             
 Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.                    


[25] Align-columns/align-columns-3.rexx

═══════════════════════════════════════════════left aligned═══════════════════════════════════════════════
│Given     │a         │text      │file  │of    │many     │lines,    │where   │fields │within │a     │line│
│are       │delineated│by        │a     │single│'dollar' │character,│write   │a      │program│      │    │
│that      │aligns    │each      │column│of    │fields   │by        │ensuring│that   │words  │in    │each│
│column    │are       │separated │by    │at    │least    │one       │space.  │       │       │      │    │
│Further,  │allow     │for       │each  │word  │in       │a         │column  │to     │be     │either│left│
│justified,│right     │justified,│or    │center│justified│within    │its     │column.│       │      │    │

══════════════════════════════════════════════right aligned═══════════════════════════════════════════════
│     Given│         a│      text│  file│    of│     many│    lines,│   where│ fields│ within│     a│line│
│       are│delineated│        by│     a│single│ 'dollar'│character,│   write│      a│program│      │    │
│      that│    aligns│      each│column│    of│   fields│        by│ensuring│   that│  words│    in│each│
│    column│       are│ separated│    by│    at│    least│       one│  space.│       │       │      │    │
│  Further,│     allow│       for│  each│  word│       in│         a│  column│     to│     be│either│left│
│justified,│     right│justified,│    or│center│justified│    within│     its│column.│       │      │    │

══════════════════════════════════════════════center aligned══════════════════════════════════════════════
│  Given   │    a     │   text   │ file │  of  │  many   │  lines,  │ where  │fields │within │  a   │line│
│   are    │delineated│    by    │  a   │single│'dollar' │character,│ write  │   a   │program│      │    │
│   that   │  aligns  │   each   │column│  of  │ fields  │    by    │ensuring│ that  │ words │  in  │each│
│  column  │   are    │separated │  by  │  at  │  least  │   one    │ space. │       │       │      │    │
│ Further, │  allow   │   for    │ each │ word │   in    │    a     │ column │  to   │  be   │either│left│
│justified,│  right   │justified,│  or  │center│justified│  within  │  its   │column.│       │      │    │


[26] Aliquot-sequence-classifications/aliquot-sequence-classifications.rexx
════════════════════════════numbers from  1  to  10════════════════════════════
               1 is   terminating   0
               2 is   terminating   1 0
               3 is   terminating   1 0
               4 is   terminating   3 1 0
               5 is   terminating   1 0
               6 is     perfect     6
               7 is   terminating   1 0
               8 is   terminating   7 1 0
               9 is   terminating   4 3 1 0
              10 is   terminating   8 7 1 0

═════════════════════first numbers for each classification═════════════════════
               1 is   terminating   0
               6 is     perfect     6
              25 is    aspiring     6
             138 is non-terminating 150 222 234 312 528 960 2088 3762 5598 6570 10746 13254 13830 19434 20886 21606 25098 26742 26754
             220 is    amicable     284 220
             562 is     cyclic      284 220 284
           12496 is    sociable     14288 15472 14536 14264 12496

═════════════════════classifications for specific numbers══════════════════════
              11 is   terminating   1 0
              12 is   terminating   16 15 9 4 3 1 0
              28 is     perfect     28
             496 is     perfect     496
             220 is    amicable     284 220
            1184 is    amicable     1210 1184
           12496 is    sociable     14288 15472 14536 14264 12496
         1264460 is     cyclic      1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460 1547860
             790 is    aspiring     650 652 496
             909 is    aspiring     417 143 25 6
             562 is     cyclic      284 220 284
            1064 is     cyclic      1336 1184 1210 1184
            1488 is non-terminating 2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720 236592 459792 881392 882384 1474608 2461648 3172912 3173904
  15355717786080 is NON-TERMINATING 44534663601120 144940087464480


[27] Almost-prime/almost-prime-1.rexx
1─almost (10) primes: 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29
2─almost (10) primes: 4 6 9 10 14 15 21 22 25 26
3─almost (10) primes: 8 12 18 20 27 28 30 42 44 45
4─almost (10) primes: 16 24 36 40 54 56 60 81 84 88
5─almost (10) primes: 32 48 72 80 108 112 120 162 168 176


[28] Almost-prime/almost-prime-2.rexx
The highest prime computed:  157  (under the limit of  160).

1─almost (10) primes:  2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29
2─almost (10) primes:  4 6 9 10 14 15 21 22 25 26
3─almost (10) primes:  8 12 18 20 27 28 30 42 44 45
4─almost (10) primes:  16 24 36 40 54 56 60 81 84 88
5─almost (10) primes:  32 48 72 80 108 112 120 162 168 176


[29] Amb/amb-1.rexx
that thing grows slowly


[30] Amb/amb-2.rexx
the  frog     walked  slowly
that elephant treaded quickly
a    thing    grows
if            trots

--> the elephant trots slowly
--> that thing grows slowly
--> if frog grows slowly


[32] Amicable-pairs/amicable-pairs-2.rexx
  220  and    284  are an amicable pair.
 1184  and   1210  are an amicable pair.
 2620  and   2924  are an amicable pair.
 5020  and   5564  are an amicable pair.
 6232  and   6368  are an amicable pair.
10744  and  10856  are an amicable pair.
12285  and  14595  are an amicable pair.
17296  and  18416  are an amicable pair.

8 amicable pairs found up to 20000


[33] Amicable-pairs/amicable-pairs-3.rexx
  220  and    284  are an amicable pair.
 1184  and   1210  are an amicable pair.
 2620  and   2924  are an amicable pair.
 5020  and   5564  are an amicable pair.
 6232  and   6368  are an amicable pair.
10744  and  10856  are an amicable pair.
12285  and  14595  are an amicable pair.
17296  and  18416  are an amicable pair.

8 amicable pairs found up to 20000


[34] Amicable-pairs/amicable-pairs-4.rexx
  220  and    284  are an amicable pair.
 1184  and   1210  are an amicable pair.
 2620  and   2924  are an amicable pair.
 5020  and   5564  are an amicable pair.
 6232  and   6368  are an amicable pair.
10744  and  10856  are an amicable pair.
12285  and  14595  are an amicable pair.
17296  and  18416  are an amicable pair.

8 amicable pairs found up to 20000


[35] Amicable-pairs/amicable-pairs-5.rexx
 5020  and   5564  are an amicable pair.
17296  and  18416  are an amicable pair.

2 amicable pairs found up to 20000


[36] Anagrams-Deranged-anagrams/anagrams-deranged-anagrams.rexx
────────────────────────────── 0 usable words in the dictionary file:  unixdict.txt


[37] Anagrams/anagrams-1.rexx
───────────────────────── 0 usable words in the dictionary file:  unixdict.txt

───── Found 0 words  (each of which have -1 anagrams).


[38] Anagrams/anagrams-2.rexx
───────────────────────── 0 usable words in the dictionary file:  unixdict.txt

───── Found 0 words  (each of which have -1 anagrams).


[39] Anagrams/anagrams-3.rexx


[40] Anagrams/anagrams-4.rexx
L= 9


[41] Anagrams/anagrams-5.rexx
---------- 0 words in the dictionary file:  unixdict.txt
           0 thereof are anagram candidates
There are 1 set(s) of anagrams with 0 elements each:


[42] Anagrams/anagrams-6.rexx
---------- 0 words in the dictionary file:  unixdict.txt
           0 thereof are anagram candidates
There are 1 set(s) of anagrams with 0 elements each:


[44] Anonymous-recursion/anonymous-recursion-1.rexx
fibonacci( 0) = 0
fibonacci( 1) = 1
fibonacci( 2) = 1
fibonacci( 3) = 2
fibonacci( 4) = 3
fibonacci( 5) = 5
fibonacci( 6) = 8
fibonacci( 7) = 13
fibonacci( 8) = 21
fibonacci( 9) = 34
fibonacci(10) = 55
fibonacci(11) = 89
fibonacci(12) = 144


[45] Anonymous-recursion/anonymous-recursion-2.rexx
fibonacci( 0) = 0
fibonacci( 1) = 1
fibonacci( 2) = 1
fibonacci( 3) = 2
fibonacci( 4) = 3
fibonacci( 5) = 5
fibonacci( 6) = 8
fibonacci( 7) = 13
fibonacci( 8) = 21
fibonacci( 9) = 34
fibonacci(10) = 55
fibonacci(11) = 89
fibonacci(12) = 144


[46] Append-a-record-to-the-end-of-a-text-file/append-a-record-to-the-end-of-a-text-file.rexx


[47] Apply-a-callback-to-an-array/apply-a-callback-to-an-array.rexx
before a.0=0
before a.1=1
before a.2=2
before a.3=3
before a.4=4
before a.5=5
before a.6=6
before a.7=7
before a.8=8
before a.9=9
before a.10=10

 after a.0=0
 after a.1=1
 after a.2=2
 after a.3=3
 after a.4=4
 after a.5=5
 after a.6=6
 after a.7=7
 after a.8=8
 after a.9=9
 after a.10=10

 after b.0=1
 after b.1=1
 after b.2=2
 after b.3=6
 after b.4=24
 after b.5=120
 after b.6=720
 after b.7=5040
 after b.8=40320
 after b.9=362880
 after b.10=3628800


[50] Arena-storage-pool/arena-storage-pool.rexx


[51] Arithmetic-Complex/arithmetic-complex.rexx
      addition:    (5,3i)  +  ( .5,  6j)  =  [5.5,9j]
   subtraction:    (5,3i)  -  ( .5,  6j)  =  [4.5,-3j]
multiplication:    (5,3i)  *  ( .5,  6j)  =  [-15.5,31.5j]
      division:    (5,3i)  ÷  ( .5,  6j)  =  [0.565517241,-0.786206897j]
       inverse:    (5,3i)                          =  [0.147058824,-0.0882352941j]
  conjugate of:    (5,3i)                          =  [5,-3j]
   negation of:    (5,3i)                          =  [-5,-3j]


[52] Arithmetic-Integer/arithmetic-integer.rexx
─────Enter two integer values  (separated by blanks):
                 addition  100  +   200  ───►  300 
              subtraction  100  -   200  ───►  -100 
           multiplication  100  *   200  ───►  20000 
            int  division  100  %   200  ───►  0     [rounds down]
            real division  100  /   200  ───►  0.5 
       division remainder  100  //  200  ───►  100     [sign from 1st operand]
                    power  100  **  200  ───►  1E+400 
                 addition  200  +   100  ───►  300 
              subtraction  200  -   100  ───►  100 
           multiplication  200  *   100  ───►  20000 
            int  division  200  %   100  ───►  2     [rounds down]
            real division  200  /   100  ───►  2 
       division remainder  200  //  100  ───►  0     [sign from 1st operand]
                    power  200  **  100  ───►  1.2676506002282294015E+230 


[54] Arithmetic-evaluation/arithmetic-evaluation.rexx
answer──► 0.333333333


[55] Arithmetic-geometric-mean-Calculate-Pi/arithmetic-geometric-mean-calculate-pi-1.rexx


[56] Arithmetic-geometric-mean-Calculate-Pi/arithmetic-geometric-mean-calculate-pi-2.rexx
         iteration 1         1 digits
         iteration 2         4 digits
         iteration 3         7 digits
         iteration 4        12 digits
         iteration 5        23 digits
         iteration 6        46 digits
         iteration 7        89 digits
         iteration 8       175 digits
         iteration 9       351 digits
        iteration 10       500 digits



[57] Arithmetic-geometric-mean-Calculate-Pi/arithmetic-geometric-mean-calculate-pi-3.rexx
10 3.141592654
11 3.1415926536
12 3.14159265359
13 3.141592653590
1000 3.141...20199
1001 3.141...201989
1002 3.141...2019894
1003 3.141...20198938
1004 3.141...201989381
1005 3.141...2019893810


[58] Arithmetic-geometric-mean/arithmetic-geometric-mean.rexx
1st # = 1
2nd # = 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847403658833986899536623923105351942519376716382078636750692312
  AGM = 0.84721308479397908660649912348219163648144591032694218506057937265973400483413475972320029399461122994212228563


[59] Array-concatenation/array-concatenation-1.rexx


[60] Array-concatenation/array-concatenation-2.rexx


[61] Array-concatenation/array-concatenation-3.rexx
elements= 23



[62] Arrays/arrays-1.rexx
element 50 is: -50000
element 3000 is: not found


[63] Arrays/arrays-2.rexx
element 50 is: -5000
element 3000 is: not found


[64] Arrays/arrays-3.rexx
element 50 is: -5000
element 3000 is: 00


[65] Arrays/arrays-4.rexx
-7 squared is: 49
7000 squared is: out of range


[66] Arrays/arrays-5.rexx
DOB 1946 is: 1946 AD
DOB 1744 is: year not supported


[67] Arrays/arrays-6.rexx


[68] Assertions/assertions-1.rexx
Assertion fails in line 8
expected: 42
   found: 11
  Call assert x.i,42
Look around
       +++ "DARWIN COMMAND /Users/Shared/local/RosettaCodeData/git/Lang/REXX/Assertions/assertions-1.rexx"
    20 *-*           Nop
+++ Interactive trace. "Trace Off" to end debug, ENTER to continue. +++
    21 *-*           Signal Syntax
    24 *-* Syntax:
    24 *-* Say 'program terminated'
       >>>   "program terminated"
program terminated


[69] Assertions/assertions-2.rexx

===== ASSERT failure in REXX line 8, the statement is:
===== call assert (b > 0)

===== ASSERT failure in REXX line 10, the statement is:
===== call assert (zee = a  &  zee>b)


[70] Associative-array-Creation/associative-array-creation-1.rexx
stem.key0= .
stem.key1= value0


[71] Associative-array-Creation/associative-array-creation-2.rexx
capital of California is Sacramento
capital of Oklahoma is  [not defined yet] 
capital of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations is Providence


[72] Associative-array-Iteration/associative-array-iteration.rexx
the former capital of  (AL)  Alabama         was  Tuscaloosa
the former capital of  (CA)  California      was  Benicia
the former capital of  (CO)  Colorado        was  Denver City
the former capital of  (CT)  Connecticut     was  Hartford and New Haven  (jointly)
the former capital of  (DE)  Delaware        was  New-Castle
the former capital of  (GA)  Georgia         was  Milledgeville
the former capital of  (IL)  Illinois        was  Vandalia
the former capital of  (IN)  Indiana         was  Corydon
the former capital of  (IA)  Iowa            was  Iowa City
the former capital of  (LA)  Louisiana       was  New Orleans
the former capital of  (ME)  Maine           was  Portland
the former capital of  (MI)  Michigan        was  Detroit
the former capital of  (MS)  Mississippi     was  Natchez
the former capital of  (MO)  Missouri        was  Saint Charles
the former capital of  (MT)  Montana         was  Virginia City
the former capital of  (NE)  Nebraska        was  Lancaster
the former capital of  (NH)  New Hampshire   was  Exeter
the former capital of  (NY)  New York        was  New York
the former capital of  (NC)  North Carolina  was  Fayetteville
the former capital of  (OH)  Ohio            was  Chillicothe
the former capital of  (OK)  Oklahoma        was  Guthrie
the former capital of  (PA)  Pennsylvania    was  Lancaster
the former capital of  (SC)  South Carolina  was  Charlestown
the former capital of  (TN)  Tennessee       was  Murfreesboro
the former capital of  (VT)  Vermont         was  Windsor


[74] Averages-Arithmetic-mean/averages-arithmetic-mean.rexx
       numbers =  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
       average =  5.5
       numbers =  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 .11
       average =  3.674
       numbers =  10 20 30 40 50  -100  4.7  -11e2
       average =  -130.6625
       numbers =  1 2 3 4  five  6 7 8 9  10.1.  ±2
                                         ***error***  non-numeric:  five
                                         ***error***  non-numeric:  10.1.
                                         ***error***  non-numeric:  ±2
       average =  5
       numbers =  World War I  &  World War II
                                         ***error***  non-numeric:  World
                                         ***error***  non-numeric:  War
                                         ***error***  non-numeric:  I
                                         ***error***  non-numeric:  &
                                         ***error***  non-numeric:  World
                                         ***error***  non-numeric:  War
                                         ***error***  non-numeric:  II
       average =  N/A: ───[no numeric values.]
       numbers =  
       average =  N/A: ───[null vector.]


