loadPackage OK for extension/stringChunk.cls
loadPackage OK for utilities/indentedStream.cls
loadPackage OK for extension/extensions.cls
loadLibrary OK for rxunixsys
loadPackage OK for ncurses.cls
loadPackage OK for csvStream.cls
loadLibrary OK for hostemu
loadPackage OK for json.cls
loadPackage OK for mime.cls
loadPackage OK for rxftp.cls
loadLibrary OK for rxmath
loadPackage OK for rxregexp.cls
loadPackage OK for regex/regex.cls
loadPackage OK for smtp.cls
loadPackage OK for socket.cls
loadPackage OK for streamsocket.cls
loadPackage OK for pipeline/pipe.cls
loadPackage OK for rgf_util2/rgf_util2.rex
loadPackage OK for BSF.CLS
loadPackage OK for oorexxshell_queries.cls
loadPackage OK for pipeline/pipe_extension.cls
loadPackage OK for rgf_util2/rgf_util2_wrappers.rex

REXX-ooRexx_4.3.0(MT)_64-bit 6.04 1 Apr 2024
Input queue name: S796bQ6000007c6be0

ooRexx> .context~package~encoding = "byte"

-- .Unicode~loadDerivedName(/*action*/ "load")=    -- load all the Unicode characters
-- .Unicode~loadNameAliases(/*action*/ "load")=    -- load the name aliases

-- Supported encodings

ooRexx> .encoding~list~pipe(.sort "byIndex" | .console "index.25" ":" "item")
437                       : (The IBM437_Encoding class) 
819                       : (The ISO88591_Encoding class) 
8859                      : (The ISO88591_Encoding class) 
28591                     : (The ISO88591_Encoding class) 
88591                     : (The ISO88591_Encoding class) 
'ASCII8BIT'               : (The Byte_Encoding class) 
'BINARY'                  : (The Byte_Encoding class) 
'BYTE'                    : (The Byte_Encoding class) 
'BYTES'                   : (The Byte_Encoding class) 
'CP1252'                  : (The WINDOWS1252_Encoding class) 
'CP437'                   : (The IBM437_Encoding class) 
'CP5348'                  : (The WINDOWS1252_Encoding class) 
'CP65001'                 : (The UTF8_Encoding class) 
'CP819'                   : (The ISO88591_Encoding class) 
'CSISOLATIN1'             : (The ISO88591_Encoding class) 
'CSPC8CODEPAGE437'        : (The IBM437_Encoding class) 
'CSWINDOWS1252'           : (The WINDOWS1252_Encoding class) 
'IBM1252'                 : (The IBM1252_Encoding class) 
'IBM437'                  : (The IBM437_Encoding class) 
'IBM5348'                 : (The WINDOWS1252_Encoding class) 
'IBM819'                  : (The ISO88591_Encoding class) 
'ISO88591'                : (The ISO88591_Encoding class) 
'ISO885911987'            : (The ISO88591_Encoding class) 
'ISOIR100'                : (The ISO88591_Encoding class) 
'L1'                      : (The ISO88591_Encoding class) 
'LATIN'                   : (The ISO88591_Encoding class) 
'LATIN1'                  : (The ISO88591_Encoding class) 
'UNICODE16'               : (The Unicode16_Encoding class) 
'UNICODE32'               : (The Unicode32_Encoding class) 
'UNICODE8'                : (The Unicode8_Encoding class) 
'UTF16'                   : (The UTF16BE_Encoding class) 
'UTF16BE'                 : (The UTF16BE_Encoding class) 
'UTF16LE'                 : (The UTF16LE_Encoding class) 
'UTF32'                   : (The UTF32BE_Encoding class) 
'UTF32BE'                 : (The UTF32BE_Encoding class) 
'UTF32LE'                 : (The UTF32LE_Encoding class) 
'UTF8'                    : (The UTF8_Encoding class) 
'WE8ISO8859P1'            : (The ISO88591_Encoding class) 
'WINDOWS1252'             : (The WINDOWS1252_Encoding class) 
'WINDOWS28591'            : (The ISO88591_Encoding class) 
'WINDOWS437'              : (The IBM437_Encoding class) 
'WTF16'                   : (The WTF16BE_Encoding class) 
'WTF16BE'                 : (The WTF16BE_Encoding class) 
'WTF16LE'                 : (The WTF16LE_Encoding class) 
'WTF8'                    : (The WTF8_Encoding class) 

-- from Byte

ooRexx> drop t
ooRexx> t = xrange("00"x, "7F"x)~text("Byte")           -- characters from 80x to FFx can't be converted to Unicode
ooRexx> < include_conversion.rex
    -- Start of file include_conversion.rex
    Depends on:
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        Depends on:
        -- to utf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Byte ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf8
        ooRexx> utf8 = t~utf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf8~description=
            'UTF-8 ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F'
            ooRexx> utf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf8~"==":.object(utf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Byte ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf8
        ooRexx> wtf8 = t~wtf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf8~description=
            'WTF-8 ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F'
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf8~"==":.object(wtf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8 (yes, changed)
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Byte ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16be
        ooRexx> utf16be = t~utf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16be~description=
            'UTF-16BE (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F'
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16be~"==":.object(utf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Byte ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16le
        ooRexx> utf16le = t~utf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16le~description=
            'UTF-16LE (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00'
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16le~"==":.object(utf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Byte ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16be
        ooRexx> wtf16be = t~wtf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16be~description=
            'WTF-16BE (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16be~"==":.object(wtf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Byte ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16le
        ooRexx> wtf16le = t~wtf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16le~description=
            'WTF-16LE (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16le~"==":.object(wtf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Byte ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32be
        ooRexx> utf32be = t~utf32be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32be~description=
            'UTF-32BE (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F'
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32be~"==":.object(utf32be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Byte ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32le
        ooRexx> utf32le = t~utf32le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32le~description=
            'UTF-32LE (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000'
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32le~"==":.object(utf32le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Byte ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode
        ooRexx> unicode = t~unicode(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode~description=
            'Unicode8 ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F'
            ooRexx> unicode~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode~"==":.object(unicode)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode8)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Byte ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode8
        ooRexx> unicode8 = t~unicode8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode8~description=
            'Unicode8 ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F'
            ooRexx> unicode8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode8~"==":.object(unicode8)=              -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode8)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode16
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Byte ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode16
        ooRexx> unicode16 = t~unicode16(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode16~description=
            'Unicode16 (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode16~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode16~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00'
            ooRexx> unicode16~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode16~"==":.object(unicode16)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode16)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode32)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode32
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Byte ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode32
        ooRexx> unicode32 = t~unicode32(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode32~description=
            'Unicode32 (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode32~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000'
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode32~"==":.object(unicode32)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode16)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode32)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
    -- some transformations to have a mixed cache
    ooRexx> t~nfc(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'
    ooRexx> t~nfd(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'
    ooRexx> t~nfkc(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'
    ooRexx> t~nfkd(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'
    ooRexx> t~casefold(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'
    -- End of file include_conversion.rex
    ooRexx> call display_cache t
'[0000]'                            : Byte ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)             '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'[0010]'                            : Byte ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)             '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'UTF-16BE'                          : UTF-16BE (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'UTF-16LE'                          : UTF-16LE (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'UTF-32BE'                          : UTF-32BE (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)               '[000000000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B00 
'UTF-32LE'                          : UTF-32LE (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)               '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'UTF-8'                             : UTF-8 ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)            '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'Unicode16'                         : Unicode16 (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)              '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'Unicode32'                         : Unicode32 (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'Unicode8'                          : Unicode8 ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)         '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'WTF-16BE'                          : WTF-16BE (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'WTF-16LE'                          : WTF-16LE (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'WTF-8'                             : WTF-8 ASCII (128 characters, 128 codepoints, 128 bytes, 0 error)            '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 

-- from CP1252 (alias of Windows-1252)

