RexxActivation Class Reference

#include <RexxActivation.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for RexxActivation:

Public Member Functions

void * operator new (size_t)
void * operator new (size_t size, void *ptr)
void operator delete (void *)
void operator delete (void *, void *)
 RexxActivation (RESTORETYPE restoreType)
 RexxActivation ()
 RexxActivation (RexxActivity *_activity, RexxActivation *_parent, RexxMethod *_method, RexxCode *_code)
 RexxActivation (RexxActivity *_activity, RexxActivation *_parent, RoutineClass *_routine, RexxCode *_code, RexxString *calltype, RexxString *env, int context)
 RexxActivation (RexxActivity *_activity, RexxActivation *_parent, RexxCode *_code, int context)
void live (size_t)
void liveGeneral (int reason)
RexxObjectdispatch ()
size_t digits ()
size_t fuzz ()
bool form ()
bool propagateNumericSettings ()
bool enableCommands ()
bool enableMacrospace ()
void setDigits (size_t)
void setFuzz (size_t)
void setForm (bool)
void enableCommands (bool)
void enableMacrospace (bool)
void setDigits ()
void setFuzz ()
void setForm ()
void propagateNumericSettings (bool)
bool trap (RexxString *, RexxDirectory *)
void setObjNotify (RexxMessage *)
void termination ()
void guardOff ()
bool isInterpret ()
bool isInternalCall ()
bool isMethod ()
bool isRoutine ()
bool isProgram ()
bool isTopLevelCall ()
bool isProgramLevelCall ()
bool isInternalLevelCall ()
bool isProgramOrMethod ()
bool isMethodOrRoutine ()
RexxObjectrun (RexxObject *_receiver, RexxString *msgname, RexxArray *_arguments, RexxObject **_arglist, size_t _argcount, size_t _named_argcount, RexxInstruction *start, ProtectedObject &resultObj)
RexxObjectrun (RexxArray *_arguments, RexxObject **_arglist, size_t _argcount, size_t _named_argcount, ProtectedObject &_result)
void reply (RexxObject *)
RexxObjectforward (RexxObject *, RexxString *, RexxObject *, RexxObject **, size_t, size_t, bool)
void returnFrom (RexxObject *result)
void exitFrom (RexxObject *)
void procedureExpose (RexxVariableBase **variables, size_t count)
void expose (RexxVariableBase **variables, size_t count)
void setTrace (size_t, size_t)
void setTrace (RexxString *, bool externalTrace=false, size_t depth=0)
void raise (RexxString *, RexxObject *, RexxString *, RexxObject *, RexxObject *, RexxDirectory *)
void toggleAddress ()
void guardOn ()
void raiseExit (RexxString *, RexxObject *, RexxString *, RexxObject *, RexxObject *, RexxDirectory *)
RexxActivationsenderActivation ()
RexxActivationexternal ()
void interpret (RexxString *)
void signalTo (RexxInstruction *)
void guardWait ()
void debugSkip (wholenumber_t, bool)
RexxStringtraceSetting ()
void iterate (RexxString *)
void leaveLoop (RexxString *)
void trapOn (RexxString *, RexxInstructionCallBase *)
void trapOff (RexxString *)
void setAddress (RexxString *)
void signalValue (RexxString *)
RexxStringtrapState (RexxString *)
void trapDelay (RexxString *)
void trapUndelay (RexxString *)
bool callExternalRexx (RexxString *, RexxObject **, size_t, size_t, RexxString *, ProtectedObject &)
RexxObjectexternalCall (RexxString *, RexxObject **, size_t, size_t, RexxString *, ProtectedObject &)
RexxObjectinternalCall (RexxString *, RexxInstruction *, RexxObject **, size_t, size_t, ProtectedObject &)
RexxObjectinternalCallTrap (RexxString *, RexxInstruction *, RexxDirectory *, ProtectedObject &)
bool callMacroSpaceFunction (RexxString *, RexxObject **, size_t, size_t, RexxString *, int, ProtectedObject &)
RexxStringresolveProgramName (RexxString *name)
RexxClassfindClass (RexxString *name)
RexxObjectresolveDotVariable (RexxString *name)
void command (RexxString *, RexxString *)
int64_t getElapsed ()
RexxDateTime getTime ()
RexxIntegerrandom (RexxInteger *, RexxInteger *, RexxInteger *)