[75] Averages-Mean-angle/averages-mean-angle.rexx
angles=350 10                  mean angle=    0
angles=90 180 270 360          mean angle=    0
angles=10 20 30                mean angle=   20


[76] Averages-Mean-time-of-day/averages-mean-time-of-day.rexx


[77] Averages-Median/averages-median.rexx
vector 1 9 2 4
median──────► 3

vector 3 1 4 1 5 9 7 6
median──────► 4.5

vector 3 4 1 -8.4 7.2 4 1 1.2
median──────► 2.1

vector -1.2345678E+99 2.3E700
median──────► 1.15E+700


[78] Averages-Mode/averages-mode-1.rexx
vector=1 8 6 0 1 9 4 6 1 9 9 9

vector=1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 10

vector=8 8 8 2 2 2

vector=cat kat Cat emu emu Kat


[79] Averages-Mode/averages-mode-2.rexx
Vector: [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1], Mode(s): [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
Vector: [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0.11], Mode(s): [0]
Vector: [30,10,20,30,40,50,-100,4.7,-11e+2], Mode(s): [30]
Vector: [30,10,20,30,40,50,-100,4.7,-11e+2,-11e+2], Mode(s): [30,-11e+2]
Vector: [1,8,6,0,1,9,4,6,1,9,9,9], Mode(s): [9]
Vector: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], Mode(s): [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
Vector: [8,8,8,2,2,2], Mode(s): [8,2]
Vector: [cat,kat,Cat,emu,emu,Kat], Mode(s): [emu]
Vector: [0,1,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,1,0], Mode(s): [4]
Vector: [2,7,1,8,2], Mode(s): [2]
Vector: [2,7,1,8,2,8], Mode(s): [2,8]
Vector: [E,n,z,y,k,l,o,p,ä,d,i,e], Mode(s): [E,n,z,y,k,l,o,p,ä,d,i,e]
Vector: [E,n,z,y,k,l,o,p,ä,d,i,e,ä], Mode(s): [ä]
Vector: [3,1,4,1,5,9,7,6], Mode(s): [1]
Vector: [3,1,4,1,5,9,7,6,3], Mode(s): [1,3]
Vector: [1,3,6,6,6,6,7,7,12,12,17], Mode(s): [6]
Vector: [1,1,2,4,4], Mode(s): [1,4]


[80] Averages-Pythagorean-means/averages-pythagorean-means.rexx
 list = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Amean = 5.5
Gmean = 4.5287286881167647622
Hmean = 3.4141715214740550062


[81] Averages-Root-mean-square/averages-root-mean-square.rexx
root mean square for 1──►10 is:  6.204836823


[82] Averages-Simple-moving-average/averages-simple-moving-average.rexx
  number    SMA with period 3   SMA with period 5
 ────────  ─────────────────── ───────────────────
    1            1                   1                  
    2            1.5                 1.5                
    3            2                   2                  
    4            3                   2.5                
    5            4                   3                  
    5            4.66666667          3.8                
    4            4.66666667          4.2                
    3            4                   4.2                
    2            3                   3.8                
    1            2                   3                  


[83] Balanced-brackets/balanced-brackets-1.rexx
OK «null»
OK [][][][[]]
                                            not OK [][][][[]]][
                                            not OK [
                                            not OK ]
OK []
                                            not OK ][
                                            not OK ][][
OK [[]]
OK [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
                                            not OK [[[[[]]]][]
OK [][]
                                            not OK []][[]
                                            not OK ]]][[[[]
                                            not OK ][][][][
                                            not OK ][[]][[]][[]
                                            not OK ][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]
                                            not OK []][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][
                                            not OK ][[]
OK [][][][]
                                            not OK []][
                                            not OK ][][][][][][][][][][][][
                                            not OK []][[]][[]][[]][
                                            not OK ][[]][[]
                                            not OK ][][][][][][][][][][
                                            not OK ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
                                            not OK ][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]
                                            not OK ][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]
                                            not OK []][[]][
OK [][][][][][][][][][][][]
OK [][][][][][][][]
                                            not OK []][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][
                                            not OK ][][][][][][
                                            not OK ][][][][][][][][
                                            not OK ][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]
                                            not OK ][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]
OK [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
                                            not OK ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
                                            not OK ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
                                            not OK []][[]][[]][


[84] Balanced-brackets/balanced-brackets-2.rexx
 1 10   balanced [][][][[]]
 2 12 unbalanced [][][][[]]][
 3  1 unbalanced [
 4  1 unbalanced ]
 5  2   balanced []
 6  2 unbalanced ][
 7  4 unbalanced ][][
 8  4   balanced [[]]
 9 14   balanced [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
10 11 unbalanced [[[[[]]]][]
11  4   balanced [][]
12  6 unbalanced []][[]
13  8 unbalanced ]]][[[[]
14  1 unbalanced ]
15  1 unbalanced [
16 20 unbalanced ][][][][][][][][][][
17 12   balanced [][][][][][]
18 20 unbalanced ][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]
19 16   balanced [][][][][][][][]
20 20   balanced [][][][][][][][][][]
21 24 unbalanced ][][][][][][][][][][][][
22  4 unbalanced ][[]
23  4 unbalanced []][
24 32 unbalanced []][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][
25 32 unbalanced ][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]
26 32   balanced [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
27  8 unbalanced ][][][][
28  8 unbalanced ][[]][[]
29 24 unbalanced ][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]
30 16 unbalanced []][[]][[]][[]][


[85] Balanced-brackets/balanced-brackets-3.rexx
125476  expressions were checked,  23713  were balanced,  101763  were unbalanced.


[86] Balanced-ternary/balanced-ternary.rexx
   [a]                 +-0++0+ balanced ternary =       523 (decimal)
   [b]                 -++-0-- balanced ternary =      -436 (decimal)
   [c]                   +-++- balanced ternary =        65 (decimal)

[a*(b-c)]         ----0+--0++0 balanced ternary =   -262023 (decimal)


[87] Benfords-law/benfords-law.rexx

     digit       observed       expected 
    ───────     ──────────     ──────────     Benford's law applied to 1000 Fibonacci numbers
       1          0.301         0.301030 
       2          0.177         0.176091 
       3          0.125         0.124939 
       4          0.096         0.096910 
       5          0.080         0.079181 
       6          0.067         0.066947 
       7          0.056         0.057992 
       8          0.053         0.051153 
       9          0.045         0.045757 

     digit       observed       expected 
    ───────     ──────────     ──────────     Benford's law applied to 1000 factorial products
       1          0.293         0.301030 
       2          0.176         0.176091 
       3          0.124         0.124939 
       4          0.102         0.096910 
       5          0.069         0.079181 
       6          0.087         0.066947 
       7          0.051         0.057992 
       8          0.051         0.051153 
       9          0.047         0.045757 


[88] Bernoulli-numbers/bernoulli-numbers.rexx
B(n)                    Bernoulli number expressed as a fraction                    
──── ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
   0                                                                               1/1
   1                                                                              -1/2
   2                                                                               1/6
   4                                                                              -1/30
   6                                                                               1/42
   8                                                                              -1/30
  10                                                                               5/66
  12                                                                            -691/2730
  14                                                                               7/6
  16                                                                           -3617/510
  18                                                                           43867/798
  20                                                                         -174611/330
  22                                                                          854513/138
  24                                                                      -236364091/2730
  26                                                                         8553103/6
  28                                                                    -23749461029/870
  30                                                                   8615841276005/14322
  32                                                                  -7709321041217/510
  34                                                                   2577687858367/6
  36                                                           -26315271553053477373/1919190
  38                                                                2929993913841559/6
  40                                                          -261082718496449122051/13530
  42                                                          1520097643918070802691/1806
  44                                                        -27833269579301024235023/690
  46                                                        596451111593912163277961/282
  48                                                   -5609403368997817686249127547/46410
  50                                                     495057205241079648212477525/66
  52                                                 -801165718135489957347924991853/1590
  54                                                29149963634884862421418123812691/798
  56                                             -2479392929313226753685415739663229/870
  58                                             84483613348880041862046775994036021/354
  60                                    -1215233140483755572040304994079820246041491/56786730


[89] Best-shuffle/best-shuffle-1.rexx
original: tree                 new: eert                 count: 0
original: abracadabra          new: baaracadrab          count: 0
original: seesaw               new: eswase               count: 0
original: elk                  new: lke                  count: 0
original: grrrrrr              new: rrrrrrg              count: 5
original: up                   new: pu                   count: 0
original: a                    new: a                    count: 1


[93] Best-shuffle/best-shuffle.rexx
       original: tree                 new: eert                 score: 0
       original: abracadabra          new: baaracadrab          score: 0
       original: seesaw               new: eswase               score: 0
       original: elk                  new: lke                  score: 0
       original: grrrrrr              new: rrrrrrg              score: 5
       original: up                   new: pu                   score: 0
       original: a                    new: a                    score: 1


[94] Binary-digits/binary-digits-1.rexx
                   0 decimal, and in binary: 0
                   5 decimal, and in binary: 101
                  50 decimal, and in binary: 110010
                9000 decimal, and in binary: 10001100101000


[95] Binary-digits/binary-digits-2.rexx
                   0 decimal, and in binary: 0
                   5 decimal, and in binary: 101
                  50 decimal, and in binary: 110010
                9000 decimal, and in binary: 10001100101000


[96] Binary-digits/binary-digits-3.rexx
                   0 decimal, and in binary: 0
                   5 decimal, and in binary: 101
                  50 decimal, and in binary: 110010
                9000 decimal, and in binary: 10001100101000


[97] Binary-digits/binary-digits-4.rexx


[98] Binary-search/binary-search-1.rexx
269  wasn't found in the list.


[99] Binary-search/binary-search-2.rexx
arithmetic mean of the  79  values is:  508

823  is in the list, its index is:  66


[100] Binary-strings/binary-strings.rexx


[101] Bitmap-Bresenhams-line-algorithm/bitmap-bresenhams-line-algorithm-1.rexx


[102] Bitmap-Bresenhams-line-algorithm/bitmap-bresenhams-line-algorithm-2.rexx
11 ..|.......
10 ..|.....X.
 9 ..|....X..
 8 ..|....X..
 7 ..|...X...
 6 ..|...X...
 5 ..|..X....
 4 ..|..X....
 3 ..|.X.....
 2 ..|.X.....
 1 ..|X......
 0 --+X------
-1 ..X.......
-2 ..X.......
-3 .X|.......
-4 ..|.......


[103] Bitmap-Flood-fill/bitmap-flood-fill.rexx


[104] Bitmap-Midpoint-circle-algorithm/bitmap-midpoint-circle-algorithm.rexx


[105] Bitmap-Read-a-PPM-file/bitmap-read-a-ppm-file.rexx
File  greyscale.ppm  was created.


[106] Bitmap-Write-a-PPM-file/bitmap-write-a-ppm-file.rexx


[107] Bitmap/bitmap-1.rexx
(10,40)  pixel in binary:  000000000000000011111111
(10,40)  pixel in binary:  00000000 00000000 11111111

(10,40)  pixel in hex:     0000FF
(10,40)  pixel in hex:     00 00 FF

The file  image.PPM  was created.


[108] Bitmap/bitmap-2.rexx
bash: erase: command not found
     5 *-* 'erase' oid
       >>>   "erase pic.bmp"
       +++   "RC(127)"
lend: 600 -> 58020000 => 600
lend: 300 -> 2C010000 => 300
100 100 180 180 00FF00
100 100 160 160 FF0000
color at pixel 97/98=FF0000
color at pixel 98/98=FFFFFF


[109] Bitwise-IO/bitwise-io-1.rexx
                                            000000 padding


[110] Bitwise-IO/bitwise-io-2.rexx
   input string= STRING
 encoded string= 101001110101001010010100100110011101000111000000
 decoded string= STRING


[111] Bitwise-operations/bitwise-operations.rexx
 decimal    value                          bits                       
───────── ───────── ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
       21     A                                                  10101
        3     B                                                     11
        1   A & B                                                    1
       23   A | B                                                10111
       22  A && B                                                10110
       10   ¬ A                                                  1010
      168  A [«B]                                            10101000
        2  A [»B]                                                  10


[112] Boolean-values/boolean-values-1.rexx


[113] Boolean-values/boolean-values-2.rexx


[114] Boolean-values/boolean-values-3.rexx


[115] Boolean-values/boolean-values-4.rexx


[117] Boolean-values/boolean-values-6.rexx


[118] Box-the-compass/box-the-compass.rexx
                      �heading   compass heading   
      ════════ ════════════════════
                        0.00�   north
                       16.87�   north by east
                       16.88�   north-northeast
                       33.75�   northeast by north
                       50.62�   northeast
                       50.63�   northeast by east
                       67.50�   east-northeast
                       84.37�   east by north
                       84.38�   east
                      101.25�   east by south
                      118.12�   east-southeast
                      118.13�   southeast by east
                      135.00�   southeast
                      151.87�   southeast by south
                      151.88�   south-southeast
                      168.75�   south by east
                      185.62�   south
                      185.63�   south by west
                      202.50�   south-southwest
                      219.37�   southwest by south
                      219.38�   southwest
                      236.25�   southwest by west
                      253.12�   west-southwest
                      253.13�   west by south
                      270.00�   west
                      286.87�   west by north
                      286.88�   west-northwest
                      303.75�   northwest by west
                      320.62�   northwest
                      320.63�   northwest by north
                      337.50�   north-northwest
                      354.37�   north by west
                      354.38�   north


[119] Brownian-tree/brownian-tree.rexx
    22 *-*     _=scrsize()         /*Note: not all REXXes have SCRSIZE BIF*/
REX0043E: Error 43 running /Users/Shared/local/RosettaCodeData/git/Lang/REXX/Brownian-tree/brownian-tree.rexx line 22:  Routine not found.
REX0417E: Error 43.1:  Could not find routine "SCRSIZE"


[120] Bulls-and-cows-Player/bulls-and-cows-player.rexx

───── How many bulls and cows were guessed with  3462  ?            [─── or QUIT]

───── How many bulls and cows were guessed with  9642  ?            [─── or QUIT]


[121] Bulls-and-cows/bulls-and-cows-1.rexx

──────── [Bulls & Cows]   Please enter a 4-digit guess (with no zeroes)   [or Quit]:

──────── [Bulls & Cows]   You got 1 bull and 1 cow.

──────── [Bulls & Cows]   Please enter a 4-digit guess (with no zeroes)   [or Quit]:


[122] Bulls-and-cows/bulls-and-cows-2.rexx
<Bulls & Cows game>   Please enter a four-digit guess  (or QUIT):
You got 0 bulls and 2 cows.
<Bulls & Cows game>   Please enter a four-digit guess  (or QUIT):


[123] CRC-32/crc-32.rexx

══════════════════════ input string [length of 43 bytes] ══════════════════════
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

hex CRC─32 checksum = 414FA339                 dec CRC─32 checksum = 1095738169

══════════════════════ input string [length of 46 bytes] ══════════════════════
Generate CRC32 Checksum For Byte Array Example

hex CRC─32 checksum = D1370232                 dec CRC─32 checksum = 3510043186


[124] CSV-data-manipulation/csv-data-manipulation-1.rexx
bash: erase: command not found
    21 *-* 'erase' csv
       >>>   "erase in.csv"
       +++   "RC(127)"


[125] CSV-data-manipulation/csv-data-manipulation-2.rexx
1  records read from:  CSV_SUM.DAT


[126] CSV-to-HTML-translation/csv-to-html-translation.rexx


[127] Caesar-cipher/caesar-cipher-1.rexx
Caesar cypher key: 22


[128] Caesar-cipher/caesar-cipher-2.rexx
Caesar cypher key: 31
       plain text: Batman's hood is called a "cowl" (old meaning).
         cyphered: g5%>5'I$e{~~8e}$e75<<98e5eV7~*<VeA~<8e>95'}')BZ
       uncyphered: Batman's hood is called a "cowl" (old meaning).


[129] Calendar/calendar.rexx
     January   1969          February   1969            March   1969     
  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa     Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa     Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 
             1    2                                                      
   6    7    8    9         3    4    5    6         3    4    5    6    
  13   14   15   16        10   11   12   13        10   11   12   13    
  20   21   22   23        17   18   19   20        17   18   19   20    
  27   28   29   30        24   25   26   27        24   25   26   27    
      April   1969              May   1969              June   1969      
  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa     Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa     Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 
        1    2    3                        1         2    3    4    5    
   7    8    9   10         5    6    7    8         9   10   11   12    
  14   15   16   17        12   13   14   15        16   17   18   19    
  21   22   23   24        19   20   21   22        23   24   25   26    
  28   29   30             26   27   28   29        30                   
      July   1969             August   1969           September   1969   
  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa     Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa     Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 
        1    2    3                                  1    2    3    4    
   7    8    9   10         4    5    6    7         8    9   10   11    
  14   15   16   17        11   12   13   14        15   16   17   18    
  21   22   23   24        18   19   20   21        22   23   24   25    
  28   29   30   31        25   26   27   28        29   30              
     October   1969          November   1969          December   1969    
  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa     Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa     Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 
             1    2                                  1    2    3    4    
   6    7    8    9         3    4    5    6         8    9   10   11    
  13   14   15   16        10   11   12   13        15   16   17   18    
  20   21   22   23        17   18   19   20        22   23   24   25    
  27   28   29   30        24   25   26   27        29   30   31         


[130] Calendar---for-REAL-programmers/calendar---for-real-programmers.rexx
REX0043E: Error 43 running /Users/Shared/local/RosettaCodeData/git/Lang/REXX/Calendar---for-REAL-programmers/calendar---for-real-programmers.rexx line 3:  Routine not found.
REX0417E: Error 43.1:  Could not find routine "SCRSIZE"