ooRexx> drop t
ooRexx> t = xrange("00"x, "FF"x)~text("CP1252")         -- all the characters from 00x to FFx can be converted to Unicode
ooRexx> < include_conversion.rex
    -- Start of file include_conversion.rex
    Depends on:
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        Depends on:
        -- to utf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'windows-1252 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf8
        ooRexx> utf8 = t~utf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf8~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 401 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf8~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> utf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf8~"==":.object(utf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'windows-1252 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf8
        ooRexx> wtf8 = t~wtf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf8~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 401 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf8~"==":.object(wtf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8 (yes, changed)
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'windows-1252 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16be
        ooRexx> utf16be = t~utf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16be~description=
            'UTF-16BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF'
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16be~"==":.object(utf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'windows-1252 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16le
        ooRexx> utf16le = t~utf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16le~description=
            'UTF-16LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00'
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16le~"==":.object(utf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'windows-1252 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16be
        ooRexx> wtf16be = t~wtf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16be~description=
            'WTF-16BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16be~"==":.object(wtf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'windows-1252 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16le
        ooRexx> wtf16le = t~wtf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16le~description=
            'WTF-16LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16le~"==":.object(wtf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'windows-1252 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32be
        ooRexx> utf32be = t~utf32be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32be~description=
            'UTF-32BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF'
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32be~"==":.object(utf32be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'windows-1252 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32le
        ooRexx> utf32le = t~utf32le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32le~description=
            'UTF-32LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000'
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32le~"==":.object(utf32le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'windows-1252 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode
        ooRexx> unicode = t~unicode(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode~description=
            'Unicode16 (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00'
            ooRexx> unicode~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode~"==":.object(unicode)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'windows-1252 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode8
        ooRexx> unicode8 = t~unicode8(memorize:)
Unicode8 encoding: invalid codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 129. Allowed range is 0..255.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode8~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode8~"==":.object(unicode8)=              -- 1
Unicode8 encoding: invalid codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 129. Allowed range is 0..255.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf8)
Unicode8 encoding: invalid codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 129. Allowed range is 0..255.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Unicode8 encoding: invalid codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 129. Allowed range is 0..255.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Unicode8 encoding: invalid codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 129. Allowed range is 0..255.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode16
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'windows-1252 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode16
        ooRexx> unicode16 = t~unicode16(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode16~description=
            'Unicode16 (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode16~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode16~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00'
            ooRexx> unicode16~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode16~"==":.object(unicode16)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode16)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode32)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode32
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'windows-1252 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode32
        ooRexx> unicode32 = t~unicode32(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode32~description=
            'Unicode32 (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode32~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000'
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode32~"==":.object(unicode32)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode16)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode32)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
    -- some transformations to have a mixed cache
    ooRexx> t~nfc(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������[FF]'
    ooRexx> t~nfd(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������[FF]'
    ooRexx> t~nfkc(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������[FF]'
    ooRexx> t~nfkd(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������[FF]'
    ooRexx> t~casefold(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������[FF]'
    -- End of file include_conversion.rex
    ooRexx> call display_cache t
'[0000]'                            : windows-1252 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error) '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'[0010]'                            : windows-1252 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error) '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'UTF-16BE'                          : UTF-16BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'UTF-16LE'                          : UTF-16LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'UTF-32BE'                          : UTF-32BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B00 
'UTF-32LE'                          : UTF-32LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'UTF-8'                             : UTF-8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 401 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'Unicode16'                         : Unicode16 (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)              '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'Unicode32'                         : Unicode32 (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)             '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'WTF-16BE'                          : WTF-16BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'WTF-16LE'                          : WTF-16LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'WTF-8'                             : WTF-8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 401 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 

-- from ISO-8859-1

ooRexx> drop t
ooRexx> t = xrange("00"x, "FF"x)~text("ISO-8859-1")     -- all the characters from 00x to FFx can be converted to Unicode
ooRexx> < include_conversion.rex
    -- Start of file include_conversion.rex
    Depends on:
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        Depends on:
        -- to utf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'ISO-8859-1 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf8
        ooRexx> utf8 = t~utf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf8~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 384 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F C280 C281 C282 C283 C284 C285 C286 C287 C288 C289 C28A C28B C28C C28D C28E C28F C290 C291 C292 C293 C294 C295 C296 C297 C298 C299 C29A C29B C29C C29D C29E C29F C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF'
            ooRexx> utf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf8~"==":.object(utf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'ISO-8859-1 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf8
        ooRexx> wtf8 = t~wtf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf8~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 384 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F C280 C281 C282 C283 C284 C285 C286 C287 C288 C289 C28A C28B C28C C28D C28E C28F C290 C291 C292 C293 C294 C295 C296 C297 C298 C299 C29A C29B C29C C29D C29E C29F C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF'
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf8~"==":.object(wtf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8 (yes, changed)
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'ISO-8859-1 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16be
        ooRexx> utf16be = t~utf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16be~description=
            'UTF-16BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008A 008B 008C 008D 008E 008F 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009A 009B 009C 009D 009E 009F 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF'
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16be~"==":.object(utf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'ISO-8859-1 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16le
        ooRexx> utf16le = t~utf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16le~description=
            'UTF-16LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 8700 8800 8900 8A00 8B00 8C00 8D00 8E00 8F00 9000 9100 9200 9300 9400 9500 9600 9700 9800 9900 9A00 9B00 9C00 9D00 9E00 9F00 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00'
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16le~"==":.object(utf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'ISO-8859-1 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16be
        ooRexx> wtf16be = t~wtf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16be~description=
            'WTF-16BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008A 008B 008C 008D 008E 008F 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009A 009B 009C 009D 009E 009F 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16be~"==":.object(wtf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'ISO-8859-1 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16le
        ooRexx> wtf16le = t~wtf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16le~description=
            'WTF-16LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 8700 8800 8900 8A00 8B00 8C00 8D00 8E00 8F00 9000 9100 9200 9300 9400 9500 9600 9700 9800 9900 9A00 9B00 9C00 9D00 9E00 9F00 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16le~"==":.object(wtf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'ISO-8859-1 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32be
        ooRexx> utf32be = t~utf32be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32be~description=
            'UTF-32BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 00000080 00000081 00000082 00000083 00000084 00000085 00000086 00000087 00000088 00000089 0000008A 0000008B 0000008C 0000008D 0000008E 0000008F 00000090 00000091 00000092 00000093 00000094 00000095 00000096 00000097 00000098 00000099 0000009A 0000009B 0000009C 0000009D 0000009E 0000009F 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF'
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32be~"==":.object(utf32be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'ISO-8859-1 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32le
        ooRexx> utf32le = t~utf32le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32le~description=
            'UTF-32LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 80000000 81000000 82000000 83000000 84000000 85000000 86000000 87000000 88000000 89000000 8A000000 8B000000 8C000000 8D000000 8E000000 8F000000 90000000 91000000 92000000 93000000 94000000 95000000 96000000 97000000 98000000 99000000 9A000000 9B000000 9C000000 9D000000 9E000000 9F000000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000'
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32le~"==":.object(utf32le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'ISO-8859-1 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode
        ooRexx> unicode = t~unicode(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode~description=
            'Unicode8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> unicode~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode~"==":.object(unicode)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode8)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'ISO-8859-1 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode8
        ooRexx> unicode8 = t~unicode8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode8~description=
            'Unicode8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode8~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> unicode8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode8~"==":.object(unicode8)=              -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode8)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode16
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'ISO-8859-1 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode16
        ooRexx> unicode16 = t~unicode16(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode16~description=
            'Unicode16 (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode16~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode16~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 8700 8800 8900 8A00 8B00 8C00 8D00 8E00 8F00 9000 9100 9200 9300 9400 9500 9600 9700 9800 9900 9A00 9B00 9C00 9D00 9E00 9F00 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00'
            ooRexx> unicode16~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode16~"==":.object(unicode16)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode16)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode32)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode32
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'ISO-8859-1 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode32
        ooRexx> unicode32 = t~unicode32(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode32~description=
            'Unicode32 (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode32~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 80000000 81000000 82000000 83000000 84000000 85000000 86000000 87000000 88000000 89000000 8A000000 8B000000 8C000000 8D000000 8E000000 8F000000 90000000 91000000 92000000 93000000 94000000 95000000 96000000 97000000 98000000 99000000 9A000000 9B000000 9C000000 9D000000 9E000000 9F000000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000'
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode32~"==":.object(unicode32)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode16)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode32)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
    -- some transformations to have a mixed cache
    ooRexx> t~nfc(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������[FF]'
    ooRexx> t~nfd(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������[FF]'
    ooRexx> t~nfkc(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������[FF]'
    ooRexx> t~nfkd(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������[FF]'
    ooRexx> t~casefold(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������[FF]'
    -- End of file include_conversion.rex
    ooRexx> call display_cache t
'[0000]'                            : ISO-8859-1 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)   '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'[0010]'                            : ISO-8859-1 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)   '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'UTF-16BE'                          : UTF-16BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'UTF-16LE'                          : UTF-16LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'UTF-32BE'                          : UTF-32BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B00 
'UTF-32LE'                          : UTF-32LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'UTF-8'                             : UTF-8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 384 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'Unicode16'                         : Unicode16 (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)              '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'Unicode32'                         : Unicode32 (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)             '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'Unicode8'                          : Unicode8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)     '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'WTF-16BE'                          : WTF-16BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'WTF-16LE'                          : WTF-16LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'WTF-8'                             : WTF-8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 384 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 