size_t currentLine ()
void traceValue (RexxObject *, int)
void traceCompoundValue (int prefix, RexxString *stemName, RexxObject **tails, size_t tailCount, RexxCompoundTail *tail)
void traceCompoundValue (int prefix, RexxString *stem, RexxObject **tails, size_t tailCount, const char *marker, RexxObject *value, bool quoteValue=true)
void traceTaggedValue (int prefix, const char *tagPrefix, bool quoteTag, RexxString *tag, const char *marker, RexxObject *value, bool quoteValue=true)
void traceOperatorValue (int prefix, const char *tag, RexxObject *value)
void traceSourceString ()
void traceClause (RexxInstruction *, int)
void traceEntry ()
void resetElapsed ()
RexxStringformatTrace (RexxInstruction *, RexxSource *)
RexxStringgetTraceBack ()
RexxDirectorylocal ()
RexxStringformatSourcelessTraceLine (RexxString *packageName)
RexxArraygetStackFrames (bool skipFirst)
void implicitExit ()
void unwindTrap (RexxActivation *)
RexxStringsourceString ()
void addLocalRoutine (RexxString *name, RexxMethod *method)
RexxDirectorygetPublicRoutines ()
void debugInterpret (RexxString *)
bool debugPause (RexxInstruction *instr=OREF_NULL)
void processClauseBoundary ()
bool halt (RexxString *)
void externalTraceOn ()
void externalTraceOff ()
void yield ()
void propagateExit (RexxObject *)
void setDefaultAddress (RexxString *)
bool internalMethod ()
PackageClassloadRequires (RexxString *, RexxInstruction *)
void loadLibrary (RexxString *target, RexxInstruction *instruction)
RexxObjectrexxVariable (RexxString *)
void pushEnvironment (RexxObject *)
RexxObjectpopEnvironment ()
void processTraps ()
void mergeTraps (RexxQueue *, RexxQueue *)
uint64_t getRandomSeed (RexxInteger *)
void adjustRandomSeed ()
RexxVariableDictionarygetObjectVariables ()
RexxDirectorygetLabels ()
RexxStringgetProgramName ()
RexxObjectpopControl ()
void pushControl (RexxObject *)
void closeStreams ()
void checkTrapTable ()
RexxObjectresolveStream (RexxString *name, bool input, RexxString **fullName, bool *added)
RexxDirectorygetStreams ()
RexxObjectnovalueHandler (RexxString *)
RexxVariableBaseretriever (RexxString *)
RexxVariableBasedirectRetriever (RexxString *)
RexxObjecthandleNovalueEvent (RexxString *name, RexxObject *defaultValue, RexxVariable *variable)
RexxSourcegetSourceObject ()
RexxSourcegetEffectiveSourceObject ()
PackageClassgetPackageObject ()
PackageClassgetEffectivePackageObject ()
PackageClassgetPackage ()
RexxObjectgetLocalEnvironment (RexxString *name)
RexxDirectorygetThreadLocal ()
void setReturnStatus (int status)
void setCallType (RexxString *type)
void pushBlock (RexxDoBlock *block)
void popBlock ()
RexxDoBlocktopBlock ()
void terminateBlock (size_t _indent)
void terminateBlock ()
void newDo (RexxDoBlock *block)
void removeBlock ()
void addBlock ()
bool hasActiveBlocks ()
bool inMethod ()
void indent ()
void unindent ()
void setIndent (size_t v)
size_t getIndent ()
bool tracingIntermediates ()
void clearTraceSettings ()
bool tracingResults ()
RexxActivitygetActivity ()
RexxStringgetMessageName ()
RexxStringgetCallname ()
RexxInstructiongetCurrent ()
void getSettings (ActivationSettings &s)
void putSettings (ActivationSettings &s)
RexxStringgetAddress ()
RexxDirectorygetConditionObj ()
void setConditionObj (RexxDirectory *condition)
RexxInstructiongetNext ()
void setNext (RexxInstruction *v)
void setCurrent (RexxInstruction *v)
bool inDebug ()
RexxExpressionStackgetStack ()
virtual NumericSettingsgetNumericSettings ()
virtual RexxActivationgetRexxContext ()
virtual RexxActivationfindRexxContext ()
virtual RexxObjectgetReceiver ()
virtual bool isRexxContext ()
void traceIntermediate (RexxObject *v, int p)
void traceVariable (RexxString *n, RexxObject *v)
void traceDotVariable (RexxString *n, RexxObject *v)