[131] Calendar/calendar.rexx
 �──────�     �──────�     �──────�     �──────�     �──────�
 �   January   1969   �     �  February   1969   �     �    March   1969    �     �    April   1969    �     �     May   1969     �
 �Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa�     �Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa�     �Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa�     �Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa�     �Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa�
 �─┬──┬─┤     �─┬──┬─┤     �─┬──┬─┤     �─┬──┬─┤     �─┬──┬─┤
 �  │  │ 1│ 2│�     �  │  │  │  │�     �  │  │  │  │�     �  │ 1│ 2│ 3│�     �  │  │  │ 1│�
 �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤
 � 6│ 7│ 8│ 9│�     � 3│ 4│ 5│ 6│�     � 3│ 4│ 5│ 6│�     � 7│ 8│ 9│10│�     � 5│ 6│ 7│ 8│�
 �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤
 �13│14│15│16│�     �10│11│12│13│�     �10│11│12│13│�     �14│15│16│17│�     �12│13│14│15│�
 �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤
 �20│21│22│23│�     �17│18│19│20│�     �17│18│19│20│�     �21│22│23│24│�     �19│20│21│22│�
 �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤
 �27│28│29│30│�     �24│25│26│27│�     �24│25│26│27│�     �28│29│30│  │�     �26│27│28│29│�
 �─┴──┴─┘     �─┴──┴─┘     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┴──┴─┘     �─┴──┴─┘
                                                       �31│  │  │  │�
 �──────�     �──────�     �──────�     �──────�     �──────�
 �    June   1969     �     �    July   1969     �     �   August   1969    �     �  September   1969  �     �   October   1969   �
 �Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa�     �Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa�     �Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa�     �Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa�     �Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa�
 �─┬──┬─┤     �─┬──┬─┤     �─┬──┬─┤     �─┬──┬─┤     �─┬──┬─┤
 � 2│ 3│ 4│ 5│�     �  │ 1│ 2│ 3│�     �  │  │  │  │�     � 1│ 2│ 3│ 4│�     �  │  │ 1│ 2│�
 �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤
 � 9│10│11│12│�     � 7│ 8│ 9│10│�     � 4│ 5│ 6│ 7│�     � 8│ 9│10│11│�     � 6│ 7│ 8│ 9│�
 �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤
 �16│17│18│19│�     �14│15│16│17│�     �11│12│13│14│�     �15│16│17│18│�     �13│14│15│16│�
 �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤
 �23│24│25│26│�     �21│22│23│24│�     �18│19│20│21│�     �22│23│24│25│�     �20│21│22│23│�
 �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤
 �30│  │  │  │�     �28│29│30│31│�     �25│26│27│28│�     �29│30│  │  │�     �27│28│29│30│�
 �─┴──┴─┘     �─┴──┴─┘     �─┼──┼─┤     �─┴──┴─┘     �─┴──┴─┘
                                                       �  │  │  │  │�
 �──────�     �──────�
 �  November   1969   �     �  December   1969   �
 �Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa�     �Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa�
 �─┬──┬─┤     �─┬──┬─┤
 �  │  │  │  │�     � 1│ 2│ 3│ 4│�
 �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤
 � 3│ 4│ 5│ 6│�     � 8│ 9│10│11│�
 �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤
 �10│11│12│13│�     �15│16│17│18│�
 �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤
 �17│18│19│20│�     �22│23│24│25│�
 �─┼──┼─┤     �─┼──┼─┤
 �24│25│26│27│�     �29│30│31│  │�
 �─┼──┼─┤     �─┴──┴─┘
 �  │  │  │  │�


[133] Call-a-function-in-a-shared-library/call-a-function-in-a-shared-library.rexx
    11 *-* y=systextscreensize()                  /*Y now contains 2 numbers:  rows cols */
REX0043E: Error 43 running /Users/Shared/local/RosettaCodeData/git/Lang/REXX/Call-a-function-in-a-shared-library/call-a-function-in-a-shared-library.rexx line 11:  Routine not found.
REX0417E: Error 43.1:  Could not find routine "SYSTEXTSCREENSIZE"


[134] Call-a-function/call-a-function-1.rexx
year= 4  


[135] Call-a-function/call-a-function-2.rexx
f1 doesn't need an argument
f2: Sum of 3 arguments: 6
f2: Invalid invocation: 4 arguments. Needed: 3
f3: Argument 2 omitted
f3: Argument 3 omitted
f3 sum= 5
f4: Sum of 2 arguments is 3
f4: Sum of 3 arguments is 6
f5: Argument 1 (A) contains 4700
f5: Argument 2 (B) contains 11
f5: sum=4711
f6: dir ft.rex
bash: dir: command not found
    31 *-* f6()  /* returned value is used as command */
       >>>   "dir ft.rex"
       +++   "RC(127)"
f7 returns 7
f8 returns arg(1)+arg(2)
f8 returns arg(1)+arg(2)
3 = 3
date is my date function
20230531 05/31/2023
fa returns arg(1)+arg(2)
fa returns arg(1)+arg(2)
33 = 3
fb: 1,2
fb: 1,2
Syntax raised in line 39
rc=44 (Function or message did not return data.)
fb cannot be invoked as function (it does not return a value


[136] Carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes/carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes-1.rexx
Carmichael number:  3∙11∙17
Carmichael number:  5∙13∙17 5∙17∙29 5∙29∙73
Carmichael number:  7∙13∙19 7∙19∙67 7∙23∙41 7∙31∙73 7∙73∙103
Carmichael number:  13∙37∙61 13∙61∙397 13∙97∙421
Carmichael number:  17∙41∙233 17∙353∙1201
Carmichael number:  19∙43∙409 19∙199∙271
Carmichael number:  23∙199∙353
Carmichael number:  29∙113∙1093 29∙197∙953
Carmichael number:  31∙61∙211 31∙151∙1171 31∙181∙331 31∙271∙601 31∙991∙15361
Carmichael number:  37∙73∙109 37∙109∙2017 37∙613∙1621
Carmichael number:  41∙61∙101 41∙73∙137 41∙101∙461 41∙241∙521 41∙881∙12041 41∙1721∙35281
Carmichael number:  43∙127∙211 43∙211∙337 43∙271∙5827 43∙433∙643 43∙547∙673 43∙631∙1597 43∙3361∙3907
Carmichael number:  47∙1151∙1933 47∙3359∙6073 47∙3727∙5153
Carmichael number:  53∙79∙599 53∙157∙521
Carmichael number:  59∙1451∙2089
Carmichael number:  61∙181∙1381 61∙241∙421 61∙271∙571 61∙277∙2113 61∙421∙12841 61∙541∙3001 61∙661∙2521 61∙1301∙19841 61∙3361∙4021

────────  69  Carmichael numbers found.


[137] Carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes/carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes-2.rexx
Carmichael number:  3∙11∙17
Carmichael number:  5∙13∙17 5∙17∙29 5∙29∙73
Carmichael number:  7∙13∙19 7∙19∙67 7∙23∙41 7∙31∙73 7∙73∙103
Carmichael number:  13∙37∙61 13∙61∙397 13∙97∙421
Carmichael number:  17∙41∙233 17∙353∙1201
Carmichael number:  19∙43∙409 19∙199∙271
Carmichael number:  23∙199∙353
Carmichael number:  29∙113∙1093 29∙197∙953
Carmichael number:  31∙61∙211 31∙151∙1171 31∙181∙331 31∙271∙601 31∙991∙15361
Carmichael number:  37∙73∙109 37∙109∙2017 37∙613∙1621
Carmichael number:  41∙61∙101 41∙73∙137 41∙101∙461 41∙241∙521 41∙881∙12041 41∙1721∙35281
Carmichael number:  43∙127∙211 43∙211∙337 43∙271∙5827 43∙433∙643 43∙547∙673 43∙631∙1597 43∙3361∙3907
Carmichael number:  47∙1151∙1933 47∙3359∙6073 47∙3727∙5153
Carmichael number:  53∙79∙599 53∙157∙521
Carmichael number:  59∙1451∙2089
Carmichael number:  61∙181∙1381 61∙241∙421 61∙271∙571 61∙277∙2113 61∙421∙12841 61∙541∙3001 61∙661∙2521 61∙1301∙19841 61∙3361∙4021

────────  69  Carmichael numbers found.


[138] Carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes/carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes.rexx
Carmichael number:  3∙11∙17
Carmichael number:  5∙13∙17 5∙17∙29 5∙29∙73
Carmichael number:  7∙13∙19 7∙19∙67 7∙23∙41 7∙31∙73 7∙73∙103
Carmichael number:  13∙37∙61 13∙61∙397 13∙97∙421
Carmichael number:  17∙41∙233 17∙353∙1201
Carmichael number:  19∙43∙409 19∙199∙271
Carmichael number:  23∙199∙353
Carmichael number:  29∙113∙1093 29∙197∙953
Carmichael number:  31∙61∙211 31∙151∙1171 31∙181∙331 31∙271∙601 31∙991∙15361
Carmichael number:  37∙73∙109 37∙109∙2017 37∙613∙1621
Carmichael number:  41∙61∙101 41∙73∙137 41∙101∙461 41∙241∙521 41∙881∙12041 41∙1721∙35281
Carmichael number:  43∙127∙211 43∙211∙337 43∙271∙5827 43∙433∙643 43∙547∙673 43∙631∙1597 43∙3361∙3907
Carmichael number:  47∙1151∙1933 47∙3359∙6073 47∙3727∙5153
Carmichael number:  53∙79∙599 53∙157∙521
Carmichael number:  59∙1451∙2089
Carmichael number:  61∙181∙1381 61∙241∙421 61∙271∙571 61∙277∙2113 61∙421∙12841 61∙541∙3001 61∙661∙2521 61∙1301∙19841 61∙3361∙4021

────────  69  Carmichael numbers found.


[139] Case-sensitivity-of-identifiers/case-sensitivity-of-identifiers-1.rexx
──────using simple variables───────

There is just one dog named: Bernie.


[140] Case-sensitivity-of-identifiers/case-sensitivity-of-identifiers-2.rexx
═════using compound variables══════

dogname.dog= Gunner
dogname.Dog= Thor
dogname.DOG= Jax
dogname.doG= Rex


[141] Casting-out-nines/casting-out-nines.rexx
For 1 through 1000, the following passed the cast-out-9 test:
1 9 10 18 19 27 28 36 37 45 46 54 55 63 64 72 73 81 82 90 91 99 100 108 109 117 118 126 127 135 136 144 145 153 154 162 163 171 172 180 181 189 190 198 199 207 208 216 217 225 226 234 235 243 244 252 253 261 262 270 271 279 280 288 289 297 298 306 307 315 316 324 325 333 334 342 343 351 352 360 361 369 370 378 379 387 388 396 397 405 406 414 415 423 424 432 433 441 442 450 451 459 460 468 469 477 478 486 487 495 496 504 505 513 514 522 523 531 532 540 541 549 550 558 559 567 568 576 577 585 586 594 595 603 604 612 613 621 622 630 631 639 640 648 649 657 658 666 667 675 676 684 685 693 694 702 703 711 712 720 721 729 730 738 739 747 748 756 757 765 766 774 775 783 784 792 793 801 802 810 811 819 820 828 829 837 838 846 847 855 856 864 865 873 874 882 883 891 892 900 901 909 910 918 919 927 928 936 937 945 946 954 955 963 964 972 973 981 982 990 991 999 1000

For 1000 numbers, 223 passed the cast-out-9 test (22.3%) for base 10.

The Kaprekar numbers in the same range are: 1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999

All Kaprekar numbers are in the cast-out-9 test numbers list.


[142] Catalan-numbers-Pascals-triangle/catalan-numbers-pascals-triangle-1.rexx


[143] Catalan-numbers-Pascals-triangle/catalan-numbers-pascals-triangle-2.rexx


[144] Catalan-numbers-Pascals-triangle/catalan-numbers-pascals-triangle-3.rexx


[145] Catalan-numbers-Pascals-triangle/catalan-numbers-pascals-triangle-4.rexx


[146] Catalan-numbers/catalan-numbers-1.rexx

──────────────────────────Catalan numbers, method 1A───────────────────────────
     Catalan  0:  1
     Catalan  1:  1
     Catalan  2:  2
     Catalan  3:  5
     Catalan  4:  14
     Catalan  5:  42
     Catalan  6:  132
     Catalan  7:  429
     Catalan  8:  1430
     Catalan  9:  4862
     Catalan 10:  16796
     Catalan 11:  58786
     Catalan 12:  208012
     Catalan 13:  742900
     Catalan 14:  2674440
     Catalan 15:  9694845

──────────────────────────Catalan numbers, method 1B───────────────────────────
     Catalan  0:  1
     Catalan  1:  1
     Catalan  2:  2
     Catalan  3:  5
     Catalan  4:  14
     Catalan  5:  42
     Catalan  6:  132
     Catalan  7:  429
     Catalan  8:  1430
     Catalan  9:  4862
     Catalan 10:  16796
     Catalan 11:  58786
     Catalan 12:  208012
     Catalan 13:  742900
     Catalan 14:  2674440
     Catalan 15:  9694845

───────────────────────────Catalan numbers, method 2───────────────────────────
     Catalan  0:  1
     Catalan  1:  1
     Catalan  2:  2
     Catalan  3:  5
     Catalan  4:  14
     Catalan  5:  42
     Catalan  6:  132
     Catalan  7:  429
     Catalan  8:  1430
     Catalan  9:  4862
     Catalan 10:  16796
     Catalan 11:  58786
     Catalan 12:  208012
     Catalan 13:  742900
     Catalan 14:  2674440
     Catalan 15:  9694845

───────────────────────────Catalan numbers, method 3───────────────────────────
     Catalan  0:  1
     Catalan  1:  1
     Catalan  2:  2
     Catalan  3:  5
     Catalan  4:  14
     Catalan  5:  42
     Catalan  6:  132
     Catalan  7:  429
     Catalan  8:  1430
     Catalan  9:  4862
     Catalan 10:  16796
     Catalan 11:  58786
     Catalan 12:  208012
     Catalan 13:  742900
     Catalan 14:  2674440
     Catalan 15:  9694845


[147] Catalan-numbers/catalan-numbers-2.rexx
 n       c1.n       c2.n       c3.n
 0          1          1          1
 1          1          1          1
 2          2          2          2
 3          5          5          5
 4         14         14         14
 5         42         42         42
 6        132        132        132
 7        429        429        429
 8       1430       1430       1430
 9       4862       4862       4862
10      16796      16796      16796
11      58786      58786      58786
12     208012     208012     208012
13     742900     742900     742900
14    2674440    2674440    2674440
15    9694845    9694845    9694845
16   35357670   35357670   35357670
17  129644790  129644790  129644790
18  477638700  477638700  477638700
19 1767263190 1767263190 1767263190
20 6564120420 6564120420 6564120420
 n       c1.n       c2.n       c3.n


[148] Catamorphism/catamorphism.rexx
list: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 sum: 55
prod: 3628800
 cat: 12345678910
 min: 1
 max: 10
 avg: 5.5
 GCD: 1
 LCM: 2520


[149] Character-codes/character-codes-1.rexx
from char, yyy code= c
from  hex, yyy code= c
from  hex, yyy code= c
from  bin, yyy code= c
from  dec, yyy code= c

char code:  c
 hex code:  63
 dec code:  99
 bin code:  01100011


[150] Character-codes/character-codes-2.rexx


[151] Check-Machin-like-formulas/check-machin-like-formulas.rexx
════════════════════════════════════  computing with  76  decimal digits  ════════════════════════════════════
 OK:  pi/4 =    atan(1/2)    +    atan(1/3)
 OK:  pi/4 =  2*atan(1/3)    +    atan(1/7)
 OK:  pi/4 =  4*atan(1/5)    -    atan(1/239)
 OK:  pi/4 =  5*atan(1/7)    +  2*atan(3/79)
 OK:  pi/4 =  5*atan(29/278) +  7*atan(3/79)
 OK:  pi/4 =    atan(1/2)    +    atan(1/5)   +    atan(1/8)
 OK:  pi/4 =  4*atan(1/5)    -    atan(1/70)  +    atan(1/99)
 OK:  pi/4 =  5*atan(1/7)    +  4*atan(1/53)  +  2*atan(1/4443)
 OK:  pi/4 =  6*atan(1/8)    +  2*atan(1/57)  +    atan(1/239)
 OK:  pi/4 =  8*atan(1/10)   -    atan(1/239) -  4*atan(1/515)
 OK:  pi/4 = 12*atan(1/18)   +  8*atan(1/57)  -  5*atan(1/239)
 OK:  pi/4 = 16*atan(1/21)   +  3*atan(1/239) +  4*atan(3/1042)
 OK:  pi/4 = 22*atan(1/28)   +  2*atan(1/443) -  5*atan(1/1393) - 10*atan(1/11018)
 OK:  pi/4 = 22*atan(1/38)   + 17*atan(7/601) + 10*atan(7/8149)
 OK:  pi/4 = 44*atan(1/57)   +  7*atan(1/239) - 12*atan(1/682)  + 24*atan(1/12943)
 OK:  pi/4 = 88*atan(1/172)  + 51*atan(1/239) + 32*atan(1/682)  + 44*atan(1/5357)  + 68           *atan(1/12943)
bad:  pi/4 = 88*atan(1/172)  + 51*atan(1/239) + 32*atan(1/682)  + 44*atan(1/5357)  + 68           *atan(1/12944)
bad:  pi/4 = 88*atan(1/172)  + 51*atan(1/239) + 32*atan(1/682)  + 44*atan(1/5357)  + 67.9999999994*atan(1/12943)


[152] Check-that-file-exists/check-that-file-exists-1.rexx

file  input.txt doesn't exist in the current directory
directory docs doesn't exist in the current directory
    21 *-*           call doschdir '\'    /*PC/REXX & Personal REXX version.*/
REX0043E: Error 43 running /Users/Shared/local/RosettaCodeData/git/Lang/REXX/Check-that-file-exists/check-that-file-exists-1.rexx line 21:  Routine not found.
REX0417E: Error 43.1:  Could not find routine "DOSCHDIR"


[153] Check-that-file-exists/check-that-file-exists-2.rexx
     3 *-* IF ~Openfile(filename) THEN CALL Openfile(':'filename)
REX0035E: Error 35 running /Users/Shared/local/RosettaCodeData/git/Lang/REXX/Check-that-file-exists/check-that-file-exists-2.rexx line 3:  Invalid expression.
REX0340E: Error 35.1:  Incorrect expression detected at "~".