-- from UTF-8

ooRexx> drop t
ooRexx> t = xrange("00"x, "FF"x)~text("CP1252")~utf8
ooRexx> t ||= "noël‍👨‍👩‍👧"
ooRexx> t ||= "h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞"
ooRexx> t ||= "äöü äöü x̂ ϔ ﷺ baffle"
ooRexx> < include_conversion.rex
    -- Start of file include_conversion.rex
    Depends on:
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        Depends on:
        -- to utf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf8
        ooRexx> utf8 = t~utf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf8~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> utf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf8~"==":.object(utf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf8
        ooRexx> wtf8 = t~wtf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf8~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf8~"==":.object(wtf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8 (yes, changed)
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16be
        ooRexx> utf16be = t~utf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16be~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16be~"==":.object(utf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16le
        ooRexx> utf16le = t~utf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16le~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16le~"==":.object(utf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16be
        ooRexx> wtf16be = t~wtf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16be~description=
            'WTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16be~"==":.object(wtf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16le
        ooRexx> wtf16le = t~wtf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16le~description=
            'WTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16le~"==":.object(wtf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32be
        ooRexx> utf32be = t~utf32be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32be~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32be~"==":.object(utf32be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32le
        ooRexx> utf32le = t~utf32le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32le~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32le~"==":.object(utf32le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode
        ooRexx> unicode = t~unicode(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode~"==":.object(unicode)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode8
        ooRexx> unicode8 = t~unicode8(memorize:)
Cannot convert UTF-8 not-ASCII codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 129 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode8~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode8~"==":.object(unicode8)=              -- 1
Cannot convert UTF-8 not-ASCII codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 129 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf8)
Cannot convert UTF-8 not-ASCII codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 129 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Cannot convert UTF-8 not-ASCII codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 129 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Cannot convert UTF-8 not-ASCII codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 129 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode16
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode16
        ooRexx> unicode16 = t~unicode16(memorize:)
Cannot convert UTF-8 not-ASCII codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 410 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode16~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode16~"==":.object(unicode16)=            -- 1
Cannot convert UTF-8 not-ASCII codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 410 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode16)
Cannot convert UTF-8 not-ASCII codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 410 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode32)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode32
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode32
        ooRexx> unicode32 = t~unicode32(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode32~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode32~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode32~"==":.object(unicode32)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode16)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode32)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
    -- some transformations to have a mixed cache
    ooRexx> t~nfc(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿnoël‍👨‍👩‍👧h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞äöü äöü x̂ ϔ ﷺ baffle'
    ooRexx> t~nfd(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿnoël‍👨‍👩‍👧h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞äöü äöü x̂ ϔ ﷺ baffle'
    ooRexx> t~nfkc(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„...†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–— ̃TMš›œžŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§ ̈©a«¬­® ̄°±23 ́μ¶· ̧1o»1⁄41⁄23⁄4¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿnoël‍👨‍👩‍👧h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞äöü äöü x̂ Ϋ صلى الله عليه وسلم baffle'
    ooRexx> t~nfkd(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„...†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–— ̃TMš›œžŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§ ̈©a«¬­® ̄°±23 ́μ¶· ̧1o»1⁄41⁄23⁄4¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿnoël‍👨‍👩‍👧h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞äöü äöü x̂ Ϋ صلى الله عليه وسلم baffle'
    ooRexx> t~casefold(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰š‹œž‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžÿ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´μ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö×øùúûüýþssàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿnoël‍👨‍👩‍👧h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞äöü äöü x̂ ϔ ﷺ baffle'
    -- End of file include_conversion.rex
    ooRexx> call display_cache t
'[0001]'                            : UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 339 codepoints, 569 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'[0002]'                            : UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 405 codepoints, 636 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'[0004]'                            : UTF-8 not-ASCII (312 characters, 372 codepoints, 606 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'[0008]'                            : UTF-8 not-ASCII (312 characters, 438 codepoints, 673 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'[0010]'                            : UTF-8 not-ASCII (287 characters, 345 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'UTF-16BE'                          : UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'UTF-16LE'                          : UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'UTF-32BE'                          : UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B00 
'UTF-32LE'                          : UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'Unicode32'                         : Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)             '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'WTF-16BE'                          : WTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'WTF-16LE'                          : WTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'WTF-8'                             : WTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 

-- from WTF-8

ooRexx> drop t
ooRexx> t = xrange("00"x, "FF"x)~text("CP1252")~utf8
ooRexx> t ||= "noël‍👨‍👩‍👧"
ooRexx> t ||= "h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞"
ooRexx> t ||= "\uD83D\uDE3F"~text("wtf8")~unescape
ooRexx> t ||= "äöü äöü x̂ ϔ ﷺ baffle"
ooRexx> < include_conversion.rex
    -- Start of file include_conversion.rex
    Depends on:
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        Depends on:
        -- to utf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf8
        ooRexx> utf8 = t~utf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf8~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> utf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf8~"==":.object(utf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf8
        ooRexx> wtf8 = t~wtf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf8~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf8~"==":.object(wtf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8 (yes, changed)
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16be
        ooRexx> utf16be = t~utf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16be~description=
            'UTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16be~"==":.object(utf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16le
        ooRexx> utf16le = t~utf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16le~description=
            'UTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16le~"==":.object(utf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16be
        ooRexx> wtf16be = t~wtf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16be~description=
            'WTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16be~"==":.object(wtf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16le
        ooRexx> wtf16le = t~wtf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16le~description=
            'WTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16le~"==":.object(wtf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32be
        ooRexx> utf32be = t~utf32be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32be~description=
            'UTF-32BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 0001F63F 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32be~"==":.object(utf32be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32le
        ooRexx> utf32le = t~utf32le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32le~description=
            'UTF-32LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 3FF60100 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32le~"==":.object(utf32le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode
        ooRexx> unicode = t~unicode(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode~description=
            'Unicode32 (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 3FF60100 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode~"==":.object(unicode)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode8
        ooRexx> unicode8 = t~unicode8(memorize:)
Cannot convert WTF-8 not-ASCII codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 129 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode8~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode8~"==":.object(unicode8)=              -- 1
Cannot convert WTF-8 not-ASCII codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 129 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf8)
Cannot convert WTF-8 not-ASCII codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 129 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Cannot convert WTF-8 not-ASCII codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 129 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Cannot convert WTF-8 not-ASCII codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 129 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode16
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode16
        ooRexx> unicode16 = t~unicode16(memorize:)
Cannot convert WTF-8 not-ASCII codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 410 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode16~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode16~"==":.object(unicode16)=            -- 1
Cannot convert WTF-8 not-ASCII codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 410 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode16)
Cannot convert WTF-8 not-ASCII codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 410 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode32)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode32
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode32
        ooRexx> unicode32 = t~unicode32(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode32~description=
            'Unicode32 (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode32~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 3FF60100 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode32~"==":.object(unicode32)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode16)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode32)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
    -- some transformations to have a mixed cache
    ooRexx> t~nfc(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿnoël‍👨‍👩‍👧h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞😿äöü äöü x̂ ϔ ﷺ baffle'
    ooRexx> t~nfd(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿnoël‍👨‍👩‍👧h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞😿äöü äöü x̂ ϔ ﷺ baffle'
    ooRexx> t~nfkc(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„...†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–— ̃TMš›œžŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§ ̈©a«¬­® ̄°±23 ́μ¶· ̧1o»1⁄41⁄23⁄4¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿnoël‍👨‍👩‍👧h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞😿äöü äöü x̂ Ϋ صلى الله عليه وسلم baffle'
    ooRexx> t~nfkd(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„...†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–— ̃TMš›œžŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§ ̈©a«¬­® ̄°±23 ́μ¶· ̧1o»1⁄41⁄23⁄4¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿnoël‍👨‍👩‍👧h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞😿äöü äöü x̂ Ϋ صلى الله عليه وسلم baffle'
    ooRexx> t~casefold(memorize:)=
    T'[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰š‹œž‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžÿ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´μ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö×øùúûüýþssàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿnoël‍👨‍👩‍👧h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞😿äöü äöü x̂ ϔ ﷺ baffle'
    -- End of file include_conversion.rex
    ooRexx> call display_cache t
'[0001]'                            : WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 340 codepoints, 573 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'[0002]'                            : WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 406 codepoints, 640 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'[0004]'                            : WTF-8 not-ASCII (313 characters, 373 codepoints, 610 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'[0008]'                            : WTF-8 not-ASCII (313 characters, 439 codepoints, 677 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'[0010]'                            : WTF-8 not-ASCII (288 characters, 346 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'UTF-16BE'                          : UTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'UTF-16LE'                          : UTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'UTF-32BE'                          : UTF-32BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B00 
'UTF-32LE'                          : UTF-32LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'UTF-8'                             : UTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'Unicode32'                         : Unicode32 (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)             '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'WTF-16BE'                          : WTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'WTF-16LE'                          : WTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 

-- from UTF-16BE

ooRexx> drop t
ooRexx> t = xrange("00"x, "FF"x)~text("CP1252")~utf8
ooRexx> t ||= "noël‍👨‍👩‍👧"
ooRexx> t ||= "h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞"
ooRexx> t ||= "äöü äöü x̂ ϔ ﷺ baffle"
ooRexx> t = t~utf16be
ooRexx> < include_conversion.rex
    -- Start of file include_conversion.rex
    Depends on:
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        Depends on:
        -- to utf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf8
        ooRexx> utf8 = t~utf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf8~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> utf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf8~"==":.object(utf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf8
        ooRexx> wtf8 = t~wtf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf8~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf8~"==":.object(wtf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8 (yes, changed)
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16be
        ooRexx> utf16be = t~utf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16be~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16be~"==":.object(utf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16le
        ooRexx> utf16le = t~utf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16le~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16le~"==":.object(utf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16be
        ooRexx> wtf16be = t~wtf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16be~description=
            'WTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16be~"==":.object(wtf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be (yes, changed)
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16le
        ooRexx> wtf16le = t~wtf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16le~description=
            'WTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16le~"==":.object(wtf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32be
        ooRexx> utf32be = t~utf32be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32be~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32be~"==":.object(utf32be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32le
        ooRexx> utf32le = t~utf32le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32le~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32le~"==":.object(utf32le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode
        ooRexx> unicode = t~unicode(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode~"==":.object(unicode)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode8
        ooRexx> unicode8 = t~unicode8(memorize:)
Cannot convert UTF-16BE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode8~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode8~"==":.object(unicode8)=              -- 1
Cannot convert UTF-16BE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf8)
Cannot convert UTF-16BE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Cannot convert UTF-16BE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Cannot convert UTF-16BE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode16
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode16
        ooRexx> unicode16 = t~unicode16(memorize:)
Cannot convert UTF-16BE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 523 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode16~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode16~"==":.object(unicode16)=            -- 1
Cannot convert UTF-16BE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 523 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode16)
Cannot convert UTF-16BE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 523 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode32)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode32
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode32
        ooRexx> unicode32 = t~unicode32(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode32~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode32~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode32~"==":.object(unicode32)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode16)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode32)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
    -- some transformations to have a mixed cache
    ooRexx> t~nfc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~casefold(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
    -- End of file include_conversion.rex
    ooRexx> call display_cache t
'UTF-16LE'                          : UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'UTF-32BE'                          : UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B00 
'UTF-32LE'                          : UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'UTF-8'                             : UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'Unicode32'                         : Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)             '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'WTF-16BE'                          : WTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'WTF-16LE'                          : WTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'WTF-8'                             : WTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 