void traceFunction (RexxString *n, RexxObject *v)
void traceMessage (RexxString *n, RexxObject *v)
void traceOperator (const char *n, RexxObject *v)
void tracePrefix (const char *n, RexxObject *v)
void traceAssignment (RexxString *n, RexxObject *v, bool quoteValue=true)
void traceCompoundName (RexxString *stemVar, RexxObject **tails, size_t tailCount, RexxCompoundTail *tail)
void traceCompoundName (RexxString *stemVar, RexxObject **tails, size_t tailCount, RexxString *tail)
void traceCompound (RexxString *stemVar, RexxObject **tails, size_t tailCount, RexxObject *value)
void traceCompoundAssignment (RexxString *stemVar, RexxObject **tails, size_t tailCount, RexxObject *value, bool quoteValue=true)
void traceResult (RexxObject *v)
bool tracingInstructions (void)
bool tracingErrors (void)
bool tracingFailures (void)
void traceInstruction (RexxInstruction *v)
void traceLabel (RexxInstruction *v)
bool tracingLabels (void)
void traceCommand (RexxInstruction *v)
bool tracingCommands (void)
bool tracingAll (void)
void pauseInstruction ()
int conditionalPauseInstruction ()
void pauseLabel ()
void pauseCommand ()
SecurityManagergetSecurityManager ()
SecurityManagergetEffectiveSecurityManager ()
bool isTopLevel ()
bool isForwarded ()
bool isGuarded ()
void setGuarded ()
bool isObjectScopeLocked ()
unsigned short getReserveCount ()
RexxVariableDictionarygetVariableDictionary ()
bool isExternalTraceOn ()
void setExternalTraceOn ()
void setExternalTraceOff ()
void enableExternalTrace (const char *option)
bool isElapsedTimerReset ()
void setElapsedTimerInvalid ()
void setElapsedTimerValid ()
RexxObject ** getMethodArgumentList ()
size_t getMethodArgumentCount ()
size_t getMethodNamedArgumentCount ()
RexxObjectgetMethodArgument (size_t position)
void setArguments (RexxArray *positionalArguments, RexxDirectory *namedArguments)
RexxArraygetArguments ()
RexxObject ** getProgramArgumentlist ()
size_t getProgramArgumentCount ()
size_t getProgramNamedArgumentCount ()
RexxObjectgetProgramArgument (size_t position)
RexxObjectgetContextObject ()
RexxObjectgetContextLine ()
size_t getContextLineNumber ()
RexxObjectgetContextReturnStatus ()
RexxObjectgetParentContextObject ()
StackFrameClasscreateStackFrame ()
RexxVariableDictionarygetLocalVariables ()
RexxDirectorygetAllLocalVariables ()
RexxVariablegetLocalVariable (RexxString *name, size_t index)
RexxVariablegetLocalStemVariable (RexxString *name, size_t index)
RexxStemgetLocalStem (RexxString *name, size_t index)
void dropLocalStem (RexxString *name, size_t index)
bool localStemVariableExists (RexxString *stemName, size_t index)
bool localVariableExists (RexxString *name, size_t index)
void putLocalVariable (RexxVariable *variable, size_t index)
void updateLocalVariable (RexxVariable *variable)
void setLocalVariable (RexxString *name, size_t index, RexxObject *value)
void dropLocalVariable (RexxString *name, size_t index)
RexxObjectevaluateLocalCompoundVariable (RexxString *stemName, size_t index, RexxObject **tail, size_t tailCount)
RexxObjectgetLocalCompoundVariableValue (RexxString *stemName, size_t index, RexxObject **tail, size_t tailCount)
RexxObjectgetLocalCompoundVariableRealValue (RexxString *localstem, size_t index, RexxObject **tail, size_t tailCount)
RexxCompoundElementgetLocalCompoundVariable (RexxString *stemName, size_t index, RexxObject **tail, size_t tailCount)
RexxCompoundElementexposeLocalCompoundVariable (RexxString *stemName, size_t index, RexxObject **tail, size_t tailCount)
bool localCompoundVariableExists (RexxString *stemName, size_t index, RexxObject **tail, size_t tailCount)
void assignLocalCompoundVariable (RexxString *stemName, size_t index, RexxObject **tail, size_t tailCount, RexxObject *value)