[154] Chinese-remainder-theorem/chinese-remainder-theorem-1.rexx
Ns:  3,5,7
As:  2,3,2

found a solution with X= 23


[155] Chinese-remainder-theorem/chinese-remainder-theorem-2.rexx
Ns:  3,5,7
As:  2,3,2

found a solution with X= 23


[156] Cholesky-decomposition/cholesky-decomposition.rexx

═══════════input array═══════════

         25         15         -5
         15         18          0
         -5          0         11

─────────Cholesky factor─────────

          5          0          0
          3          3          0
         -1          1          3

════════════════input array═════════════════

         18         22         54         42
         22         70         86         62
         54         86        174        134
         42         62        134        106

──────────────Cholesky factor───────────────

    4.24264          0          0          0
    5.18545    6.56591          0          0
   12.72792    3.04604    1.64974          0
    9.89949    1.62455    1.84971    1.39262


[157] Circles-of-given-radius-through-two-points/circles-of-given-radius-through-two-points.rexx
    14 *-* 2circ: procedure;
REX0035E: Error 35 running /Users/Shared/local/RosettaCodeData/git/Lang/REXX/Circles-of-given-radius-through-two-points/circles-of-given-radius-through-two-points.rexx line 14:  Invalid expression.
REX0340E: Error 35.1:  Incorrect expression detected at ":".


[158] Closest-pair-problem/closest-pair-problem.rexx
For  100  points, the minimum distance between the two points:   ══x══  ══y══   is:  30.0665928
                                                                [10412,  3130]
                                                                [10410,  3100]


[159] Closures-Value-capture/closures-value-capture.rexx
the zero─based list is:  8 5 4 9 1 3 2 7 6 0
function  .8  returned  0


[160] Collections/collections-1.rexx


[161] Collections/collections-2.rexx


[163] Collections/collections-4.rexx
prime 1 is 2
prime 2 is 3
prime 3 is 5
prime 4 is 7
prime 5 is 11
prime 6 is 13
prime 7 is 17
prime 8 is 19
prime 9 is 23
prime 10 is 29
prime 11 is 31
prime 12 is 37
prime 13 is 41
prime 14 is 43


[164] Collections/collections-5.rexx
# of primes in list: 15
# of primes in the list: 15
prime 1 is: 2
prime 2 is: 3
prime 3 is: 5
prime 4 is: 7
prime 5 is: 11
prime 6 is: 13
prime 7 is: 17
prime 8 is: 19
prime 9 is: 23
prime 10 is: 29
prime 11 is: 31
prime 12 is: 37
prime 13 is: 41
prime 14 is: 43
prime 15 is: 47
The number of primes found in the list is  15
prime 15 is: 2
prime 15 is: 3
prime 15 is: 5
prime 15 is: 7
prime 15 is: 11
prime 15 is: 13
prime 15 is: 17
prime 15 is: 19
prime 15 is: 23
prime 15 is: 29
prime 15 is: 31
prime 15 is: 37
prime 15 is: 41
prime 15 is: 43
prime 15 is: 47
The number of primes found in the list is:  15


[165] Color-of-a-screen-pixel/color-of-a-screen-pixel.rexx
     2 *-* parse value  cursor()  with  r  c  .             /*get cursor's location in DOS screen. */
REX0043E: Error 43 running /Users/Shared/local/RosettaCodeData/git/Lang/REXX/Color-of-a-screen-pixel/color-of-a-screen-pixel.rexx line 2:  Routine not found.
REX0417E: Error 43.1:  Could not find routine "CURSOR"


[166] Colour-bars-Display/colour-bars-display.rexx
     2 *-* parse  value  scrsize()  with sd sw .                 /*the screen depth and width.     */
REX0043E: Error 43 running /Users/Shared/local/RosettaCodeData/git/Lang/REXX/Colour-bars-Display/colour-bars-display.rexx line 2:  Routine not found.
REX0417E: Error 43.1:  Could not find routine "SCRSIZE"


[167] Combinations-and-permutations/combinations-and-permutations.rexx
P(2,1)=2  P(2,2)=2
P(3,1)=3  P(3,2)=6  P(3,3)=6
P(4,1)=4  P(4,2)=12  P(4,3)=24  P(4,4)=24
P(5,1)=5  P(5,2)=20  P(5,3)=60  P(5,4)=120  P(5,5)=120
P(6,1)=6  P(6,2)=30  P(6,3)=120  P(6,4)=360  P(6,5)=720  P(6,6)=720
P(7,1)=7  P(7,2)=42  P(7,3)=210  P(7,4)=840  P(7,5)=2520  P(7,6)=5040  P(7,7)=5040
P(8,1)=8  P(8,2)=56  P(8,3)=336  P(8,4)=1680  P(8,5)=6720  P(8,6)=20160  P(8,7)=40320  P(8,8)=40320
P(9,1)=9  P(9,2)=72  P(9,3)=504  P(9,4)=3024  P(9,5)=15120  P(9,6)=60480  P(9,7)=181440  P(9,8)=362880  P(9,9)=362880
P(10,1)=10  P(10,2)=90  P(10,3)=720  P(10,4)=5040  P(10,5)=30240  P(10,6)=151200  P(10,7)=604800  P(10,8)=1814400  P(10,9)=3628800  P(10,10)=3628800
P(11,1)=11  P(11,2)=110  P(11,3)=990  P(11,4)=7920  P(11,5)=55440  P(11,6)=332640  P(11,7)=1663200  P(11,8)=6652800  P(11,9)=19958400  P(11,10)=39916800  P(11,11)=39916800
P(12,1)=12  P(12,2)=132  P(12,3)=1320  P(12,4)=11880  P(12,5)=95040  P(12,6)=665280  P(12,7)=3991680  P(12,8)=19958400  P(12,9)=79833600  P(12,10)=239500800  P(12,11)=479001600  P(12,12)=479001600

C(10,1)=10  C(10,3)=120  C(10,5)=252  C(10,7)=120  C(10,9)=10
C(20,1)=20  C(20,5)=15504  C(20,9)=167960  C(20,13)=77520  C(20,17)=1140
C(30,1)=30  C(30,7)=2035800  C(30,13)=119759850  C(30,19)=54627300  C(30,25)=142506
C(40,1)=40  C(40,9)=273438880  C(40,17)=88732378800  C(40,25)=40225345056  C(40,33)=18643560
C(50,1)=50  C(50,11)=37353738800  C(50,21)=67327446062800  C(50,31)=30405943383200  C(50,41)=2505433700
C(60,1)=60  C(60,13)=5166863427600  C(60,25)=51915437974328292  C(60,37)=23385332420868600  C(60,49)=342700125300

P(5,1)=5  P(5,1)=5  P(5,1)=5  P(5,1)=5  P(5,1)=5
P(1005,1)=1005  P(1005,101)=9.1176524923776877363E+300  P(1005,201)=1.2772738260896333926E+594  P(1005,301)=6.9244021230613662196E+881  P(1005,401)=2.4492580742838357278E+1163
P(2005,1)=2005  P(2005,201)=1.6533543480914610049E+659  P(2005,401)=3.0753126526205309235E+1305  P(2005,601)=7.9852540678709597049E+1940  P(2005,801)=8.0516979630356802897E+2563
P(3005,1)=3005  P(3005,301)=1.1935689764209015619E+1040  P(3005,601)=1.5619600532077469131E+2062  P(3005,901)=1.0291767405881430463E+3068  P(3005,1201)=1.5669988662999668698E+4055
P(4005,1)=4005  P(4005,401)=4.3808609526948101262E+1435  P(4005,801)=2.3060742016678396913E+2848  P(4005,1201)=2.2044072986703009741E+4239  P(4005,1601)=2.8973897505902543138E+5605
P(5005,1)=5005  P(5005,501)=1.4180262672357809801E+1842  P(5005,1001)=2.8239356430641573722E+3656  P(5005,1501)=3.6832518654277810587E+5443  P(5005,2001)=3.9303728189857603154E+7199
P(6005,1)=6005  P(6005,601)=2.4482219222979658097E+2257  P(6005,1201)=1.0247320583108167487E+4482  P(6005,1801)=1.0131515875595211374E+6674  P(6005,2401)=4.8762853043004294329E+8828
P(7005,1)=7005  P(7005,701)=7.6900396347210828241E+2679  P(7005,1401)=1.2659048848290269952E+5322  P(7005,2101)=1.7753130713788487191E+7926  P(7005,2801)=7.2114365718218704695E+10486
P(8005,1)=8005  P(8005,801)=3.9769062582658855959E+3108  P(8005,1601)=4.3272401446508603181E+6174  P(8005,2401)=1.4466844005282015778E+9197  P(8005,3201)=8.3354759867215982246E+12169
P(9005,1)=9005  P(9005,901)=5.6135384805755901099E+3542  P(9005,1801)=1.1194389175552115248E+7038  P(9005,2701)=2.4737530806300682806E+10484  P(9005,3601)=5.6056491332873455318E+13874
P(10005,1)=10005  P(10005,1001)=5.3580936683833889197E+3981  P(10005,2001)=1.3407350644082770778E+7911  P(10005,3001)=1.3407953461588097193E+11786  P(10005,4001)=8.1811569565040010405E+15598
P(11005,1)=11005  P(11005,1101)=1.1340564277915775939E+4425  P(11005,2201)=7.9753039151558717387E+8792  P(11005,3301)=8.0842724022079710001E+13100  P(11005,4401)=2.9749926937463675671E+17340
P(12005,1)=12005  P(12005,1201)=2.1391703159775094602E+4872  P(12005,2401)=3.7994859265471124697E+9682  P(12005,3601)=3.5081603331307865845E+14427  P(12005,4801)=6.9968644993020337235E+19097
P(13005,1)=13005  P(13005,1301)=1.6832659142209713913E+5323  P(13005,2601)=3.1719005022749408188E+10579  P(13005,3901)=1.1206120643200361163E+15765  P(13005,5201)=5.0883658993886789840E+20869
P(14005,1)=14005  P(14005,1401)=2.9074578200382556902E+5777  P(14005,2801)=1.2835011192416517234E+11483  P(14005,4201)=3.8312600202917546089E+17112  P(14005,5601)=8.7456467698123056809E+22654

C(100,1)=100  C(100,21)=2.0418414110621321255E+21  C(100,41)=2.0116440213369968048E+28  C(100,61)=9.0139240300346304925E+27  C(100,81)=1.3234157293921226741E+20
C(200,1)=200  C(200,41)=8.0006165666286406037E+42  C(200,81)=2.4404128184470558197E+57  C(200,121)=1.0891098528606695394E+57  C(200,161)=5.0935602365182339252E+41
C(300,1)=300  C(300,61)=3.5574671252567510894E+64  C(300,121)=3.3878557197772169412E+86  C(300,181)=1.509873083215628913E+86  C(300,241)=2.251094342745454527E+63
C(400,1)=400  C(400,81)=1.6703771503944415835E+86  C(400,161)=4.9770797199515347159E+115  C(400,241)=2.2166247162163128338E+115  C(400,321)=1.0537425948749981954E+85
C(500,1)=500  C(500,101)=8.0859177660929770887E+107  C(500,201)=7.5447012685604958509E+144  C(500,301)=3.3587706644089915094E+144  C(500,401)=5.0915068227892187411E+106
C(600,1)=600  C(600,121)=3.9913554739811382546E+129  C(600,241)=1.166743021854507362E+174  C(600,361)=5.1927067085306791182E+173  C(600,481)=2.5101559893540422496E+128
C(700,1)=700  C(700,141)=1.9971304197729039385E+151  C(700,281)=1.8294137562513979571E+203  C(700,421)=8.1403842518866639126E+202  C(700,561)=1.2548814134936695874E+150
C(800,1)=800  C(800,161)=1.0093242166331589875E+173  C(800,321)=2.8977104736455704555E+232  C(800,481)=1.2892100651978213674E+232  C(800,641)=6.3378002682503352954E+171
C(900,1)=900  C(900,181)=5.140220773793939263E+194  C(900,361)=4.6256239559539226554E+261  C(900,541)=2.0577328996911473566E+261  C(900,721)=3.2260054093505652106E+193
C(1000,1)=1000  C(1000,201)=2.6336937554862900115E+216  C(1000,401)=7.4293352412781479168E+290  C(1000,601)=3.3046738011675400069E+290  C(1000,801)=1.6522236106515115243E+215


[168] Combinations-with-repetitions/combinations-with-repetitions-1.rexx
─────────────── 3 doughnut selection taken 2 at a time:
 iced iced
 iced jam
 iced plain
 jam jam
 jam plain
 plain plain
═══════════════ 6 combinations.

─────────────── 10 doughnut selection taken 3 at a time:
═══════════════ 220 combinations.


[169] Combinations-with-repetitions/combinations-with-repetitions-2.rexx
------------ 3 doughnut selection taken 2 at a time:
 iced iced
 iced jam
 iced plain
 jam jam
 jam plain
 plain plain
------------ 6 combinations.

------------ 10 doughnut selection taken 3 at a time:
 list output suppressed
------------ 220 combinations.

------------ 10 doughnut selection taken 9 at a time:
 list output suppressed
------------ 48620 combinations.

0.039733 seconds


[170] Combinations-with-repetitions/combinations-with-repetitions-3.rexx
------------ 3 doughnut selection taken 2 at a time:
 iced iced
 iced jam
 iced plain
 jam jam
 jam plain
 plain plain
------------ 10 doughnut selection taken 3 at a time:
 list output suppressed
------------ 10 doughnut selection taken 9 at a time:
 list output suppressed
0.036166 seconds


[171] Combinations/combinations.rexx
──────────── 5  things taken  3  at a time:
 1 2 3
 1 2 4
 1 2 5
 1 3 4
 1 3 5
 1 4 5
 2 3 4
 2 3 5
 2 4 5
 3 4 5
──────────── 10  combinations.


[172] Comma-quibbling/comma-quibbling-1.rexx
{ABC and DEF}
{ABC,DEF,G and H}


[173] Comma-quibbling/comma-quibbling-2.rexx
{ABC and DEF}
{ABC, DEF, G and H}


[174] Comma-quibbling/comma-quibbling-3.rexx

                            [] : {}
                       ["ABC"] : {ABC}
                ["ABC", 'DEF'] : {ABC and DEF}
              [ABC, DEF, G, H] : {ABC, DEF, G and H}


[175] Command-line-arguments/command-line-arguments-1.rexx
command arguments:


[176] Command-line-arguments/command-line-arguments-2.rexx
command arguments:
arg1 arg2 -option1 arg3 -option2 -option3

options=-option1 -option2 -option3
   data=arg1 arg2 arg3


[177] Comments/comments-1.rexx
     3 *-* say 44 / (7-y)      /* divide by some strange thingy.*/
REX0042E: Error 42 running /Users/Shared/local/RosettaCodeData/git/Lang/REXX/Comments/comments-1.rexx line 3:  Arithmetic overflow/underflow.
REX0413E: Error 42.3:  Arithmetic overflow; divisor must not be zero.