-- from UTF-16LE

ooRexx> drop t
ooRexx> t = xrange("00"x, "FF"x)~text("CP1252")~utf8
ooRexx> t ||= "noël‍👨‍👩‍👧"
ooRexx> t ||= "h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞"
ooRexx> t ||= "äöü äöü x̂ ϔ ﷺ baffle"
ooRexx> t = t~utf16le
ooRexx> < include_conversion.rex
    -- Start of file include_conversion.rex
    Depends on:
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        Depends on:
        -- to utf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf8
        ooRexx> utf8 = t~utf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf8~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> utf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf8~"==":.object(utf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf8
        ooRexx> wtf8 = t~wtf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf8~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf8~"==":.object(wtf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8 (yes, changed)
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16be
        ooRexx> utf16be = t~utf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16be~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16be~"==":.object(utf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16le
        ooRexx> utf16le = t~utf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16le~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16le~"==":.object(utf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16le
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16be
        ooRexx> wtf16be = t~wtf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16be~description=
            'WTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16be~"==":.object(wtf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16le
        ooRexx> wtf16le = t~wtf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16le~description=
            'WTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16le~"==":.object(wtf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le (yes, changed)
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32be
        ooRexx> utf32be = t~utf32be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32be~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32be~"==":.object(utf32be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32le
        ooRexx> utf32le = t~utf32le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32le~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32le~"==":.object(utf32le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode
        ooRexx> unicode = t~unicode(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode~"==":.object(unicode)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode8
        ooRexx> unicode8 = t~unicode8(memorize:)
Cannot convert UTF-16LE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode8~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode8~"==":.object(unicode8)=              -- 1
Cannot convert UTF-16LE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf8)
Cannot convert UTF-16LE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Cannot convert UTF-16LE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Cannot convert UTF-16LE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode16
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode16
        ooRexx> unicode16 = t~unicode16(memorize:)
Cannot convert UTF-16LE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 523 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode16~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode16~"==":.object(unicode16)=            -- 1
Cannot convert UTF-16LE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 523 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode16)
Cannot convert UTF-16LE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 523 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode32)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode32
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode32
        ooRexx> unicode32 = t~unicode32(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode32~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode32~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode32~"==":.object(unicode32)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode16)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode32)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
    -- some transformations to have a mixed cache
    ooRexx> t~nfc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~casefold(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
    -- End of file include_conversion.rex
    ooRexx> call display_cache t
'UTF-16BE'                          : UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'UTF-32BE'                          : UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B00 
'UTF-32LE'                          : UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'UTF-8'                             : UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'Unicode32'                         : Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)             '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'WTF-16BE'                          : WTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'WTF-16LE'                          : WTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'WTF-8'                             : WTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 

-- from WTF-16BE

ooRexx> drop t
ooRexx> t = xrange("00"x, "FF"x)~text("CP1252")~utf8
ooRexx> t ||= "noël‍👨‍👩‍👧"
ooRexx> t ||= "h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞"
ooRexx> t ||= "\uD83D\uDE3F"~text("wtf8")~unescape
ooRexx> t ||= "äöü äöü x̂ ϔ ﷺ baffle"
ooRexx> t = t~utf16be
ooRexx> < include_conversion.rex
    -- Start of file include_conversion.rex
    Depends on:
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        Depends on:
        -- to utf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf8
        ooRexx> utf8 = t~utf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf8~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> utf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf8~"==":.object(utf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf8
        ooRexx> wtf8 = t~wtf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf8~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf8~"==":.object(wtf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8 (yes, changed)
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16be
        ooRexx> utf16be = t~utf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16be~description=
            'UTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16be~"==":.object(utf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16le
        ooRexx> utf16le = t~utf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16le~description=
            'UTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16le~"==":.object(utf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16be
        ooRexx> wtf16be = t~wtf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16be~description=
            'WTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16be~"==":.object(wtf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be (yes, changed)
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16le
        ooRexx> wtf16le = t~wtf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16le~description=
            'WTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16le~"==":.object(wtf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32be
        ooRexx> utf32be = t~utf32be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32be~description=
            'UTF-32BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 0001F63F 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32be~"==":.object(utf32be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32le
        ooRexx> utf32le = t~utf32le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32le~description=
            'UTF-32LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 3FF60100 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32le~"==":.object(utf32le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode
        ooRexx> unicode = t~unicode(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode~description=
            'Unicode32 (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 3FF60100 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode~"==":.object(unicode)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode8
        ooRexx> unicode8 = t~unicode8(memorize:)
Cannot convert UTF-16BE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode8~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode8~"==":.object(unicode8)=              -- 1
Cannot convert UTF-16BE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf8)
Cannot convert UTF-16BE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Cannot convert UTF-16BE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Cannot convert UTF-16BE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode16
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode16
        ooRexx> unicode16 = t~unicode16(memorize:)
Cannot convert UTF-16BE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 523 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode16~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode16~"==":.object(unicode16)=            -- 1
Cannot convert UTF-16BE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 523 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode16)
Cannot convert UTF-16BE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 523 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode32)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode32
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode32
        ooRexx> unicode32 = t~unicode32(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode32~description=
            'Unicode32 (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode32~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 3FF60100 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode32~"==":.object(unicode32)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode16)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode32)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
    -- some transformations to have a mixed cache
    ooRexx> t~nfc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~casefold(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
    -- End of file include_conversion.rex
    ooRexx> call display_cache t
'UTF-16LE'                          : UTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'UTF-32BE'                          : UTF-32BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B00 
'UTF-32LE'                          : UTF-32LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'UTF-8'                             : UTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'Unicode32'                         : Unicode32 (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)             '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'WTF-16BE'                          : WTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'WTF-16LE'                          : WTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'WTF-8'                             : WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 

-- from WTF-16LE

ooRexx> drop t
ooRexx> t = xrange("00"x, "FF"x)~text("CP1252")~utf8
ooRexx> t ||= "noël‍👨‍👩‍👧"
ooRexx> t ||= "h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞"
ooRexx> t ||= "\uD83D\uDE3F"~text("wtf8")~unescape
ooRexx> t ||= "äöü äöü x̂ ϔ ﷺ baffle"
ooRexx> t = t~utf16le
ooRexx> < include_conversion.rex
    -- Start of file include_conversion.rex
    Depends on:
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        Depends on:
        -- to utf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf8
        ooRexx> utf8 = t~utf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf8~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> utf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf8~"==":.object(utf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf8
        ooRexx> wtf8 = t~wtf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf8~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 F09F98BF C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf8~"==":.object(wtf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8 (yes, changed)
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16be
        ooRexx> utf16be = t~utf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16be~description=
            'UTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16be~"==":.object(utf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16le
        ooRexx> utf16le = t~utf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16le~description=
            'UTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16le~"==":.object(utf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16le
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16be
        ooRexx> wtf16be = t~wtf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16be~description=
            'WTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 D83DDE3F 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16be~"==":.object(wtf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16le
        ooRexx> wtf16le = t~wtf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16le~description=
            'WTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16le~"==":.object(wtf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le (yes, changed)
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32be
        ooRexx> utf32be = t~utf32be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32be~description=
            'UTF-32BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 0001F63F 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32be~"==":.object(utf32be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32le
        ooRexx> utf32le = t~utf32le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32le~description=
            'UTF-32LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 3FF60100 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32le~"==":.object(utf32le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode
        ooRexx> unicode = t~unicode(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode~description=
            'Unicode32 (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 3FF60100 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode~"==":.object(unicode)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode8
        ooRexx> unicode8 = t~unicode8(memorize:)
Cannot convert UTF-16LE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode8~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode8~"==":.object(unicode8)=              -- 1
Cannot convert UTF-16LE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf8)
Cannot convert UTF-16LE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Cannot convert UTF-16LE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Cannot convert UTF-16LE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode16
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode16
        ooRexx> unicode16 = t~unicode16(memorize:)
Cannot convert UTF-16LE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 523 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode16~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode16~"==":.object(unicode16)=            -- 1
Cannot convert UTF-16LE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 523 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode16)
Cannot convert UTF-16LE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 523 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode32)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode32
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 3DD83FDE E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode32
        ooRexx> unicode32 = t~unicode32(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode32~description=
            'Unicode32 (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode32~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 3FF60100 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+1F63F U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode32~"==":.object(unicode32)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode16)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode32)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
    -- some transformations to have a mixed cache
    ooRexx> t~nfc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~casefold(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
    -- End of file include_conversion.rex
    ooRexx> call display_cache t
'UTF-16BE'                          : UTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'UTF-32BE'                          : UTF-32BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B00 
'UTF-32LE'                          : UTF-32LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'UTF-8'                             : UTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'Unicode32'                         : Unicode32 (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 1372 bytes, 0 error)             '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'WTF-16BE'                          : WTF-16BE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'WTF-16LE'                          : WTF-16LE (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 694 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'WTF-8'                             : WTF-8 not-ASCII (285 characters, 343 codepoints, 576 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 

-- from UTF-32BE

ooRexx> drop t
ooRexx> t = xrange("00"x, "FF"x)~text("CP1252")~utf8
ooRexx> t ||= "noël‍👨‍👩‍👧"
ooRexx> t ||= "h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞"
ooRexx> t ||= "äöü äöü x̂ ϔ ﷺ baffle"
ooRexx> t = t~utf32be
ooRexx> < include_conversion.rex
    -- Start of file include_conversion.rex
    Depends on:
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        Depends on:
        -- to utf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf8
        ooRexx> utf8 = t~utf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf8~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> utf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf8~"==":.object(utf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf8
        ooRexx> wtf8 = t~wtf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf8~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf8~"==":.object(wtf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8 (yes, changed)
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16be
        ooRexx> utf16be = t~utf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16be~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16be~"==":.object(utf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16le
        ooRexx> utf16le = t~utf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16le~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16le~"==":.object(utf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16be
        ooRexx> wtf16be = t~wtf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16be~description=
            'WTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16be~"==":.object(wtf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16le
        ooRexx> wtf16le = t~wtf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16le~description=
            'WTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16le~"==":.object(wtf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32be
        ooRexx> utf32be = t~utf32be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32be~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32be~"==":.object(utf32be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32le
        ooRexx> utf32le = t~utf32le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32le~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32le~"==":.object(utf32le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode
        ooRexx> unicode = t~unicode(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode~"==":.object(unicode)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode8
        ooRexx> unicode8 = t~unicode8(memorize:)
Cannot convert UTF-32BE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 513 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode8~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode8~"==":.object(unicode8)=              -- 1
Cannot convert UTF-32BE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 513 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf8)
Cannot convert UTF-32BE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 513 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Cannot convert UTF-32BE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 513 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Cannot convert UTF-32BE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 513 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode16
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode16
        ooRexx> unicode16 = t~unicode16(memorize:)
Cannot convert UTF-32BE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 1045 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode16~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode16~"==":.object(unicode16)=            -- 1
Cannot convert UTF-32BE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 1045 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode16)
Cannot convert UTF-32BE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 1045 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode32)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode32
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode32
        ooRexx> unicode32 = t~unicode32(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode32~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode32~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode32~"==":.object(unicode32)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode16)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode32)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
    -- some transformations to have a mixed cache
    ooRexx> t~nfc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~casefold(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
    -- End of file include_conversion.rex
    ooRexx> call display_cache t
'UTF-16BE'                          : UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'UTF-16LE'                          : UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'UTF-32LE'                          : UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'UTF-8'                             : UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'Unicode32'                         : Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)             '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'WTF-16BE'                          : WTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'WTF-16LE'                          : WTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'WTF-8'                             : WTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 

-- from UTF-32LE

ooRexx> drop t
ooRexx> t = xrange("00"x, "FF"x)~text("CP1252")~utf8
ooRexx> t ||= "noël‍👨‍👩‍👧"
ooRexx> t ||= "h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞"
ooRexx> t ||= "äöü äöü x̂ ϔ ﷺ baffle"
ooRexx> t = t~utf32le
ooRexx> < include_conversion.rex
    -- Start of file include_conversion.rex
    Depends on:
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        Depends on:
        -- to utf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf8
        ooRexx> utf8 = t~utf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf8~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> utf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf8~"==":.object(utf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf8
        ooRexx> wtf8 = t~wtf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf8~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf8~"==":.object(wtf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8 (yes, changed)
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16be
        ooRexx> utf16be = t~utf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16be~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16be~"==":.object(utf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16le
        ooRexx> utf16le = t~utf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16le~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16le~"==":.object(utf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16be
        ooRexx> wtf16be = t~wtf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16be~description=
            'WTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16be~"==":.object(wtf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16le
        ooRexx> wtf16le = t~wtf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16le~description=
            'WTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16le~"==":.object(wtf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32be
        ooRexx> utf32be = t~utf32be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32be~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32be~"==":.object(utf32be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32le
        ooRexx> utf32le = t~utf32le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32le~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32le~"==":.object(utf32le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode
        ooRexx> unicode = t~unicode(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode~"==":.object(unicode)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode8
        ooRexx> unicode8 = t~unicode8(memorize:)
Cannot convert UTF-32LE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 513 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode8~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode8~"==":.object(unicode8)=              -- 1
Cannot convert UTF-32LE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 513 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf8)
Cannot convert UTF-32LE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 513 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Cannot convert UTF-32LE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 513 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Cannot convert UTF-32LE codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 513 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode16
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode16
        ooRexx> unicode16 = t~unicode16(memorize:)
Cannot convert UTF-32LE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 1045 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode16~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode16~"==":.object(unicode16)=            -- 1
Cannot convert UTF-32LE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 1045 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode16)
Cannot convert UTF-32LE codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 1045 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode32)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode32
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode32
        ooRexx> unicode32 = t~unicode32(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode32~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode32~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode32~"==":.object(unicode32)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode16)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode32)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
    -- some transformations to have a mixed cache
    ooRexx> t~nfc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~casefold(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
    -- End of file include_conversion.rex
    ooRexx> call display_cache t
'UTF-16BE'                          : UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'UTF-16LE'                          : UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'UTF-32BE'                          : UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B00 
'UTF-8'                             : UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'Unicode32'                         : Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)             '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'WTF-16BE'                          : WTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'WTF-16LE'                          : WTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'WTF-8'                             : WTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 

-- from UNICODE-8

ooRexx> drop t
ooRexx> t = 0~255~reduce(initial: .mutableBuffer~new){.unicode~character(item)~unicode8(buffer: accu)}~string~text("unicode8")
ooRexx> < include_conversion.rex
    -- Start of file include_conversion.rex
    Depends on:
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        Depends on:
        -- to utf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf8
        ooRexx> utf8 = t~utf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf8~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 384 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F C280 C281 C282 C283 C284 C285 C286 C287 C288 C289 C28A C28B C28C C28D C28E C28F C290 C291 C292 C293 C294 C295 C296 C297 C298 C299 C29A C29B C29C C29D C29E C29F C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF'
            ooRexx> utf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf8~"==":.object(utf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf8
        ooRexx> wtf8 = t~wtf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf8~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 384 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F C280 C281 C282 C283 C284 C285 C286 C287 C288 C289 C28A C28B C28C C28D C28E C28F C290 C291 C292 C293 C294 C295 C296 C297 C298 C299 C29A C29B C29C C29D C29E C29F C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF'
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf8~"==":.object(wtf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8 (yes, changed)
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16be
        ooRexx> utf16be = t~utf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16be~description=
            'UTF-16BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008A 008B 008C 008D 008E 008F 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009A 009B 009C 009D 009E 009F 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF'
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16be~"==":.object(utf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16le
        ooRexx> utf16le = t~utf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16le~description=
            'UTF-16LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 8700 8800 8900 8A00 8B00 8C00 8D00 8E00 8F00 9000 9100 9200 9300 9400 9500 9600 9700 9800 9900 9A00 9B00 9C00 9D00 9E00 9F00 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00'
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16le~"==":.object(utf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16be
        ooRexx> wtf16be = t~wtf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16be~description=
            'WTF-16BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008A 008B 008C 008D 008E 008F 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009A 009B 009C 009D 009E 009F 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16be~"==":.object(wtf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16le
        ooRexx> wtf16le = t~wtf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16le~description=
            'WTF-16LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 8700 8800 8900 8A00 8B00 8C00 8D00 8E00 8F00 9000 9100 9200 9300 9400 9500 9600 9700 9800 9900 9A00 9B00 9C00 9D00 9E00 9F00 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16le~"==":.object(wtf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32be
        ooRexx> utf32be = t~utf32be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32be~description=
            'UTF-32BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 00000080 00000081 00000082 00000083 00000084 00000085 00000086 00000087 00000088 00000089 0000008A 0000008B 0000008C 0000008D 0000008E 0000008F 00000090 00000091 00000092 00000093 00000094 00000095 00000096 00000097 00000098 00000099 0000009A 0000009B 0000009C 0000009D 0000009E 0000009F 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF'
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32be~"==":.object(utf32be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32le
        ooRexx> utf32le = t~utf32le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32le~description=
            'UTF-32LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 80000000 81000000 82000000 83000000 84000000 85000000 86000000 87000000 88000000 89000000 8A000000 8B000000 8C000000 8D000000 8E000000 8F000000 90000000 91000000 92000000 93000000 94000000 95000000 96000000 97000000 98000000 99000000 9A000000 9B000000 9C000000 9D000000 9E000000 9F000000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000'
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32le~"==":.object(utf32le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode
        ooRexx> unicode = t~unicode(memorize:)
named argument MEMORIZE is not an expected argument name.
        Error code= 88.917
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode~"==":.object(unicode)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode8)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode8
        ooRexx> unicode8 = t~unicode8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode8~description=
            'Unicode8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode8~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> unicode8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode8~"==":.object(unicode8)=              -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode8)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode16
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode16
        ooRexx> unicode16 = t~unicode16(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode16~description=
            'Unicode16 (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode16~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode16~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 8700 8800 8900 8A00 8B00 8C00 8D00 8E00 8F00 9000 9100 9200 9300 9400 9500 9600 9700 9800 9900 9A00 9B00 9C00 9D00 9E00 9F00 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00'
            ooRexx> unicode16~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode16~"==":.object(unicode16)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode16)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode32)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode32
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 256 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
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
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode32
        ooRexx> unicode32 = t~unicode32(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode32~description=
            'Unicode32 (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode32~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 80000000 81000000 82000000 83000000 84000000 85000000 86000000 87000000 88000000 89000000 8A000000 8B000000 8C000000 8D000000 8E000000 8F000000 90000000 91000000 92000000 93000000 94000000 95000000 96000000 97000000 98000000 99000000 9A000000 9B000000 9C000000 9D000000 9E000000 9F000000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000'
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+0080 U+0081 U+0082 U+0083 U+0084 U+0085 U+0086 U+0087 U+0088 U+0089 U+008A U+008B U+008C U+008D U+008E U+008F U+0090 U+0091 U+0092 U+0093 U+0094 U+0095 U+0096 U+0097 U+0098 U+0099 U+009A U+009B U+009C U+009D U+009E U+009F U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode32~"==":.object(unicode32)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode16)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode32)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
    -- some transformations to have a mixed cache
    ooRexx> t~nfc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~casefold(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
    -- End of file include_conversion.rex
    ooRexx> call display_cache t
'UTF-16BE'                          : UTF-16BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'UTF-16LE'                          : UTF-16LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'UTF-32BE'                          : UTF-32BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B00 
'UTF-32LE'                          : UTF-32LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'UTF-8'                             : UTF-8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 384 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'Unicode16'                         : Unicode16 (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)              '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'Unicode32'                         : Unicode32 (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 1024 bytes, 0 error)             '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'WTF-16BE'                          : WTF-16BE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'WTF-16LE'                          : WTF-16LE (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 512 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'WTF-8'                             : WTF-8 not-ASCII (256 characters, 256 codepoints, 384 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 