(not an error)

[178] Comments/comments-2.rexx


[179] Comments/comments-3.rexx


[180] Compile-time-calculation/compile-time-calculation.rexx
10! = 3628800


[181] Compound-data-type/compound-data-type-1.rexx


[182] Compound-data-type/compound-data-type-2.rexx


[186] Conjugate-transpose/conjugate-transpose.rexx

───────────────────────────────────matrix M────────────────────────────────────
        1                1                1        
        1                1                1        
        1                1                1        

───────────────────────────────────matrix MH───────────────────────────────────
        1                1                1        
        1                1                1        
        1                1                1        

M is Hermitian:   yes
  M is Normal:    yes
  M is Unary:     no
MMH is Unary:     no
MHM is Unary:     no


[187] Constrained-random-points-on-a-circle/constrained-random-points-on-a-circle-1.rexx
                      Θ        Θ      Θ
                      ΘΘ                  Θ
                  ΘΘ  Θ          Θ  Θ      Θ
              Θ    Θ                Θ    Θ
              Θ  Θ        Θ      Θ            Θ
          Θ    Θ  Θ                    Θ
                                          Θ  ΘΘΘ  Θ
                                              Θ  Θ
      ΘΘ                                        Θ
                                                  ΘΘΘ  Θ

        Θ                                        Θ
    Θ  Θ                                        ΘΘΘ
    Θ                                                  Θ
  Θ      Θ                                      Θ  ΘΘ
                                                    Θ    Θ
        Θ    Θ                                    Θ
      Θ  Θ                                            Θ
                                          Θ  Θ    Θ
        Θ  ΘΘ                              Θ
                                      ΘΘ    Θ
              ΘΘ  Θ      ΘΘΘΘ  Θ  Θ
                      Θ    Θ        Θ
                    ΘΘ      Θ


[188] Constrained-random-points-on-a-circle/constrained-random-points-on-a-circle-2.rexx

                    O   O O     O
                            O O   O O     O
                O O         O     O   O
                  O O   O   O           O O
          O   O O O   O     O     O O   O         O
                                          O         O
    O   O O O                                 O O
            O                                             O
          O                                       O O   O
  O       O
        O O                                               O
O       O                                           O     O
          O                                         O
    O     O                                         O O
  O   O O                                           O   O
      O                                                   O
          O O                                           O
    O   O O                                     O
              O                                 O O   O
          O                                   O
      O                                               O
                    O   O
                      O   O       O               O
                  O                       O   O
                  O           O   O O     O O


[189] Constrained-random-points-on-a-circle/constrained-random-points-on-a-circle-3.rexx
                      + + +     +     + +
                          +             +
                                              + +
          + + +   +   +       + +   + +
            +   +                           +     +   +
                  +                               +
    +                                               +
    +   +     +                                 +   +
                                                  + + + +
    +     +
      +                                             + + +
      + + +
          +                                         +     +
    +   +                                         + +
                                                    + +
  +   +   +                                         + +   +
        +                                             +
  + +     +                                         + +
          +                                     +       + +
              +                                   +
        +                                           +
        +     +                                 +
                  +                               + +
        +       +                 +     +

                              +     +   +
                      +               + +
                        + +   + +     +
100 points filled


[190] Constrained-random-points-on-a-circle/constrained-random-points-on-a-circle-4.rexx
                          + + +
                    +         + +   + +
            +                 +           +
                  +   +                   +
          +                   +               +   +
              + +
      + + +   + + +                                   +
    + + +                                       + +     +
      +                                       + +
        +   +                                   +         +
  + + +                                               + +
      + +                                             + +
  + +   + +                                           + + +
          +                                             +
      + +                                         + + +
          +                                           +
        + +                                         +   +
    +   +
        +                                         +   +
        +                                         + +
      +                                             +
              +                           +   +     +
            +       +                       +
                  +     +         +           +     +
                          +                     +
                              +               +
100 points filled


[191] Continued-fraction-Arithmetic-Construct-from-rational-number/continued-fraction-arithmetic-construct-from-rational-number.rexx
              1/2  ──► CF:  0 2
               3   ──► CF:  3
             23/8  ──► CF:  2 1 7
             13/11 ──► CF:  1 5 2
             22/7  ──► CF:  3 7
───────── attempts at √ 2.
14142/1e4          ──► CF:  1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 29
141421/1e5         ──► CF:  1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 1 7 2
1414214/1e6        ──► CF:  1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 6 1 2 1 12
14142136/1e7       ──► CF:  1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 1 2 4 1 1 2
141421356/1e8      ──► CF:  1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 1 1 2 6 8
1414213562/1e9     ──► CF:  1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 14 1 238 1 3
14142135624/1e10   ──► CF:  1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 4 1 8 4 2 1 4
141421356237/1e11  ──► CF:  1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 4 1 2 1 63 2 1 1 1 4 2
1414213562373/1e12 ──► CF:  1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 11 2 3 2 1 1 1 25 1 2 3
√2                 ──► CF:  1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3

───────── an attempt at pi
pi                 ──► CF:  3 7 15 1 292 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 14 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 84 2 1 1 15 3 13 1 4 2 6 6 99 1 2 2 6 3 5 1 1 6 8 1 7 1 2 3 7 1 2 1 1 12 1 1 1 3 1 1 8 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 5 2 2 3 1 2 4 4 16 1 161 45 1 22 1 2 2 1 4 1 2 24 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 10 2 5 4 1 2 2 8 1 5 2 2 26 1 4 1 1 8 2 42 2 1 7 3 3 1 1 7 2 4 9 7 2 3 1 57 1 18 1 9 19 1 2 18 1 3 7 30 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 2 8 1 1 2 1 15 1 2 13 1 2 1 4 1 12 1 1 3 3 28 1 10 3 2 20 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 5 3 2 1 6 1 4 1 120 2 1 1 3 1 23 1 15 1 3 7 1 16 1 2 1 21 2 1 1 2 9 1 6 4


[192] Continued-fraction/continued-fraction-1.rexx
    √2 = 1.414213562373095048801688724209698078569671875376948073176679737990732478462107038850387534327641573   α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
    √3 = 1.732050807568877293527446341505872366942805253810380628055806979451933016908800037081146186757248576   α terms=1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 ...
en √ 2 = 1.414213562373095048801688724209698078569671875376948073176679737990732478462107038850387534327641573   α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
en √ 3 = 1.732050807568877293527446341505872366942805253810380628055806979451933016908800037081146186757248576   α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
                                                                                                                   ß terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
en √ 4 = 2                                                                                                       α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
                                                                                                                   ß terms=3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
en √ 5 = 2.236067977499789696409173668731276235440618359611525724270897245410520925637804899414414408378782275   α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
                                                                                                                   ß terms=4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ...
en √ 6 = 2.449489742783178098197284074705891391965947480656670128432692567250960377457315026539859433104640235   α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
                                                                                                                   ß terms=5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ...
en √ 7 = 2.645751311064590590501615753639260425710259183082450180368334459201068823230283627760392886474543611   α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
                                                                                                                   ß terms=6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ...
en √ 8 = 2.828427124746190097603377448419396157139343750753896146353359475981464956924214077700775068655283145   α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
                                                                                                                   ß terms=7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ...
en √ 9 = 3                                                                                                       α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
                                                                                                                   ß terms=8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ...
en √10 = 3.162277660168379331998893544432718533719555139325216826857504852792594438639238221344248108379300295   α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
                                                                                                                   ß terms=9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ...
en √11 = 3.316624790355399849114932736670686683927088545589353597058682146116484642609043846708843399128290651   α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
                                                                                                                   ß terms=10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ...
en √12 = 3.464101615137754587054892683011744733885610507620761256111613958903866033817600074162292373514497151   α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
                                                                                                                   ß terms=11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 ...
en √13 = 3.605551275463989293119221267470495946251296573845246212710453056227166948293010445204619082018490718   α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
                                                                                                                   ß terms=12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 ...
en √14 = 3.741657386773941385583748732316549301756019807778726946303745467320035156306939027976809895194379572   α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
                                                                                                                   ß terms=13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 ...
en √15 = 3.872983346207416885179265399782399610832921705291590826587573766113483091936979033519287376858673518   α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
                                                                                                                   ß terms=14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 ...
en √16 = 4                                                                                                       α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
                                                                                                                   ß terms=15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 ...
en √17 = 4.123105625617660549821409855974077025147199225373620434398633573094954346337621593587863650810684297   α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
                                                                                                                   ß terms=16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 ...
n √ ½ = 0.707106781186547524400844362104849039284835937688474036588339868995366239231053519425193767163820786   α terms=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
                                                                                                                   ß terms=-0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 ...
       e = 2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967627724076630353547594571382178525166427   α terms=1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...
 φ, phi = 1.618033988749894848204586834365638117720309179805762862135448622705260462818902449707207204189391137   α terms=1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  tan(1) = 1.557407724654902230506974807458360173087250772381520038383946605698861397151727289555099965202242984   α terms=1 1 3 1 5 1 7 1 9 1 11 1 13 1 15 1 17 1 19 1 21 1 ...
 coth(1) = 1.313035285499331303636161246930847832912013941240452655543152967567084270461874382674679241480856303   α terms=3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 ...
coth(½) = 2.163953413738652848770004010218023117093738602150792272533574119296087634783339486574409418809750115   α terms=6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 ...
  π, pi = 3.141592653589792988470143264530440384041017830472772036746332303472711537960073664096818977224037083   α terms=6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ...


[193] Continued-fraction/continued-fraction-2.rexx
SQRT2=     1.41421356237309504880168872421
NAPIER=    2.71828182845904523536028747135
PI=        3.14159262280484694855146925223


[194] Continued-fraction/continued-fraction-3.rexx
PI =3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751...
201 correct digits


[195] Convert-decimal-number-to-rational/convert-decimal-number-to-rational-1.rexx
old = 0.9054054054
new = 67/74


[196] Convert-decimal-number-to-rational/convert-decimal-number-to-rational-2.rexx
  0.9054054054 67/74
  0.5185185185 14/27
  0.75 3/4
  0.905405400 693627417/766095958
> 0.9054053996 is different
  0.9054054054 67/74
  0.1428571428 1/7
> 0.1428571429 is different
  35.000 35
  35.001 35001/1000
  0.00000000001 0
> 0 is different
  0.000001000001 1/999999


[197] Convert-decimal-number-to-rational/convert-decimal-number-to-rational-3.rexx
5.55555 = 111111/20000 ok
3 = 3 ok
0.03 = 3/100 ok
0.9(054) = 67/74 ok
0.(3) = 1/3 ok
5.28(571428) = 37/7 ok
5.28(571428) = 37/7 should be 38/7 (demonstrate error case)
0.(518) = 14/27 ok
0.75 = 3/4 ok
0.(142857) = 1/7 ok
0.1(428571) = 1/7 ok
35.000 = 35 ok
35.001 = 35001/1000 ok
0.00000000001 = 1/100000000000 ok
0.000001000001 = 1000001/1000000000000 ok


[198] Conways-Game-of-Life/conways-game-of-life-1.rexx
    44 *-*       _=d2c(_);
     8 *-* life! = pickChar(life!            '☼')     /*the gylph kinda looks like an amoeba.*/
REX0093E: Error 93 running /Users/Shared/local/RosettaCodeData/git/Lang/REXX/Conways-Game-of-Life/conways-game-of-life-1.rexx line 44:  Incorrect call to method.
REX0457E: Error 93.929:  D2C value must be a valid whole number; found "☼".


[199] Conways-Game-of-Life/conways-game-of-life-2.rexx
bash: erase: command not found
    12 *-* 'erase' oid
       >>>   "erase bipole.txt"
       +++   "RC(127)"
    92 *-*   st=st||'-'right(s,2,'-')||copies('-',xmax-xmin)'+'
REX0093E: Error 93 running /Users/Shared/local/RosettaCodeData/git/Lang/REXX/Conways-Game-of-Life/conways-game-of-life-2.rexx line 92:  Incorrect call to method.
REX0436E: Error 93.906:  Method positional argument 1 must be zero or a positive whole number; found "-999".


[200] Copy-a-string/copy-a-string.rexx


[201] Count-in-factors/count-in-factors-1.rexx
 1 = {unity}  1
 2 = [prime]  2
 3 = [prime]  3
 4 =          2x2
 5 = [prime]  5
 6 =          2x3
 7 = [prime]  7
 8 =          2x2x2
 9 =          3x3
10 =          2x5
11 = [prime]  11
12 =          2x2x3
13 = [prime]  13
14 =          2x7
15 =          3x5
16 =          2x2x2x2
17 = [prime]  17
18 =          2x3x3
19 = [prime]  19
20 =          2x2x5
21 =          3x7
22 =          2x11
23 = [prime]  23
24 =          2x2x2x3
25 =          5x5
26 =          2x13
27 =          3x3x3
28 =          2x2x7
29 = [prime]  29
30 =          2x3x5
31 = [prime]  31
32 =          2x2x2x2x2
33 =          3x11
34 =          2x17
35 =          5x7
36 =          2x2x3x3
37 = [prime]  37
38 =          2x19
39 =          3x13
40 =          2x2x2x5

12  primes found.


[202] Count-in-factors/count-in-factors-2.rexx
 1 = {unity}  1
 2 = [prime]  2
 3 = [prime]  3
 4 =          2x2
 5 = [prime]  5
 6 =          2x3
 7 = [prime]  7
 8 =          2x2x2
 9 =          3x3
10 =          2x5
11 = [prime]  11
12 =          2x2x3
13 = [prime]  13
14 =          2x7
15 =          3x5
16 =          2x2x2x2
17 = [prime]  17
18 =          2x3x3
19 = [prime]  19
20 =          2x2x5
21 =          3x7
22 =          2x11
23 = [prime]  23
24 =          2x2x2x3
25 =          5x5
26 =          2x13
27 =          3x3x3
28 =          2x2x7
29 = [prime]  29
30 =          2x3x5
31 = [prime]  31
32 =          2x2x2x2x2
33 =          3x11
34 =          2x17
35 =          5x7
36 =          2x2x3x3
37 = [prime]  37
38 =          2x19
39 =          3x13
40 =          2x2x2x5

12  primes found.


[203] Count-in-octal/count-in-octal.rexx
           number in base ten =   0            number in octal =     0
           number in base ten =   1            number in octal =     1
           number in base ten =   2            number in octal =     2
           number in base ten =   3            number in octal =     3
           number in base ten =   4            number in octal =     4
           number in base ten =   5            number in octal =     5
           number in base ten =   6            number in octal =     6
           number in base ten =   7            number in octal =     7
           number in base ten =   8            number in octal =    10
           number in base ten =   9            number in octal =    11
           number in base ten =  10            number in octal =    12
           number in base ten =  11            number in octal =    13
           number in base ten =  12            number in octal =    14
           number in base ten =  13            number in octal =    15
           number in base ten =  14            number in octal =    16
           number in base ten =  15            number in octal =    17
           number in base ten =  16            number in octal =    20
           number in base ten =  17            number in octal =    21
           number in base ten =  18            number in octal =    22
           number in base ten =  19            number in octal =    23
           number in base ten =  20            number in octal =    24
           number in base ten =  21            number in octal =    25
           number in base ten =  22            number in octal =    26
           number in base ten =  23            number in octal =    27
           number in base ten =  24            number in octal =    30
           number in base ten =  25            number in octal =    31
           number in base ten =  26            number in octal =    32
           number in base ten =  27            number in octal =    33
           number in base ten =  28            number in octal =    34
           number in base ten =  29            number in octal =    35
           number in base ten =  30            number in octal =    36
           number in base ten =  31            number in octal =    37


[204] Count-occurrences-of-a-substring/count-occurrences-of-a-substring.rexx
           haystack                needle      count
══════════════════════════════ ═══════════════ ═════
the three truths               th                3  
ababababab                     abab              2  
aaaabacad                      aa                2  
abaabba*bbaba*bbab             a*b               2  
abaabba*bbaba*bbab                               0  
 (null)                        a                 0  
 (null)                         (null)           1  
catapultcatalog                cat               2  
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa                 aa                7  


[205] Count-the-coins/count-the-coins-1.rexx
with an amount of  $1,  there are  242
ways to make change with coins of the following denominations:  1 5 10 25


[206] Count-the-coins/count-the-coins-2.rexx
with an amount of  $1,  there are  242
ways to make change with coins of the following denominations:  1 5 10 25


[207] Count-the-coins/count-the-coins-3.rexx
with an amount of  $1,  there are  242
ways to make change with coins of the following denominations:  1 5 10 25


[208] Create-a-file-on-magnetic-tape/create-a-file-on-magnetic-tape.rexx


[209] Create-a-file/create-a-file.rexx
bash: COPY: command not found
     3 *-*   'COPY NUL output.txt'           /*copy a "null" (empty) file.    */
       >>>     "COPY NUL output.txt"
       +++     "RC(127)"
MKDIR: DOCS: File exists
bash: COPY: command not found
     3 *-*   'COPY NUL output.txt'           /*copy a "null" (empty) file.    */
       >>>     "COPY NUL output.txt"
       +++     "RC(127)"
MKDIR: DOCS: File exists


[210] Create-a-two-dimensional-array-at-runtime/create-a-two-dimensional-array-at-runtime.rexx

Enter two positive integers (a 2-dimensional array will be created).
  ·   ·   ·   ·   · 
  ·   2~2  ·   ·   · 
  ·   ·   ·   ·   · 
  ·   4~2  ·   ·   · 
  5~1  ·   ·   5~4  · 


[211] Create-an-HTML-table/create-an-html-table.rexx
══► <html>
══► <head></head>
══► <body>
══► <table border=5  cellpadding=20  cellspace=0>
══► <tr><th></th>
══► <th> X </th>
══► <th> Y </th>
══► <th> Z </th>
══► <tr><th> 1 </th>
══► <td align=right> -9678 </td>
══► <td align=right>   846 </td>
══► <td align=right> -1788 </td>
══► <tr><th> 2 </th>
══► <td align=right>  5716 </td>
══► <td align=right> -6812 </td>
══► <td align=right>  8419 </td>
══► <tr><th> 3 </th>
══► <td align=right> -4975 </td>
══► <td align=right> -4853 </td>
══► <td align=right> -1178 </td>
══► <tr><th> 4 </th>
══► <td align=right>  6656 </td>
══► <td align=right> -7838 </td>
══► <td align=right> -1919 </td>
══► <tr><th> 5 </th>
══► <td align=right> -6863 </td>
══► <td align=right> -9501 </td>
══► <td align=right>  7539 </td>
══► </table>
══► </body>
══► </html>

31  records were written to the output file:  a_table.html


[212] Currying/currying-1.rexx
add 2 to 3:           5
add 2 to 3 (curried): 5


[213] Currying/currying-2.rexx
add 2 to 3:           5
add 2 to 3 (curried): 5


[214] Cut-a-rectangle/cut-a-rectangle-1.rexx

        2 x  1 rectangle can be cut              1 way.
        2 x  2 rectangle can be cut              2 ways.

        3 x  2 rectangle can be cut              3 ways.

        4 x  1 rectangle can be cut              1 way.
        4 x  2 rectangle can be cut              4 ways.
        4 x  3 rectangle can be cut              9 ways.
        4 x  4 rectangle can be cut             22 ways.

        5 x  2 rectangle can be cut              5 ways.
        5 x  4 rectangle can be cut             39 ways.

        6 x  1 rectangle can be cut              1 way.
        6 x  2 rectangle can be cut              6 ways.
        6 x  3 rectangle can be cut             23 ways.
        6 x  4 rectangle can be cut             90 ways.
        6 x  5 rectangle can be cut            263 ways.
        6 x  6 rectangle can be cut          1,018 ways.

        7 x  2 rectangle can be cut              7 ways.
        7 x  4 rectangle can be cut            151 ways.
        7 x  6 rectangle can be cut          2,947 ways.