-- from UNICODE16

ooRexx> drop t
ooRexx> t = xrange("00"x, "FF"x)~text("CP1252")~utf8
ooRexx> t ||= "h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞"
ooRexx> t ||= "äöü äöü x̂ ϔ ﷺ baffle"
ooRexx> t = t~unicode16
ooRexx> < include_conversion.rex
    -- Start of file include_conversion.rex
    Depends on:
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        Depends on:
        -- to utf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode16 (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf8
        ooRexx> utf8 = t~utf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf8~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 546 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> utf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf8~"==":.object(utf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode16 (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf8
        ooRexx> wtf8 = t~wtf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf8~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 546 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf8~"==":.object(wtf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8 (yes, changed)
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode16 (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16be
        ooRexx> utf16be = t~utf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16be~description=
            'UTF-16BE (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16be~"==":.object(utf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode16 (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16le
        ooRexx> utf16le = t~utf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16le~description=
            'UTF-16LE (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16le~"==":.object(utf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode16 (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16be
        ooRexx> wtf16be = t~wtf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16be~description=
            'WTF-16BE (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16be~"==":.object(wtf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode16 (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16le
        ooRexx> wtf16le = t~wtf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16le~description=
            'WTF-16LE (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16le~"==":.object(wtf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode16 (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32be
        ooRexx> utf32be = t~utf32be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32be~description=
            'UTF-32BE (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 1328 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32be~"==":.object(utf32be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode16 (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32le
        ooRexx> utf32le = t~utf32le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32le~description=
            'UTF-32LE (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 1328 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32le~"==":.object(utf32le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode16 (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode
        ooRexx> unicode = t~unicode(memorize:)
named argument MEMORIZE is not an expected argument name.
        Error code= 88.917
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode~"==":.object(unicode)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode8)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode16 (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode8
        ooRexx> unicode8 = t~unicode8(memorize:)
Cannot convert Unicode16 codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode8~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode8~"==":.object(unicode8)=              -- 1
Cannot convert Unicode16 codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf8)
Cannot convert Unicode16 codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Cannot convert Unicode16 codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Cannot convert Unicode16 codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 257 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode16
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode16 (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode16
        ooRexx> unicode16 = t~unicode16(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode16~description=
            'Unicode16 (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode16~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode16~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> unicode16~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode16~"==":.object(unicode16)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode16)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode32)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode32
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode16 (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode32
        ooRexx> unicode32 = t~unicode32(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode32~description=
            'Unicode32 (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 1328 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode32~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode32~"==":.object(unicode32)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode16)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode32)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
    -- some transformations to have a mixed cache
    ooRexx> t~nfc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~casefold(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
    -- End of file include_conversion.rex
    ooRexx> call display_cache t
'UTF-16BE'                          : UTF-16BE (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'UTF-16LE'                          : UTF-16LE (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'UTF-32BE'                          : UTF-32BE (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 1328 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B00 
'UTF-32LE'                          : UTF-32LE (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 1328 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'UTF-8'                             : UTF-8 not-ASCII (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 546 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'Unicode32'                         : Unicode32 (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 1328 bytes, 0 error)             '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'WTF-16BE'                          : WTF-16BE (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'WTF-16LE'                          : WTF-16LE (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 664 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'WTF-8'                             : WTF-8 not-ASCII (279 characters, 332 codepoints, 546 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 