        8 x  1 rectangle can be cut              1 way.
        8 x  2 rectangle can be cut              8 ways.
        8 x  3 rectangle can be cut             53 ways.
        8 x  4 rectangle can be cut            340 ways.
        8 x  5 rectangle can be cut          1,675 ways.
        8 x  6 rectangle can be cut         11,174 ways.
        8 x  7 rectangle can be cut         55,939 ways.
        8 x  8 rectangle can be cut        369,050 ways.


[215] Cut-a-rectangle/cut-a-rectangle-2.rexx

        2 x  1 rectangle can be cut              1 way.
        2 x  2 rectangle can be cut              2 ways.

        3 x  2 rectangle can be cut              3 ways.

        4 x  1 rectangle can be cut              1 way.
        4 x  2 rectangle can be cut              4 ways.
        4 x  3 rectangle can be cut              9 ways.
        4 x  4 rectangle can be cut             22 ways.

        5 x  2 rectangle can be cut              5 ways.
        5 x  4 rectangle can be cut             39 ways.

        6 x  1 rectangle can be cut              1 way.
        6 x  2 rectangle can be cut              6 ways.
        6 x  3 rectangle can be cut             23 ways.
        6 x  4 rectangle can be cut             90 ways.
        6 x  5 rectangle can be cut            263 ways.
        6 x  6 rectangle can be cut          1,018 ways.

        7 x  2 rectangle can be cut              7 ways.
        7 x  4 rectangle can be cut            151 ways.
        7 x  6 rectangle can be cut          2,947 ways.

        8 x  1 rectangle can be cut              1 way.
        8 x  2 rectangle can be cut              8 ways.
        8 x  3 rectangle can be cut             53 ways.
        8 x  4 rectangle can be cut            340 ways.
        8 x  5 rectangle can be cut          1,675 ways.
        8 x  6 rectangle can be cut         11,174 ways.
        8 x  7 rectangle can be cut         55,939 ways.
        8 x  8 rectangle can be cut        369,050 ways.


[216] DNS-query/dns-query-1.rexx
PING: invalid option -- 4
usage: ping [-AaDdfnoQqRrv] [-c count] [-G sweepmaxsize]
            [-g sweepminsize] [-h sweepincrsize] [-i wait]
            [-l preload] [-M mask | time] [-m ttl] [-p pattern]
            [-S src_addr] [-s packetsize] [-t timeout][-W waittime]
            [-z tos] host
       ping [-AaDdfLnoQqRrv] [-c count] [-I iface] [-i wait]
            [-l preload] [-M mask | time] [-m ttl] [-p pattern] [-S src_addr]
            [-s packetsize] [-T ttl] [-t timeout] [-W waittime]
            [-z tos] mcast-group
Apple specific options (to be specified before mcast-group or host like all options)
            -b boundif           # bind the socket to the interface
            -k traffic_class     # set traffic class socket option
            -K net_service_type  # set traffic class socket options
            --apple-connect       # call connect(2) in the socket
            --apple-time          # display current time
IPV4 for domain name   www.kame.net   is   
PING: invalid option -- 6
usage: ping [-AaDdfnoQqRrv] [-c count] [-G sweepmaxsize]
            [-g sweepminsize] [-h sweepincrsize] [-i wait]
            [-l preload] [-M mask | time] [-m ttl] [-p pattern]
            [-S src_addr] [-s packetsize] [-t timeout][-W waittime]
            [-z tos] host
       ping [-AaDdfLnoQqRrv] [-c count] [-I iface] [-i wait]
            [-l preload] [-M mask | time] [-m ttl] [-p pattern] [-S src_addr]
            [-s packetsize] [-T ttl] [-t timeout] [-W waittime]
            [-z tos] mcast-group
Apple specific options (to be specified before mcast-group or host like all options)
            -b boundif           # bind the socket to the interface
            -k traffic_class     # set traffic class socket option
            -K net_service_type  # set traffic class socket options
            --apple-connect       # call connect(2) in the socket
            --apple-time          # display current time
IPV6 for domain name   www.kame.net   is   
bash: ERASE: command not found


[218] Date-format/date-format-1.rexx
Wednesday, May 31, 2023


[219] Date-format/date-format-2.rexx
Wednesday, May 31, 2023


[220] Date-format/date-format-3.rexx
     2 *-* say date('I')                          /*yyyy-mm-dd with leading zeroes.*/
REX0040E: Error 40 running /Users/Shared/local/RosettaCodeData/git/Lang/REXX/Date-format/date-format-3.rexx line 2:  Incorrect call to routine.
REX0389E: Error 40.904:  DATE positional argument 1 must be one of BDEFLMNOSTUW; found "I".


[221] Date-manipulation/date-manipulation.rexx
March 7 2009 7:30pm EST  +  12 hours  ───►  8 Mar 2009 7:30am EST


[222] Day-of-the-week/day-of-the-week-1.rexx


[223] Day-of-the-week/day-of-the-week-2.rexx


[224] Day-of-the-week/day-of-the-week-3.rexx
     8 *-*   if date('Weekday', y"-12-25", 'ISO')\=='Sunday'  
REX0040E: Error 40 running /Users/Shared/local/RosettaCodeData/git/Lang/REXX/Day-of-the-week/day-of-the-week-3.rexx line 8:  Incorrect call to routine.
REX0389E: Error 40.904:  DATE positional argument 3 must be one of BDEFNOTSU; found "I".


[225] Day-of-the-week/day-of-the-week-4.rexx
December 25th, 2011 falls on a Sunday.
December 25th, 2016 falls on a Sunday.
December 25th, 2022 falls on a Sunday.
December 25th, 2033 falls on a Sunday.
December 25th, 2039 falls on a Sunday.
December 25th, 2044 falls on a Sunday.
December 25th, 2050 falls on a Sunday.
December 25th, 2061 falls on a Sunday.
December 25th, 2067 falls on a Sunday.
December 25th, 2072 falls on a Sunday.
December 25th, 2078 falls on a Sunday.
December 25th, 2089 falls on a Sunday.
December 25th, 2095 falls on a Sunday.
December 25th, 2101 falls on a Sunday.
December 25th, 2107 falls on a Sunday.
December 25th, 2112 falls on a Sunday.
December 25th, 2118 falls on a Sunday.


[226] Deal-cards-for-FreeCell/deal-cards-for-freecell.rexx
───────────tableau for FreeCell game 1────────────

              4� A� 3� 4� 2� 3� 3� 2�
              5� 5� 3� 2� A� 4� 5� A�
              A� 5� 3� 4� 4� A� A� A�
              2� 2� 4� 4� 2� A� 2� 3�
              A� 4� 2� 4� 3� A� 4� 3�
              2� 3� 3� 4� 2� A� 3� 4�
              2� 3� A� 2�


[227] Death-Star/death-star.rexx


[228] Deconvolution-1D/deconvolution-1d.rexx
array H: -8 -9 -3 -1 -6 7
array F: -3 -6 -1 8 -6 3 -1 -9 -9 3 -2 5 2 -2 -7 -1
array G: 24 75 71 -34 3 22 -45 23 245 25 52 25 -67 -96 96 31 55 36 29 -43 -7


[230] Detect-division-by-zero/detect-division-by-zero.rexx

═════════════════════════════════ ***error*** ═════════════════════════════════
Division by zero detected at line   5   and the REXX statement is:
z = x / y                                        /*this'll trigger it,  furrrr shurrre. */

(not an error)

[231] Determine-if-a-string-is-numeric/determine-if-a-string-is-numeric.rexx


[233] Digital-root-Multiplicative-digital-root/digital-root-multiplicative-digital-root-1.rexx
 number   persistence   multiplicative digital root
────────  ───────────   ───────────────────────────
  123321       3                     8               
    7739       3                     8               
     893       3                     2               
  899998       2                     0               

MDR        first  5  numbers that have a matching MDR
═══   ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════
 0:     [0, 10, 20, 25, 30]
 1:     [1, 11, 111, 1111, 11111]
 2:     [2, 12, 21, 26, 34]
 3:     [3, 13, 31, 113, 131]
 4:     [4, 14, 22, 27, 39]
 5:     [5, 15, 35, 51, 53]
 6:     [6, 16, 23, 28, 32]
 7:     [7, 17, 71, 117, 171]
 8:     [8, 18, 24, 29, 36]
 9:     [9, 19, 33, 91, 119]


[234] Digital-root-Multiplicative-digital-root/digital-root-multiplicative-digital-root-2.rexx
 number   persistence   multiplicative digital root
────────  ───────────   ───────────────────────────
  123321       3                     8               
    7739       3                     8               
     893       3                     2               
  899998       2                     0               

MDR       first  25  numbers that have a matching MDR
═══   ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
 0:    [0 10 20 25 30 40 45 50 52 54 55 56 58 59 60 65 69 70 78 80 85 87 90 95 96]
 1:    [1 11 111 1111 11111 111111 1111111 11111111 111111111 1111111111 11111111111 111111111111 1111111111111 11111111111111 111111111111111 1111111111111111 11111111111111111 111111111111111111 1111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111]
 2:    [2 12 21 26 34 37 43 62 73 112 121 126 134 137 143 162 173 211 216 223 232 261 278 279 287]
 3:    [3 13 31 113 131 311 1113 1131 1311 3111 11113 11131 11311 13111 31111 111113 111131 111311 113111 131111 311111 1111113 1111131 1111311 1113111]
 4:    [4 14 22 27 39 41 72 89 93 98 114 122 127 139 141 172 189 193 198 212 217 221 249 266 271]
 5:    [5 15 35 51 53 57 75 115 135 151 153 157 175 315 351 355 359 395 511 513 517 531 535 539 553]
 6:    [6 16 23 28 32 44 47 48 61 68 74 82 84 86 116 123 128 132 144 147 148 161 168 174 182]
 7:    [7 17 71 117 171 711 1117 1171 1711 7111 11117 11171 11711 17111 71111 111117 111171 111711 117111 171111 711111 1111117 1111171 1111711 1117111]
 8:    [8 18 24 29 36 38 42 46 49 63 64 66 67 76 77 79 81 83 88 92 94 97 99 118 124]
 9:     [9 19 33 91 119 133 191 313 331 911 1119 1133 1191 1313 1331 1911 3113 3131 3311 9111 11119 11133 11191 11313 11331]


[235] Digital-root/digital-root-1.rexx
           7 7 0
      627615 9 2
       39390 6 2
      588225 3 2
393900588225 9 2


[236] Digital-root/digital-root-2.rexx
  root  persistence                                    number                                    
═══════ ═══════════ ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
   9         2      627615
   6         2      39390
   3         2      588225
   9         2      393900588225
   8         3      89999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999


[238] Dinesmans-multiple-dwelling-problem/dinesmans-multiple-dwelling-problem.rexx

                         Baker lives on the 3rd floor.
                        Cooper lives on the 2nd floor.
                      Fletcher lives on the 4th floor.
                        Miller lives on the 5th floor.
                         Smith lives on the 1st floor.
found 1 solution.


[240] Discordian-date/discordian-date.rexx
Sweetness, Confusion 5, 3189


[241] Documentation/documentation-1.rexx
       To use the  YYYY  program, enter one of:

             YYYY  numberOfItems
             YYYY                            (no arguments uses the default)
             YYYY  ?                         (to see this documentation)

       ─── where:  numberOfItems             is the number of items to be used.

           If no  "numberOfItems"  are entered, the default of  100  is used.


[242] Documentation/documentation-2.rexx
any text explaining the program's invocation and workings


[243] Dot-product/dot-product-1.rexx
vector A =    1   3  -5  
vector B =    4  -2  -1  

dot product =  3


[244] Dot-product/dot-product-2.rexx
vector A =    1   3  -5  
vector B =    4  -2  -1  

dot product =  3


[245] Doubly-linked-list-Definition/doubly-linked-list-definition.rexx

                               ─── initializing the list. ───

                               ─── building list: Was it a cat I saw ───

                               ─── displaying list size. ───
list size=6

                               ─── forward list ───
Was it a cat I saw

                               ─── backward list ───
saw I cat a it Was

                               ─── showing 4th item ───

                               ─── showing 5th & 6th items ───
I saw

                               ─── adding item before item 4: black ───

                               ─── showing list ───
Was it a black cat I saw

                               ─── adding to tail: there, in the ... ───

                               ─── showing list ───
Was it a black cat I saw there, in the shadows, stalking its prey (and next meal).

                               ─── adding to head: Oy! ───

                               ─── showing list ───
Oy! Was it a black cat I saw there, in the shadows, stalking its prey (and next meal).


[246] Doubly-linked-list-Element-definition/doubly-linked-list-element-definition.rexx

                               ─── initializing the list. ───

                               ─── building list: Was it a cat I saw ───

                               ─── displaying list size. ───
list size=6

                               ─── forward list ───
Was it a cat I saw

                               ─── backward list ───
saw I cat a it Was

                               ─── showing 4th item ───

                               ─── showing 5th & 6th items ───
I saw

                               ─── adding item before item 4: black ───

                               ─── showing list ───
Was it a black cat I saw

                               ─── adding to tail: there, in the ... ───

                               ─── showing list ───
Was it a black cat I saw there, in the shadows, stalking its prey (and next meal).

                               ─── adding to head: Oy! ───

                               ─── showing list ───
Oy! Was it a black cat I saw there, in the shadows, stalking its prey (and next meal).


[247] Doubly-linked-list-Element-insertion/doubly-linked-list-element-insertion.rexx

                               ─── initializing the list. ───

                               ─── building list: Was it a cat I saw ───

                               ─── displaying list size. ───
list size=6

                               ─── forward list ───
Was it a cat I saw

                               ─── backward list ───
saw I cat a it Was

                               ─── showing 4th item ───

                               ─── showing 6th & 6th items ───
I saw

                               ─── adding item before item 4: black ───

                               ─── showing list ───
Was it a black cat I saw

                               ─── adding to tail: there, in the ... ───

                               ─── showing list ───
Was it a black cat I saw there, in the shadows, stalking its prey (and next meal).

                               ─── adding to head: Oy! ───

                               ─── showing list ───
Oy! Was it a black cat I saw there, in the shadows, stalking its prey (and next meal).


[248] Doubly-linked-list-Traversal/doubly-linked-list-traversal.rexx

                               ─── initializing the list. ───

                               ─── building list: Was it a cat I saw ───

                               ─── displaying list size. ───
list size=6

                               ─── forward list ───
Was it a cat I saw

                               ─── backward list ───
saw I cat a it Was

                               ─── showing 4th item ───

                               ─── showing 6th & 6th items ───
I saw

                               ─── adding item before item 4: black ───

                               ─── showing list ───
Was it a black cat I saw

                               ─── adding to tail: there, in the ... ───

                               ─── showing list ───
Was it a black cat I saw there, in the shadows, stalking its prey (and next meal).

                               ─── adding to head: Oy! ───

                               ─── showing list ───
Oy! Was it a black cat I saw there, in the shadows, stalking its prey (and next meal).


[249] Dragon-curve/dragon-curve.rexx
                                                                                    777 777         888 888
                                                                                    7 7 7 7         8 8 8 8
                                                                                  777677777       888788888
                                                                                  7 6 6 7         8 7 7 8
                                                                                  666 66777 777   777 77888 888
                                                                                        6 7 7 7         7 8 8 8
                                                                                      667777777       778888888
                                                                                      6 7 7 7         7 8 8 8
                                                                            666 666 66667777777 777 777788888
                                                                            6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8
                                                                          66656666666 6677777 7777778887888
                                                                          6 5 5 6 6     7 7     7 7 8 8 8
                                                                          555 5566666   77777   77778888888 888
                                                                                5 6 6     7 7     7 7 8 8 8 8 8
                                                                              555 666     777   888788888888888
                                                                              5                 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
                                                                            55555               8888888888888       999 999
                                                                            5 5 5                 8 8 8 8 8         9 9 9 9
                                                                          5554555               88888 88888       999899999
                                                                          5 4 4                 8 8     8         9 8 8 9
                                                                          444 444     ∙         88888   888 888   888 88999 999
                                                                                4     1           8 8     8 8 8         8 9 9 9
                                                                              44433 111           888   8888888       889999999
                                                                              4 3 3 2                   8 8 8         8 9 9 9
                                                                              333 222                   8888888 888 888899999
                                                                                                          8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9
                                                                                                    999 8888999888889998999
                                                                                                    9 9 8 8 9 9 8 8 9 9 9
                                                                                                    99999888999998889999999 999
                                                                                                      9 9 8 8 9 9 8 8 9 9 9 9 9
                                                                                                999 999999989999999899999999999
                                                                                                9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
                                                                                                999999999999999999999 999 999
                                                                                                  9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
                                                                                                99999 9999999999999
                                                                                                9 9     9 9 9 9 9
                                                                                                99999   99999999999 999
                                                                                                  9 9     9 9 9 9 9 9 9
                                                                                                  999   999999999999999
                                                                                                        9 9 9 9 9 9 9
                                                                                                        99999 999 999
                    bbb     bbb                     bbb     bbb                     aaa     aaa     999 999
                    b b     b b                     b b     b b                     a a     a a     9 9 9
                    bbbbb   bbbbb                   bbbbb   bbbbb                   aaaaa   aaaaa   9999999 999
                      b b     b b                     b b     b b                     a a     a a     9 9 9 9 9
                bbb bbbbbbb bbbbb               bbb bbbbbbb bbbbb               aaa aaaaaaa aaaaa99 99999999999
                b b b b b b b b                 b b b b b b b b                 a a a a a a a a 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
                bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb               bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb               aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa999999999999       aaa aaa
                  b b b b b b b b                 b b b b b b b b                 a a a a a a a a 9 9 9 9 9         a a a a
                bbbbb bbbbbbbbbbb   bbb         bbbbb bbbbbbbbbbb   bbb         aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa999aaa9999       aaa9aaaaa
                b b     b b b b     b b         b b     b b b b     b b         a a     a a a a 9 9 a a 9         a 9 9 a
                bbbbb   bbbbbbbbb   bbbbb       bbbbb   bbbbbbbbb   bbbbb       aaaaa   aaaaaaaaa999aaaaa99 999   999 99aaa aaa
                  b b     b b b b     b b         b b     b b b b     b b         a a     a a a a 9 9 a a 9 9 9         9 a a a
                  bbb   bbbbbbbbbbb bbbbb         bbb   bbbbbbbbbbb bbbbb         aaa   aaaaaaaaaaa9aaaaa999999       99aaaaaaa
                        b b b b b b b b                 b b b b b b b b                 a a a a a a a a 9 9 9         9 a a a
                        bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb               bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb               aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa999999 999 9999aaaaa
                          b b b b b b b b                 b b b b b b b b                 a a a a a a a a 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 a
    bbb     bbb     bbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb   bbb     bbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbabbb   aaa     aaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa999aaa99999aaa9aaa
    b b     b b     b b b b b b b b b b     b b     b b b b b b b b a a     a a     a a a a a a a a a a 9 9 a a 9 9 a a a
    bbbbb   bbbbb   bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb   bbbbb   bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaaa   aaaaa   aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa999aaaaa999aaaaaaa aaa
      b b     b b     b b b b b b b b b b     b b     b b b b b b b b a a     a a     a a a a a a a a a a 9 9 a a 9 9 a a a a a
bbb bbbbbbb bbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbabbbaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa9aaaaaaa9aaaaaaaaaaa
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbb bbbbbbbbbbb bbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaa aaa
  b b b b b b b b b         b b b b         b b b b b b b b b b b a a a a a a a a a         a a a a         a a a a
bbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbb       bbbbbbbbb       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaabbbaaaaaaaaaaaa       aaaaaaaaa       aaaaaaaaa
b b     b b b b b         b b b b         b b b b b b b b b b b a a b b a a a a a         a a a a         a a a a
bbbbb   bbbbbbbbbbb bbb   bbb bbbbb bbb   bbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaabbbbbaaaaaaaaaa aaa   aaa aaaaa aaa   aaa aaaaa aaa
  b b     b b b b b b b         b b b b         b b b b b b b b b a a b b a a a a a a a         a a a a         a a a a
  bbb   bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb       bbbbbbbbb       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbabbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaa       aaaaaaaaa       aaaaaaaaa
        b b b b b b b         b b b b         b b b b b b b b b b b b b a a a a a a a         a a a a         a a a a
        bbbbb bbb bbb         bbb bbb       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaaa aaa aaa         aaa aaa         aaa aaa
          b                                 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b a
    bbb bbb                               bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbabbbaa
    b b b                                 b b b b b b b b b b b b b a a a
    bbbbbbb bbb                           bbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaa aaa
      b b b b b                                 b b b b b b b b b b b a a a a a
bbb bbbbbbbbbbb                               bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbabbbaaaaaaaaaa
b b b b b b b                                 b b b b b b b b b a a a a a a a
bbbbbbbbbbbbb                               bbbbbbbbb bbb bbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaa       bbb bbb
  b b b b b                                 b b b b         b b b a a a a a         b b b b
bbbbb bbbbb         bbb                   bbbbbbbbb       bbbbbbbaaabbbaaaa       bbbabbbbb
b b     b           b b                   b b b b         b b b a a b b a         b a a b
bbbbb   bbb bbb     b bbb                 bbb bbbbb bbb   bbb bbbaaabbbbbaa aaa   aaa aabbb bbb
  b b     b b b         b                       b b b b         b a a b b a a a         a b b b
  bbb   bbbbbbb       bbb                     bbbbbbbbb       bbbbbabbbbbaaaaaa       aabbbbbbb
        b b b         b                       b b b b         b b b b b a a a         a b b b
        bbbbbbb bbb bbbbb                     bbb bbb       bbbbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaa aaa aaaabbbbb
          b b b b b b b b                                   b b b b b b b a a a a a a a a b
        bbbbb bbbbbbb bbb                                 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaabbbaaaaabbbabbb
        b b     b b                                       b b b b b b b a a b b a a b b b
        bbbbb   bbbbb                                     bbb bbbbbbbbbbbaaabbbbbaaabbbbbbb bbb
          b b     b b                                           b b b b b a a b b a a b b b b b
          bbb     bbb                                         bbbbbbbbbbbbbabbbbbbbabbbbbbbbbbb
                                                              b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
                                                            bbbbbbbbb bbb bbbbbbbbbbb bbb bbb
                                                            b b b b         b b b b
                                                          bbbbbbbbb       bbbbbbbbb
                                                          b b b b         b b b b
                                                          bbb bbbbb bbb   bbb bbbbb bbb
                                                                b b b b         b b b b
                                                              bbbbbbbbb       bbbbbbbbb
                                                              b b b b         b b b b
                                                              bbb bbb         bbb bbb


[251] Draw-a-cuboid/draw-a-cuboid.rexx
   /        /|
  /        / |
 /        /  |
+--------+   |
|        |   |
|        |   |
|        |   |
|        |   +
|        |  /
|        | /
|        |/


[252] Draw-a-sphere/draw-a-sphere.rexx



[253] Dutch-national-flag-problem/dutch-national-flag-problem-1.rexx
number of colored balls generated =  15

─────────────────────────── original ball order ───────────────────────────
blue red red red white red white white blue red white red white white white

─────────────────────────── sorted  ball order ────────────────────────────
red red red red red red white white white white white white white blue blue

The sorted colored ball list has been confirmed as being sorted correctly.


[254] Dutch-national-flag-problem/dutch-national-flag-problem-2.rexx
number of colored balls generated =  15

──── original ball order ─────

───── sorted  ball order ─────

The sorted colored ball list has been confirmed as being sorted correctly.


[255] Dynamic-variable-names/dynamic-variable-names.rexx
Arguments as they were entered via the command line:  myvar 