-- from UNICODE32

ooRexx> drop t
ooRexx> t = xrange("00"x, "FF"x)~text("CP1252")~utf8
ooRexx> t ||= "noël‍👨‍👩‍👧"
ooRexx> t ||= "h̵᷊̟͉͔̟̲͆e̷͇̼͉̲̾l̸̨͓̭̗᷿︣︠ͦl̶̯̻̑̈ͮ͌︡̕o̵̝̬̯᷊̭̯̦᷃ͪ̆́᷈́͜͢͞"
ooRexx> t ||= "äöü äöü x̂ ϔ ﷺ baffle"
ooRexx> t = t~unicode32
ooRexx> < include_conversion.rex
    -- Start of file include_conversion.rex
    Depends on:
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        Depends on:
        -- to utf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf8
        ooRexx> utf8 = t~utf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf8~description=
            'UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> utf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf8~"==":.object(utf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf8
        ooRexx> wtf8 = t~wtf8(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf8~description=
            'WTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf8~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2x=
            '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F E282AC C281 E2809A C692 E2809E E280A6 E280A0 E280A1 CB86 E280B0 C5A0 E280B9 C592 C28D C5BD C28F C290 E28098 E28099 E2809C E2809D E280A2 E28093 E28094 CB9C E284A2 C5A1 E280BA C593 C29D C5BE C5B8 C2A0 C2A1 C2A2 C2A3 C2A4 C2A5 C2A6 C2A7 C2A8 C2A9 C2AA C2AB C2AC C2AD C2AE C2AF C2B0 C2B1 C2B2 C2B3 C2B4 C2B5 C2B6 C2B7 C2B8 C2B9 C2BA C2BB C2BC C2BD C2BE C2BF C380 C381 C382 C383 C384 C385 C386 C387 C388 C389 C38A C38B C38C C38D C38E C38F C390 C391 C392 C393 C394 C395 C396 C397 C398 C399 C39A C39B C39C C39D C39E C39F C3A0 C3A1 C3A2 C3A3 C3A4 C3A5 C3A6 C3A7 C3A8 C3A9 C3AA C3AB C3AC C3AD C3AE C3AF C3B0 C3B1 C3B2 C3B3 C3B4 C3B5 C3B6 C3B7 C3B8 C3B9 C3BA C3BB C3BC C3BD C3BE C3BF 6E 6F C3AB 6C E2808D F09F91A8 E2808D F09F91A9 E2808D F09F91A7 68 CD86 CCB5 E1B78A CC9F CD89 CD94 CC9F CCB2 65 CCBE CCB7 CD87 CCBC CD89 CCB2 6C EFB8A3 EFB8A0 CDA6 CCB8 CD93 CCAD CC97 E1B7BF CCA8 6C CC91 CC88 CDAE CD8C EFB8A1 CC95 CCB6 CCAF CCBB 6F E1B783 CDAA CC86 CC81 E1B788 CD81 CD9E CCB5 CC9D CD9C CCAC CCAF E1B78A CDA2 CCAD CCAF CCA6 C3A4 C3B6 C3BC 20 61 CC88 6F CC88 75 CC88 20 78 CC82 20 CF94 20 EFB7BA 20 62 61 EFAC84 65'
            ooRexx> wtf8~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf8~"==":.object(wtf8)=                      -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8 (yes, changed)
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode8)                     -- no error if t~isCompatibleWithASCII
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16be
        ooRexx> utf16be = t~utf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16be~description=
            'UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> utf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16be~"==":.object(utf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf16le
        ooRexx> utf16le = t~utf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf16le~description=
            'UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> utf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf16le~"==":.object(utf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb)
        ooRexx> mb~encoding=                                    -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16be
        ooRexx> wtf16be = t~wtf16be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16be~description=
            'WTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2x=
            '0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0081 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008D 017D 008F 0090 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 02DC 2122 0161 203A 0153 009D 017E 0178 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 00D0 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 00DD 00DE 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FD 00FE 00FF 006E 006F 00EB 006C 200D D83DDC68 200D D83DDC69 200D D83DDC67 0068 0346 0335 1DCA 031F 0349 0354 031F 0332 0065 033E 0337 0347 033C 0349 0332 006C FE23 FE20 0366 0338 0353 032D 0317 1DFF 0328 006C 0311 0308 036E 034C FE21 0315 0336 032F 033B 006F 1DC3 036A 0306 0301 1DC8 0341 035E 0335 031D 035C 032C 032F 1DCA 0362 032D 032F 0326 00E4 00F6 00FC 0020 0061 0308 006F 0308 0075 0308 0020 0078 0302 0020 03D4 0020 FDFA 0020 0062 0061 FB04 0065'
            ooRexx> wtf16be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16be~"==":.object(wtf16be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        Depends on:
        -- to wtf16le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop wtf16le
        ooRexx> wtf16le = t~wtf16le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> wtf16le~description=
            'WTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2x=
            '0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 0A00 0B00 0C00 0D00 0E00 0F00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1A00 1B00 1C00 1D00 1E00 1F00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 2A00 2B00 2C00 2D00 2E00 2F00 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3A00 3B00 3C00 3D00 3E00 3F00 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 4A00 4B00 4C00 4D00 4E00 4F00 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5A00 5B00 5C00 5D00 5E00 5F00 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 6A00 6B00 6C00 6D00 6E00 6F00 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7A00 7B00 7C00 7D00 7E00 7F00 AC20 8100 1A20 9201 1E20 2620 2020 2120 C602 3020 6001 3920 5201 8D00 7D01 8F00 9000 1820 1920 1C20 1D20 2220 1320 1420 DC02 2221 6101 3A20 5301 9D00 7E01 7801 A000 A100 A200 A300 A400 A500 A600 A700 A800 A900 AA00 AB00 AC00 AD00 AE00 AF00 B000 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B900 BA00 BB00 BC00 BD00 BE00 BF00 C000 C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800 C900 CA00 CB00 CC00 CD00 CE00 CF00 D000 D100 D200 D300 D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 DA00 DB00 DC00 DD00 DE00 DF00 E000 E100 E200 E300 E400 E500 E600 E700 E800 E900 EA00 EB00 EC00 ED00 EE00 EF00 F000 F100 F200 F300 F400 F500 F600 F700 F800 F900 FA00 FB00 FC00 FD00 FE00 FF00 6E00 6F00 EB00 6C00 0D20 3DD868DC 0D20 3DD869DC 0D20 3DD867DC 6800 4603 3503 CA1D 1F03 4903 5403 1F03 3203 6500 3E03 3703 4703 3C03 4903 3203 6C00 23FE 20FE 6603 3803 5303 2D03 1703 FF1D 2803 6C00 1103 0803 6E03 4C03 21FE 1503 3603 2F03 3B03 6F00 C31D 6A03 0603 0103 C81D 4103 5E03 3503 1D03 5C03 2C03 2F03 CA1D 6203 2D03 2F03 2603 E400 F600 FC00 2000 6100 0803 6F00 0803 7500 0803 2000 7800 0203 2000 D403 2000 FAFD 2000 6200 6100 04FB 6500'
            ooRexx> wtf16le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~wtf16le~"==":.object(wtf16le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le (yes, changed)
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~wtf16le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append WTF-16LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_wtf16le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32be
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32be
        ooRexx> utf32be = t~utf32be(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32be~description=
            'UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32be~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2x=
            '00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F 00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027 00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F 00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037 00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F 00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F 00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057 00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F 00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067 00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E 0000006F 00000070 00000071 00000072 00000073 00000074 00000075 00000076 00000077 00000078 00000079 0000007A 0000007B 0000007C 0000007D 0000007E 0000007F 000020AC 00000081 0000201A 00000192 0000201E 00002026 00002020 00002021 000002C6 00002030 00000160 00002039 00000152 0000008D 0000017D 0000008F 00000090 00002018 00002019 0000201C 0000201D 00002022 00002013 00002014 000002DC 00002122 00000161 0000203A 00000153 0000009D 0000017E 00000178 000000A0 000000A1 000000A2 000000A3 000000A4 000000A5 000000A6 000000A7 000000A8 000000A9 000000AA 000000AB 000000AC 000000AD 000000AE 000000AF 000000B0 000000B1 000000B2 000000B3 000000B4 000000B5 000000B6 000000B7 000000B8 000000B9 000000BA 000000BB 000000BC 000000BD 000000BE 000000BF 000000C0 000000C1 000000C2 000000C3 000000C4 000000C5 000000C6 000000C7 000000C8 000000C9 000000CA 000000CB 000000CC 000000CD 000000CE 000000CF 000000D0 000000D1 000000D2 000000D3 000000D4 000000D5 000000D6 000000D7 000000D8 000000D9 000000DA 000000DB 000000DC 000000DD 000000DE 000000DF 000000E0 000000E1 000000E2 000000E3 000000E4 000000E5 000000E6 000000E7 000000E8 000000E9 000000EA 000000EB 000000EC 000000ED 000000EE 000000EF 000000F0 000000F1 000000F2 000000F3 000000F4 000000F5 000000F6 000000F7 000000F8 000000F9 000000FA 000000FB 000000FC 000000FD 000000FE 000000FF 0000006E 0000006F 000000EB 0000006C 0000200D 0001F468 0000200D 0001F469 0000200D 0001F467 00000068 00000346 00000335 00001DCA 0000031F 00000349 00000354 0000031F 00000332 00000065 0000033E 00000337 00000347 0000033C 00000349 00000332 0000006C 0000FE23 0000FE20 00000366 00000338 00000353 0000032D 00000317 00001DFF 00000328 0000006C 00000311 00000308 0000036E 0000034C 0000FE21 00000315 00000336 0000032F 0000033B 0000006F 00001DC3 0000036A 00000306 00000301 00001DC8 00000341 0000035E 00000335 0000031D 0000035C 0000032C 0000032F 00001DCA 00000362 0000032D 0000032F 00000326 000000E4 000000F6 000000FC 00000020 00000061 00000308 0000006F 00000308 00000075 00000308 00000020 00000078 00000302 00000020 000003D4 00000020 0000FDFA 00000020 00000062 00000061 0000FB04 00000065'
            ooRexx> utf32be~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32be~"==":.object(utf32be)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32be)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32be(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32BE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32be
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        Depends on:
        -- to utf32le
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop utf32le
        ooRexx> utf32le = t~utf32le(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> utf32le~description=
            'UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> utf32le~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> utf32le~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~utf32le~"==":.object(utf32le)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf8)                      -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_utf32le)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode8)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~utf32le(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (ok) even if same endianness
Encoding: cannot append UTF-32LE to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_utf32le
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode
        ooRexx> unicode = t~unicode(memorize:)
named argument MEMORIZE is not an expected argument name.
        Error code= 88.917
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode~"==":.object(unicode)=                -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf8)
        ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf8)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf16le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32be)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_utf32le)                   -- error (ok)
        ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode8)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode16)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode(buffer: mb_unicode32)                 -- error (TODO: must be ok)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode8
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode8
        ooRexx> unicode8 = t~unicode8(memorize:)
Cannot convert Unicode32 codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 513 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode8~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode8~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode8~"==":.object(unicode8)=              -- 1
Cannot convert Unicode32 codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 513 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf8)
Cannot convert Unicode32 codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 513 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf8)