The newly assigned value (as per the VALUE bif)------ myvar 


Summary Ok
Ok:    1 ; 0.008630 ; 0 ; 100-doors/100-doors-1.rexx
Ok:    2 ; 0.007422 ; 0 ; 100-doors/100-doors-2.rexx
Ok:    3 ; 1.632328 ; 13 ; 24-game-Solve/24-game-solve.rexx
Ok:    4 ; 0.066487 ; 0 ; 24-game/24-game-1.rexx
Ok:    5 ; 0.010860 ; 0 ; 9-billion-names-of-God-the-integer/9-billion-names-of-god-the-integer.rexx
Ok:    6 ; 0.009104 ; 0 ; 99-Bottles-of-Beer/99-bottles-of-beer.rexx
Ok:    7 ; 0.008910 ; 0 ; A+B/a+b-1.rexx
Ok:    8 ; 0.008085 ; 0 ; A+B/a+b-2.rexx
Ok:    9 ; 0.007683 ; 0 ; A+B/a+b-3.rexx
Ok:   10 ; 0.007534 ; 0 ; A+B/a+b-4.rexx
Ok:   11 ; 0.008339 ; 0 ; A+B/a+b-5.rexx
Ok:   12 ; 0.007478 ; 0 ; ABC-Problem/abc-problem-1.rexx
Ok:   13 ; 0.007724 ; 0 ; ABC-Problem/abc-problem-2.rexx
Ok:   14 ; 0.641939 ; 0 ; Abundant,-deficient-and-perfect-number-classifications/abundant,-deficient-and-perfect-number-classifications-1.rexx
Ok:   15 ; 0.581247 ; 0 ; Abundant,-deficient-and-perfect-number-classifications/abundant,-deficient-and-perfect-number-classifications-2.rexx
Ok:   17 ; 0.007981 ; 0 ; Accumulator-factory/accumulator-factory.rexx
Ok:   18 ; 1.104559 ; 0 ; Ackermann-function/ackermann-function-1.rexx
Ok:   19 ; 0.009345 ; 0 ; Ackermann-function/ackermann-function-2.rexx
Ok:   20 ; 0.008163 ; 0 ; Ackermann-function/ackermann-function-3.rexx
Ok:   21 ; 0.174416 ; 0 ; Active-Directory-Search-for-a-user/active-directory-search-for-a-user.rexx
Ok:   23 ; 0.009443 ; 0 ; Align-columns/align-columns-1.rexx
Ok:   24 ; 0.198083 ; 0 ; Align-columns/align-columns-2.rexx
Ok:   25 ; 0.219455 ; 0 ; Align-columns/align-columns-3.rexx
Ok:   26 ; 20.047931 ; 0 ; Aliquot-sequence-classifications/aliquot-sequence-classifications.rexx
Ok:   27 ; 0.008991 ; 0 ; Almost-prime/almost-prime-1.rexx
Ok:   28 ; 0.007651 ; 0 ; Almost-prime/almost-prime-2.rexx
Ok:   29 ; 0.007457 ; 0 ; Amb/amb-1.rexx
Ok:   30 ; 0.010102 ; 0 ; Amb/amb-2.rexx
Ok:   32 ; 0.534883 ; 0 ; Amicable-pairs/amicable-pairs-2.rexx
Ok:   33 ; 0.234632 ; 0 ; Amicable-pairs/amicable-pairs-3.rexx
Ok:   34 ; 0.199864 ; 0 ; Amicable-pairs/amicable-pairs-4.rexx
Ok:   35 ; 0.062647 ; 0 ; Amicable-pairs/amicable-pairs-5.rexx
Ok:   36 ; 0.008137 ; 0 ; Anagrams-Deranged-anagrams/anagrams-deranged-anagrams.rexx
Ok:   37 ; 0.007220 ; 0 ; Anagrams/anagrams-1.rexx
Ok:   38 ; 0.007436 ; 0 ; Anagrams/anagrams-2.rexx
Ok:   39 ; 0.007133 ; 0 ; Anagrams/anagrams-3.rexx
Ok:   40 ; 0.007876 ; 0 ; Anagrams/anagrams-4.rexx
Ok:   41 ; 0.007043 ; 0 ; Anagrams/anagrams-5.rexx
Ok:   42 ; 0.006939 ; 0 ; Anagrams/anagrams-6.rexx
Ok:   44 ; 0.063188 ; 0 ; Anonymous-recursion/anonymous-recursion-1.rexx
Ok:   45 ; 0.018558 ; 0 ; Anonymous-recursion/anonymous-recursion-2.rexx
Ok:   46 ; 0.008983 ; 0 ; Append-a-record-to-the-end-of-a-text-file/append-a-record-to-the-end-of-a-text-file.rexx
Ok:   47 ; 0.007804 ; 0 ; Apply-a-callback-to-an-array/apply-a-callback-to-an-array.rexx
Ok:   50 ; 0.008224 ; 0 ; Arena-storage-pool/arena-storage-pool.rexx
Ok:   51 ; 0.007311 ; 0 ; Arithmetic-Complex/arithmetic-complex.rexx
Ok:   52 ; 0.007978 ; 0 ; Arithmetic-Integer/arithmetic-integer.rexx
Ok:   54 ; 0.007527 ; 0 ; Arithmetic-evaluation/arithmetic-evaluation.rexx
Ok:   55 ; 0.029796 ; 0 ; Arithmetic-geometric-mean-Calculate-Pi/arithmetic-geometric-mean-calculate-pi-1.rexx
Ok:   56 ; 0.030622 ; 0 ; Arithmetic-geometric-mean-Calculate-Pi/arithmetic-geometric-mean-calculate-pi-2.rexx
Ok:   57 ; 5.688007 ; 0 ; Arithmetic-geometric-mean-Calculate-Pi/arithmetic-geometric-mean-calculate-pi-3.rexx
Ok:   58 ; 0.010888 ; 0 ; Arithmetic-geometric-mean/arithmetic-geometric-mean.rexx
Ok:   59 ; 0.007514 ; 0 ; Array-concatenation/array-concatenation-1.rexx
Ok:   60 ; 0.007618 ; 0 ; Array-concatenation/array-concatenation-2.rexx
Ok:   61 ; 0.007764 ; 0 ; Array-concatenation/array-concatenation-3.rexx
Ok:   62 ; 0.007734 ; 0 ; Arrays/arrays-1.rexx
Ok:   63 ; 0.008021 ; 0 ; Arrays/arrays-2.rexx
Ok:   64 ; 0.006851 ; 0 ; Arrays/arrays-3.rexx
Ok:   65 ; 0.011218 ; 0 ; Arrays/arrays-4.rexx
Ok:   66 ; 0.008489 ; 0 ; Arrays/arrays-5.rexx
Ok:   67 ; 0.007604 ; 0 ; Arrays/arrays-6.rexx
Ok:   68 ; 0.007955 ; 0 ; Assertions/assertions-1.rexx
Ok:   69 ; 0.007248 ; 0 ; Assertions/assertions-2.rexx
Ok:   70 ; 0.008718 ; 0 ; Associative-array-Creation/associative-array-creation-1.rexx
Ok:   71 ; 0.007432 ; 0 ; Associative-array-Creation/associative-array-creation-2.rexx
Ok:   72 ; 0.007594 ; 0 ; Associative-array-Iteration/associative-array-iteration.rexx
Ok:   74 ; 0.007203 ; 0 ; Averages-Arithmetic-mean/averages-arithmetic-mean.rexx
Ok:   75 ; 0.021749 ; 0 ; Averages-Mean-angle/averages-mean-angle.rexx
Ok:   76 ; 0.007795 ; 0 ; Averages-Mean-time-of-day/averages-mean-time-of-day.rexx
Ok:   77 ; 0.007680 ; 0 ; Averages-Median/averages-median.rexx
Ok:   78 ; 0.008642 ; 0 ; Averages-Mode/averages-mode-1.rexx
Ok:   79 ; 0.007376 ; 0 ; Averages-Mode/averages-mode-2.rexx
Ok:   80 ; 0.011009 ; 0 ; Averages-Pythagorean-means/averages-pythagorean-means.rexx
Ok:   81 ; 0.007528 ; 0 ; Averages-Root-mean-square/averages-root-mean-square.rexx
Ok:   82 ; 0.007780 ; 0 ; Averages-Simple-moving-average/averages-simple-moving-average.rexx
Ok:   83 ; 0.007077 ; 0 ; Balanced-brackets/balanced-brackets-1.rexx
Ok:   84 ; 0.007296 ; 0 ; Balanced-brackets/balanced-brackets-2.rexx
Ok:   85 ; 2.426312 ; 0 ; Balanced-brackets/balanced-brackets-3.rexx
Ok:   86 ; 0.020192 ; 0 ; Balanced-ternary/balanced-ternary.rexx
Ok:   87 ; 0.216594 ; 0 ; Benfords-law/benfords-law.rexx
Ok:   88 ; 0.040654 ; 0 ; Bernoulli-numbers/bernoulli-numbers.rexx
Ok:   89 ; 0.008294 ; 0 ; Best-shuffle/best-shuffle-1.rexx
Ok:   93 ; 0.007681 ; 0 ; Best-shuffle/best-shuffle.rexx
Ok:   94 ; 0.007842 ; 0 ; Binary-digits/binary-digits-1.rexx
Ok:   95 ; 0.007930 ; 0 ; Binary-digits/binary-digits-2.rexx
Ok:   96 ; 0.007134 ; 0 ; Binary-digits/binary-digits-3.rexx
Ok:   97 ; 0.006816 ; 0 ; Binary-digits/binary-digits-4.rexx
Ok:   98 ; 0.008061 ; 0 ; Binary-search/binary-search-1.rexx
Ok:   99 ; 0.008048 ; 0 ; Binary-search/binary-search-2.rexx
Ok:  100 ; 0.007340 ; 0 ; Binary-strings/binary-strings.rexx
Ok:  101 ; 0.007841 ; 0 ; Bitmap-Bresenhams-line-algorithm/bitmap-bresenhams-line-algorithm-1.rexx
Ok:  102 ; 0.008138 ; 0 ; Bitmap-Bresenhams-line-algorithm/bitmap-bresenhams-line-algorithm-2.rexx
Ok:  103 ; 0.008773 ; 0 ; Bitmap-Flood-fill/bitmap-flood-fill.rexx
Ok:  104 ; 0.008580 ; 0 ; Bitmap-Midpoint-circle-algorithm/bitmap-midpoint-circle-algorithm.rexx
Ok:  105 ; 1.104879 ; 0 ; Bitmap-Read-a-PPM-file/bitmap-read-a-ppm-file.rexx
Ok:  106 ; 0.009528 ; 0 ; Bitmap-Write-a-PPM-file/bitmap-write-a-ppm-file.rexx
Ok:  107 ; 1.493572 ; 0 ; Bitmap/bitmap-1.rexx
Ok:  108 ; 0.020873 ; 0 ; Bitmap/bitmap-2.rexx
Ok:  109 ; 0.007673 ; 0 ; Bitwise-IO/bitwise-io-1.rexx
Ok:  110 ; 0.008898 ; 0 ; Bitwise-IO/bitwise-io-2.rexx
Ok:  111 ; 0.008563 ; 0 ; Bitwise-operations/bitwise-operations.rexx
Ok:  112 ; 0.007521 ; 0 ; Boolean-values/boolean-values-1.rexx
Ok:  113 ; 0.007622 ; 0 ; Boolean-values/boolean-values-2.rexx
Ok:  114 ; 0.008405 ; 0 ; Boolean-values/boolean-values-3.rexx
Ok:  115 ; 0.007783 ; 0 ; Boolean-values/boolean-values-4.rexx
Ok:  117 ; 0.007794 ; 0 ; Boolean-values/boolean-values-6.rexx
Ok:  118 ; 0.007154 ; 0 ; Box-the-compass/box-the-compass.rexx
Ok:  120 ; 0.021646 ; 0 ; Bulls-and-cows-Player/bulls-and-cows-player.rexx
Ok:  121 ; 0.008468 ; 0 ; Bulls-and-cows/bulls-and-cows-1.rexx
Ok:  122 ; 0.008911 ; 0 ; Bulls-and-cows/bulls-and-cows-2.rexx
Ok:  123 ; 0.215318 ; 0 ; CRC-32/crc-32.rexx
Ok:  124 ; 0.010826 ; 0 ; CSV-data-manipulation/csv-data-manipulation-1.rexx
Ok:  125 ; 0.010929 ; 0 ; CSV-data-manipulation/csv-data-manipulation-2.rexx
Ok:  126 ; 0.009732 ; 0 ; CSV-to-HTML-translation/csv-to-html-translation.rexx
Ok:  127 ; 0.010177 ; 0 ; Caesar-cipher/caesar-cipher-1.rexx
Ok:  128 ; 0.007449 ; 0 ; Caesar-cipher/caesar-cipher-2.rexx
Ok:  129 ; 0.008950 ; 0 ; Calendar/calendar.rexx
Ok:  131 ; 0.009381 ; 0 ; Calendar/calendar.rexx
Ok:  134 ; 0.009467 ; 0 ; Call-a-function/call-a-function-1.rexx
Ok:  135 ; 0.012005 ; 0 ; Call-a-function/call-a-function-2.rexx
Ok:  136 ; 0.017948 ; 0 ; Carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes/carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes-1.rexx
Ok:  137 ; 0.020318 ; 0 ; Carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes/carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes-2.rexx
Ok:  138 ; 0.017745 ; 0 ; Carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes/carmichael-3-strong-pseudoprimes.rexx
Ok:  139 ; 0.191250 ; 0 ; Case-sensitivity-of-identifiers/case-sensitivity-of-identifiers-1.rexx
Ok:  140 ; 0.190567 ; 0 ; Case-sensitivity-of-identifiers/case-sensitivity-of-identifiers-2.rexx
Ok:  141 ; 0.010234 ; 0 ; Casting-out-nines/casting-out-nines.rexx
Ok:  142 ; 0.007328 ; 0 ; Catalan-numbers-Pascals-triangle/catalan-numbers-pascals-triangle-1.rexx
Ok:  143 ; 0.008133 ; 0 ; Catalan-numbers-Pascals-triangle/catalan-numbers-pascals-triangle-2.rexx
Ok:  144 ; 0.007680 ; 0 ; Catalan-numbers-Pascals-triangle/catalan-numbers-pascals-triangle-3.rexx
Ok:  145 ; 0.008042 ; 0 ; Catalan-numbers-Pascals-triangle/catalan-numbers-pascals-triangle-4.rexx
Ok:  146 ; 0.192149 ; 0 ; Catalan-numbers/catalan-numbers-1.rexx
Ok:  147 ; 0.009447 ; 0 ; Catalan-numbers/catalan-numbers-2.rexx
Ok:  148 ; 0.007811 ; 0 ; Catamorphism/catamorphism.rexx
Ok:  149 ; 0.008188 ; 0 ; Character-codes/character-codes-1.rexx
Ok:  150 ; 0.007903 ; 0 ; Character-codes/character-codes-2.rexx
Ok:  151 ; 0.254511 ; 0 ; Check-Machin-like-formulas/check-machin-like-formulas.rexx
Ok:  154 ; 0.007332 ; 0 ; Chinese-remainder-theorem/chinese-remainder-theorem-1.rexx
Ok:  155 ; 0.007491 ; 0 ; Chinese-remainder-theorem/chinese-remainder-theorem-2.rexx
Ok:  156 ; 0.196093 ; 0 ; Cholesky-decomposition/cholesky-decomposition.rexx
Ok:  158 ; 0.202726 ; 0 ; Closest-pair-problem/closest-pair-problem.rexx
Ok:  159 ; 0.007694 ; 0 ; Closures-Value-capture/closures-value-capture.rexx
Ok:  160 ; 0.007939 ; 0 ; Collections/collections-1.rexx
Ok:  161 ; 0.006985 ; 0 ; Collections/collections-2.rexx
Ok:  163 ; 0.007269 ; 0 ; Collections/collections-4.rexx
Ok:  164 ; 0.009278 ; 0 ; Collections/collections-5.rexx
Ok:  167 ; 0.052806 ; 0 ; Combinations-and-permutations/combinations-and-permutations.rexx
Ok:  168 ; 0.009013 ; 0 ; Combinations-with-repetitions/combinations-with-repetitions-1.rexx
Ok:  169 ; 0.048341 ; 0 ; Combinations-with-repetitions/combinations-with-repetitions-2.rexx
Ok:  170 ; 0.046158 ; 0 ; Combinations-with-repetitions/combinations-with-repetitions-3.rexx
Ok:  171 ; 0.008849 ; 0 ; Combinations/combinations.rexx
Ok:  172 ; 0.007308 ; 0 ; Comma-quibbling/comma-quibbling-1.rexx
Ok:  173 ; 0.007027 ; 0 ; Comma-quibbling/comma-quibbling-2.rexx
Ok:  174 ; 0.008349 ; 0 ; Comma-quibbling/comma-quibbling-3.rexx
Ok:  175 ; 0.007925 ; 0 ; Command-line-arguments/command-line-arguments-1.rexx
Ok:  176 ; 0.007518 ; 0 ; Command-line-arguments/command-line-arguments-2.rexx
Ok:  177 ; 0.007253 ; 214 ; Comments/comments-1.rexx
Ok:  178 ; 0.007062 ; 0 ; Comments/comments-2.rexx
Ok:  179 ; 0.007296 ; 0 ; Comments/comments-3.rexx
Ok:  180 ; 0.008058 ; 0 ; Compile-time-calculation/compile-time-calculation.rexx
Ok:  181 ; 0.007429 ; 0 ; Compound-data-type/compound-data-type-1.rexx
Ok:  182 ; 0.007348 ; 0 ; Compound-data-type/compound-data-type-2.rexx
Ok:  186 ; 0.194930 ; 0 ; Conjugate-transpose/conjugate-transpose.rexx
Ok:  187 ; 0.008395 ; 0 ; Constrained-random-points-on-a-circle/constrained-random-points-on-a-circle-1.rexx
Ok:  188 ; 0.008243 ; 0 ; Constrained-random-points-on-a-circle/constrained-random-points-on-a-circle-2.rexx
Ok:  189 ; 0.009042 ; 0 ; Constrained-random-points-on-a-circle/constrained-random-points-on-a-circle-3.rexx
Ok:  190 ; 0.012521 ; 0 ; Constrained-random-points-on-a-circle/constrained-random-points-on-a-circle-4.rexx
Ok:  191 ; 0.156414 ; 0 ; Continued-fraction-Arithmetic-Construct-from-rational-number/continued-fraction-arithmetic-construct-from-rational-number.rexx
Ok:  192 ; 6.115445 ; 0 ; Continued-fraction/continued-fraction-1.rexx
Ok:  193 ; 0.012076 ; 0 ; Continued-fraction/continued-fraction-2.rexx
Ok:  194 ; 0.920590 ; 0 ; Continued-fraction/continued-fraction-3.rexx
Ok:  195 ; 0.010932 ; 0 ; Convert-decimal-number-to-rational/convert-decimal-number-to-rational-1.rexx
Ok:  196 ; 0.008226 ; 0 ; Convert-decimal-number-to-rational/convert-decimal-number-to-rational-2.rexx
Ok:  197 ; 0.007706 ; 0 ; Convert-decimal-number-to-rational/convert-decimal-number-to-rational-3.rexx
Ok:  200 ; 0.007958 ; 0 ; Copy-a-string/copy-a-string.rexx
Ok:  201 ; 0.008071 ; 0 ; Count-in-factors/count-in-factors-1.rexx
Ok:  202 ; 0.008027 ; 0 ; Count-in-factors/count-in-factors-2.rexx
Ok:  203 ; 0.011131 ; 0 ; Count-in-octal/count-in-octal.rexx
Ok:  204 ; 0.180370 ; 0 ; Count-occurrences-of-a-substring/count-occurrences-of-a-substring.rexx
Ok:  205 ; 0.008488 ; 0 ; Count-the-coins/count-the-coins-1.rexx
Ok:  206 ; 0.007477 ; 0 ; Count-the-coins/count-the-coins-2.rexx
Ok:  207 ; 0.007926 ; 0 ; Count-the-coins/count-the-coins-3.rexx
Ok:  208 ; 0.009655 ; 0 ; Create-a-file-on-magnetic-tape/create-a-file-on-magnetic-tape.rexx
Ok:  209 ; 0.026647 ; 0 ; Create-a-file/create-a-file.rexx
Ok:  210 ; 0.008884 ; 0 ; Create-a-two-dimensional-array-at-runtime/create-a-two-dimensional-array-at-runtime.rexx
Ok:  211 ; 0.008389 ; 0 ; Create-an-HTML-table/create-an-html-table.rexx
Ok:  212 ; 0.007291 ; 0 ; Currying/currying-1.rexx
Ok:  213 ; 0.007377 ; 0 ; Currying/currying-2.rexx
Ok:  214 ; 0.391941 ; 0 ; Cut-a-rectangle/cut-a-rectangle-1.rexx
Ok:  215 ; 0.385335 ; 0 ; Cut-a-rectangle/cut-a-rectangle-2.rexx
Ok:  216 ; 0.016596 ; 0 ; DNS-query/dns-query-1.rexx
Ok:  218 ; 0.007603 ; 0 ; Date-format/date-format-1.rexx
Ok:  219 ; 0.007337 ; 0 ; Date-format/date-format-2.rexx
Ok:  221 ; 0.007743 ; 0 ; Date-manipulation/date-manipulation.rexx
Ok:  222 ; 0.008865 ; 0 ; Day-of-the-week/day-of-the-week-1.rexx
Ok:  223 ; 0.008939 ; 0 ; Day-of-the-week/day-of-the-week-2.rexx
Ok:  225 ; 0.008369 ; 0 ; Day-of-the-week/day-of-the-week-4.rexx
Ok:  226 ; 0.195977 ; 0 ; Deal-cards-for-FreeCell/deal-cards-for-freecell.rexx
Ok:  227 ; 0.085770 ; 0 ; Death-Star/death-star.rexx
Ok:  228 ; 0.008222 ; 0 ; Deconvolution-1D/deconvolution-1d.rexx
Ok:  230 ; 0.193534 ; 42 ; Detect-division-by-zero/detect-division-by-zero.rexx
Ok:  231 ; 0.008044 ; 0 ; Determine-if-a-string-is-numeric/determine-if-a-string-is-numeric.rexx
Ok:  233 ; 0.029530 ; 0 ; Digital-root-Multiplicative-digital-root/digital-root-multiplicative-digital-root-1.rexx
Ok:  234 ; 0.013704 ; 0 ; Digital-root-Multiplicative-digital-root/digital-root-multiplicative-digital-root-2.rexx
Ok:  235 ; 0.008026 ; 0 ; Digital-root/digital-root-1.rexx
Ok:  236 ; 0.205220 ; 0 ; Digital-root/digital-root-2.rexx
Ok:  238 ; 0.013342 ; 0 ; Dinesmans-multiple-dwelling-problem/dinesmans-multiple-dwelling-problem.rexx
Ok:  240 ; 0.007439 ; 0 ; Discordian-date/discordian-date.rexx
Ok:  241 ; 0.008007 ; 0 ; Documentation/documentation-1.rexx
Ok:  242 ; 0.007620 ; 0 ; Documentation/documentation-2.rexx
Ok:  243 ; 0.007421 ; 0 ; Dot-product/dot-product-1.rexx
Ok:  244 ; 0.007172 ; 0 ; Dot-product/dot-product-2.rexx
Ok:  245 ; 0.007409 ; 0 ; Doubly-linked-list-Definition/doubly-linked-list-definition.rexx
Ok:  246 ; 0.008789 ; 0 ; Doubly-linked-list-Element-definition/doubly-linked-list-element-definition.rexx
Ok:  247 ; 0.008426 ; 0 ; Doubly-linked-list-Element-insertion/doubly-linked-list-element-insertion.rexx
Ok:  248 ; 0.007452 ; 0 ; Doubly-linked-list-Traversal/doubly-linked-list-traversal.rexx
Ok:  249 ; 0.014459 ; 0 ; Dragon-curve/dragon-curve.rexx
Ok:  251 ; 0.008540 ; 0 ; Draw-a-cuboid/draw-a-cuboid.rexx
Ok:  252 ; 0.061903 ; 0 ; Draw-a-sphere/draw-a-sphere.rexx
Ok:  253 ; 0.187815 ; 0 ; Dutch-national-flag-problem/dutch-national-flag-problem-1.rexx
Ok:  254 ; 0.183071 ; 0 ; Dutch-national-flag-problem/dutch-national-flag-problem-2.rexx
Ok:  255 ; 0.007989 ; 0 ; Dynamic-variable-names/dynamic-variable-names.rexx

Summary Skip
Skip:   16 ; 0 ; 0 ; Abundant,-deficient-and-perfect-number-classifications/abundant,-deficient-and-perfect-number-classifications-3.rexx
Skip:   22 ; 0 ; 0 ; Address-of-a-variable/address-of-a-variable.rexx
Skip:   31 ; 0 ; 0 ; Amicable-pairs/amicable-pairs-1.rexx
Skip:   43 ; 0 ; 0 ; Animation/animation.rexx
Skip:   48 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arbitrary-precision-integers--included-/arbitrary-precision-integers--included--1.rexx
Skip:   49 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arbitrary-precision-integers--included-/arbitrary-precision-integers--included--2.rexx
Skip:   53 ; 0 ; 0 ; Arithmetic-Rational/arithmetic-rational.rexx
Skip:   73 ; 0 ; 0 ; Average-loop-length/average-loop-length.rexx
Skip:   90 ; 0 ; 0 ; Best-shuffle/best-shuffle-2.rexx
Skip:   91 ; 0 ; 0 ; Best-shuffle/best-shuffle-3.rexx
Skip:   92 ; 0 ; 0 ; Best-shuffle/best-shuffle-4.rexx
Skip:  116 ; 0 ; 0 ; Boolean-values/boolean-values-5.rexx
Skip:  132 ; 0 ; 0 ; Call-a-foreign-language-function/call-a-foreign-language-function.rexx
Skip:  162 ; 0 ; 0 ; Collections/collections-3.rexx
Skip:  183 ; 0 ; 0 ; Conditional-structures/conditional-structures-1.rexx
Skip:  184 ; 0 ; 0 ; Conditional-structures/conditional-structures-2.rexx
Skip:  185 ; 0 ; 0 ; Conditional-structures/conditional-structures-3.rexx
Skip:  217 ; 0 ; 0 ; DNS-query/dns-query-2.rexx
Skip:  229 ; 0 ; 0 ; Delete-a-file/delete-a-file.rexx
Skip:  232 ; 0 ; 0 ; Determine-if-only-one-instance-is-running/determine-if-only-one-instance-is-running.rexx
Skip:  237 ; 0 ; 0 ; Digital-root/digital-root-3.rexx
Skip:  239 ; 0 ; 0 ; Dining-philosophers/dining-philosophers.rexx
Skip:  250 ; 0 ; 0 ; Draw-a-clock/draw-a-clock.rexx

Summary Ko
Ko:  119 ; 0.010492 ; 213 ; Brownian-tree/brownian-tree.rexx
Ko:  130 ; 0.014002 ; 213 ; Calendar---for-REAL-programmers/calendar---for-real-programmers.rexx
Ko:  133 ; 0.010619 ; 213 ; Call-a-function-in-a-shared-library/call-a-function-in-a-shared-library.rexx
Ko:  152 ; 0.011009 ; 213 ; Check-that-file-exists/check-that-file-exists-1.rexx
Ko:  153 ; 0.008977 ; 221 ; Check-that-file-exists/check-that-file-exists-2.rexx
Ko:  157 ; 0.008884 ; 221 ; Circles-of-given-radius-through-two-points/circles-of-given-radius-through-two-points.rexx
Ko:  165 ; 0.010107 ; 213 ; Color-of-a-screen-pixel/color-of-a-screen-pixel.rexx
Ko:  166 ; 0.009045 ; 213 ; Colour-bars-Display/colour-bars-display.rexx
Ko:  198 ; 0.008646 ; 163 ; Conways-Game-of-Life/conways-game-of-life-1.rexx
Ko:  199 ; 0.011357 ; 163 ; Conways-Game-of-Life/conways-game-of-life-2.rexx
Ko:  220 ; 0.007701 ; 216 ; Date-format/date-format-3.rexx
Ko:  224 ; 0.008728 ; 216 ; Day-of-the-week/day-of-the-week-3.rexx

Summary counters

Results for Regina:         Results for ooRexx5:
Ok=203                      Ok=90
Skip=24                     Skip=23
Ko=28                       Ko=142
duration=91.641678          duration=26.823694

End of demonstration.