Cannot convert Unicode32 codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 513 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32be)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_utf32le)                  -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode8)
Cannot convert Unicode32 codepoint 8364 (U+20AC) at byte-position 513 to Unicode8.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode16)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode8(buffer: mb_unicode32)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode8 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode8
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode16
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode16
        ooRexx> unicode16 = t~unicode16(memorize:)
Cannot convert Unicode32 codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 1045 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode16~description=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~errors==
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2x=
                        ooRexx> unicode16~c2u=
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode16~"==":.object(unicode16)=            -- 1
Cannot convert Unicode32 codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 1045 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode16)
Cannot convert Unicode32 codepoint 128104 (U+1F468) at byte-position 1045 to Unicode16.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode16(buffer: mb_unicode32)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode16 to Unicode32 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode16
        -- Start of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
        Depends on:
        -- to unicode32
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> t~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> t~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> t~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> t~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> drop unicode32
        ooRexx> unicode32 = t~unicode32(memorize:)
            -- Start of file include_conversion_infos
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> unicode32~description=
            'Unicode32 (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)'
            ooRexx> unicode32~errors==
            (The NIL object)
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2x=
            '00000000 01000000 02000000 03000000 04000000 05000000 06000000 07000000 08000000 09000000 0A000000 0B000000 0C000000 0D000000 0E000000 0F000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 1A000000 1B000000 1C000000 1D000000 1E000000 1F000000 20000000 21000000 22000000 23000000 24000000 25000000 26000000 27000000 28000000 29000000 2A000000 2B000000 2C000000 2D000000 2E000000 2F000000 30000000 31000000 32000000 33000000 34000000 35000000 36000000 37000000 38000000 39000000 3A000000 3B000000 3C000000 3D000000 3E000000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 42000000 43000000 44000000 45000000 46000000 47000000 48000000 49000000 4A000000 4B000000 4C000000 4D000000 4E000000 4F000000 50000000 51000000 52000000 53000000 54000000 55000000 56000000 57000000 58000000 59000000 5A000000 5B000000 5C000000 5D000000 5E000000 5F000000 60000000 61000000 62000000 63000000 64000000 65000000 66000000 67000000 68000000 69000000 6A000000 6B000000 6C000000 6D000000 6E000000 6F000000 70000000 71000000 72000000 73000000 74000000 75000000 76000000 77000000 78000000 79000000 7A000000 7B000000 7C000000 7D000000 7E000000 7F000000 AC200000 81000000 1A200000 92010000 1E200000 26200000 20200000 21200000 C6020000 30200000 60010000 39200000 52010000 8D000000 7D010000 8F000000 90000000 18200000 19200000 1C200000 1D200000 22200000 13200000 14200000 DC020000 22210000 61010000 3A200000 53010000 9D000000 7E010000 78010000 A0000000 A1000000 A2000000 A3000000 A4000000 A5000000 A6000000 A7000000 A8000000 A9000000 AA000000 AB000000 AC000000 AD000000 AE000000 AF000000 B0000000 B1000000 B2000000 B3000000 B4000000 B5000000 B6000000 B7000000 B8000000 B9000000 BA000000 BB000000 BC000000 BD000000 BE000000 BF000000 C0000000 C1000000 C2000000 C3000000 C4000000 C5000000 C6000000 C7000000 C8000000 C9000000 CA000000 CB000000 CC000000 CD000000 CE000000 CF000000 D0000000 D1000000 D2000000 D3000000 D4000000 D5000000 D6000000 D7000000 D8000000 D9000000 DA000000 DB000000 DC000000 DD000000 DE000000 DF000000 E0000000 E1000000 E2000000 E3000000 E4000000 E5000000 E6000000 E7000000 E8000000 E9000000 EA000000 EB000000 EC000000 ED000000 EE000000 EF000000 F0000000 F1000000 F2000000 F3000000 F4000000 F5000000 F6000000 F7000000 F8000000 F9000000 FA000000 FB000000 FC000000 FD000000 FE000000 FF000000 6E000000 6F000000 EB000000 6C000000 0D200000 68F40100 0D200000 69F40100 0D200000 67F40100 68000000 46030000 35030000 CA1D0000 1F030000 49030000 54030000 1F030000 32030000 65000000 3E030000 37030000 47030000 3C030000 49030000 32030000 6C000000 23FE0000 20FE0000 66030000 38030000 53030000 2D030000 17030000 FF1D0000 28030000 6C000000 11030000 08030000 6E030000 4C030000 21FE0000 15030000 36030000 2F030000 3B030000 6F000000 C31D0000 6A030000 06030000 01030000 C81D0000 41030000 5E030000 35030000 1D030000 5C030000 2C030000 2F030000 CA1D0000 62030000 2D030000 2F030000 26030000 E4000000 F6000000 FC000000 20000000 61000000 08030000 6F000000 08030000 75000000 08030000 20000000 78000000 02030000 20000000 D4030000 20000000 FAFD0000 20000000 62000000 61000000 04FB0000 65000000'
            ooRexx> unicode32~c2u=
            'U+0000 U+0001 U+0002 U+0003 U+0004 U+0005 U+0006 U+0007 U+0008 U+0009 U+000A U+000B U+000C U+000D U+000E U+000F U+0010 U+0011 U+0012 U+0013 U+0014 U+0015 U+0016 U+0017 U+0018 U+0019 U+001A U+001B U+001C U+001D U+001E U+001F U+0020 U+0021 U+0022 U+0023 U+0024 U+0025 U+0026 U+0027 U+0028 U+0029 U+002A U+002B U+002C U+002D U+002E U+002F U+0030 U+0031 U+0032 U+0033 U+0034 U+0035 U+0036 U+0037 U+0038 U+0039 U+003A U+003B U+003C U+003D U+003E U+003F U+0040 U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0047 U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054 U+0055 U+0056 U+0057 U+0058 U+0059 U+005A U+005B U+005C U+005D U+005E U+005F U+0060 U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+0064 U+0065 U+0066 U+0067 U+0068 U+0069 U+006A U+006B U+006C U+006D U+006E U+006F U+0070 U+0071 U+0072 U+0073 U+0074 U+0075 U+0076 U+0077 U+0078 U+0079 U+007A U+007B U+007C U+007D U+007E U+007F U+20AC U+0081 U+201A U+0192 U+201E U+2026 U+2020 U+2021 U+02C6 U+2030 U+0160 U+2039 U+0152 U+008D U+017D U+008F U+0090 U+2018 U+2019 U+201C U+201D U+2022 U+2013 U+2014 U+02DC U+2122 U+0161 U+203A U+0153 U+009D U+017E U+0178 U+00A0 U+00A1 U+00A2 U+00A3 U+00A4 U+00A5 U+00A6 U+00A7 U+00A8 U+00A9 U+00AA U+00AB U+00AC U+00AD U+00AE U+00AF U+00B0 U+00B1 U+00B2 U+00B3 U+00B4 U+00B5 U+00B6 U+00B7 U+00B8 U+00B9 U+00BA U+00BB U+00BC U+00BD U+00BE U+00BF U+00C0 U+00C1 U+00C2 U+00C3 U+00C4 U+00C5 U+00C6 U+00C7 U+00C8 U+00C9 U+00CA U+00CB U+00CC U+00CD U+00CE U+00CF U+00D0 U+00D1 U+00D2 U+00D3 U+00D4 U+00D5 U+00D6 U+00D7 U+00D8 U+00D9 U+00DA U+00DB U+00DC U+00DD U+00DE U+00DF U+00E0 U+00E1 U+00E2 U+00E3 U+00E4 U+00E5 U+00E6 U+00E7 U+00E8 U+00E9 U+00EA U+00EB U+00EC U+00ED U+00EE U+00EF U+00F0 U+00F1 U+00F2 U+00F3 U+00F4 U+00F5 U+00F6 U+00F7 U+00F8 U+00F9 U+00FA U+00FB U+00FC U+00FD U+00FE U+00FF U+006E U+006F U+00EB U+006C U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+0068 U+0346 U+0335 U+1DCA U+031F U+0349 U+0354 U+031F U+0332 U+0065 U+033E U+0337 U+0347 U+033C U+0349 U+0332 U+006C U+FE23 U+FE20 U+0366 U+0338 U+0353 U+032D U+0317 U+1DFF U+0328 U+006C U+0311 U+0308 U+036E U+034C U+FE21 U+0315 U+0336 U+032F U+033B U+006F U+1DC3 U+036A U+0306 U+0301 U+1DC8 U+0341 U+035E U+0335 U+031D U+035C U+032C U+032F U+1DCA U+0362 U+032D U+032F U+0326 U+00E4 U+00F6 U+00FC U+0020 U+0061 U+0308 U+006F U+0308 U+0075 U+0308 U+0020 U+0078 U+0302 U+0020 U+03D4 U+0020 U+FDFA U+0020 U+0062 U+0061 U+FB04 U+0065'
            -- End of file include_conversion_infos
            ooRexx> t~unicode32~"==":.object(unicode32)=            -- 1
            -- Start of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
            Depends on:
            ooRexx> mb = .mutableBuffer~new
            ooRexx> mb_utf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf8")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf8")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16be")
            ooRexx> mb_wtf16le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("wtf16le")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32be = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32be")
            ooRexx> mb_utf32le = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("utf32le")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode8 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode8")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode16 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode16")
            ooRexx> mb_unicode32 = .mutableBuffer~new~~"encoding="("unicode32")
            -- End of file include_conversion_mutablebuffers.rex
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf8~encoding=                               -- utf8
        (The UTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf8)                    -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf8~encoding=                               -- wtf8
        (The WTF8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16be~encoding=                            -- utf16be
        (The UTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf16le~encoding=                            -- utf16le
        (The UTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16be~encoding=                            -- wtf16be
        (The WTF16BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_wtf16le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to WTF-16LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_wtf16le~encoding=                            -- wtf16le
        (The WTF16LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32be)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32BE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32be~encoding=                            -- utf32be
        (The UTF32BE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_utf32le)                 -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to UTF-32LE ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_utf32le~encoding=                            -- utf32le
        (The UTF32LE_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode8)                -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode8 ASCII ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode8~encoding=                           -- unicode8
        (The Unicode8_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode16)               -- error (ok)
Encoding: cannot append Unicode32 to Unicode16 ''.
        Error code= 23.900
                ooRexx> mb_unicode16~encoding=                          -- unicode16
        (The Unicode16_Encoding class)
        ooRexx> t~unicode32(buffer: mb_unicode32)
        ooRexx> mb_unicode32~encoding=                          -- unicode32
        (The Unicode32_Encoding class)
        -- End of file include_conversion_to_unicode32
    -- some transformations to have a mixed cache
    ooRexx> t~nfc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkc(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~nfkd(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
        ooRexx> t~casefold(memorize:)=
Method TRANSFORM is ABSTRACT and cannot be directly invoked.
    Error code= 93.965
    -- End of file include_conversion.rex
    ooRexx> call display_cache t
'UTF-16BE'                          : UTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'UTF-16LE'                          : UTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'UTF-32BE'                          : UTF-32BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B00 
'UTF-32LE'                          : UTF-32LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 1368 bytes, 0 error)              '[000000000100000002000000030000000400000005000000060000000700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C 
'UTF-8'                             : UTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 
'WTF-16BE'                          : WTF-16BE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F0010001100120013001400150016001700 
'WTF-16LE'                          : WTF-16LE (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 690 bytes, 0 error)               '[00000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F001000110012001300140015001600170018 
'WTF-8'                             : WTF-8 not-ASCII (284 characters, 342 codepoints, 572 bytes, 0 error)        '[000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F] !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?