void setLocalCompoundVariable (RexxString *stemName, size_t index, RexxObject **tail, size_t tailCount, RexxObject *value)
void dropLocalCompoundVariable (RexxString *stemName, size_t index, RexxObject **tail, size_t tailCount)
bool novalueEnabled ()
RexxVariablenewLocalVariable (RexxString *name)
void cacheLocalVariable (RexxVariable *var)
void cleanupLocalVariables ()
void setLocalVariableDictionary (RexxVariableDictionary *dict)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RexxActivationBase
 RexxActivationBase ()
 RexxActivationBase (RESTORETYPE restoreType)
virtual bool isStackBase ()
void setPreviousStackFrame (RexxActivationBase *p)
RexxActivationBasegetPreviousStackFrame ()
BaseExecutablegetExecutable ()
RexxObjectgetExecutableObject ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RexxInternalObject
void * operator new (size_t, RexxClass *)
void * operator new (size_t, RexxClass *, RexxObject **, size_t, size_t)
void * operator new (size_t size, void *ptr)
void operator delete (void *)
void operator delete (void *p, void *ptr)
 RexxInternalObject ()
 RexxInternalObject (RESTORETYPE restoreType)
virtual ~RexxInternalObject ()
 operator RexxObject * ()
size_t getObjectSize ()
void setObjectSize (size_t s)
size_t getObjectDataSize ()
void * getObjectDataSpace ()
void clearObject ()
void clearObject (size_t l)
void setVirtualFunctions (void *t)
void setInitHeader (size_t s, size_t markword)
void setInitHeader (size_t markword)
void setObjectLive (size_t markword)
void setHasReferences ()
void setHasNoReferences ()
bool hasReferences ()
bool hasNoReferences ()
void setPrimitive ()
void setNonPrimitive ()
bool isPrimitive ()
bool isNonPrimitive ()
void setInRexxPackage ()
bool isInRexxPackage ()
bool isObjectMarked (size_t markword)
void setObjectMark (size_t markword)
void clearObjectMark ()
bool isObjectLive (size_t mark)
bool isObjectDead (size_t mark)
bool isOldSpace ()
bool isNewSpace ()
void setNewSpace ()
void setOldSpace ()
void makeProxiedObject ()
bool isProxyObject ()
bool isSubClassOrEnhanced ()
bool isBaseClass ()
size_t getObjectTypeNumber ()
RexxBehaviourgetObjectType ()
bool isObjectType (RexxBehaviour *b)
bool isObjectType (size_t t)
bool isSameType (RexxInternalObject *o)
void setBehaviour (RexxBehaviour *b)
virtual RexxObjectmakeProxy (RexxEnvelope *)
virtual RexxObjectcopy ()
virtual RexxObjectevaluate (RexxActivation *, RexxExpressionStack *)
virtual RexxObjectgetValue (RexxActivation *)
virtual RexxObjectgetValue (RexxVariableDictionary *)
virtual RexxObjectgetRealValue (RexxActivation *)
virtual RexxObjectgetRealValue (RexxVariableDictionary *)
virtual void uninit ()
virtual HashCode hash ()
virtual HashCode getHashValue ()
HashCode identityHash ()
virtual bool truthValue (int)
virtual bool logicalValue (logical_t &)
virtual RexxStringmakeString ()
virtual RexxTextmakeText ()
virtual void copyIntoTail (RexxCompoundTail *buffer)
virtual RexxStringprimitiveMakeString ()
virtual RexxTextprimitiveMakeText ()
virtual RexxArraymakeArray ()
virtual RexxStringstringValue ()
virtual RexxTexttextValue ()
virtual RexxIntegerintegerValue (size_t)
virtual bool numberValue (wholenumber_t &result, size_t precision)
virtual bool numberValue (wholenumber_t &result)
virtual bool unsignedNumberValue (stringsize_t &result, size_t precision)
virtual bool unsignedNumberValue (stringsize_t &result)
virtual bool doubleValue (double &result)
virtual RexxNumberStringnumberString ()
virtual bool isEqual (RexxObject *)
virtual bool isInstanceOf (RexxClass *)
virtual RexxMethodinstanceMethod (RexxString *)
virtual RexxSupplierinstanceMethods (RexxClass *)
virtual RexxObjectdynamicTarget (RexxObject **arguments, size_t count, size_t named_count)
void hasUninit ()
void removedUninit ()
void printObject ()
RexxObjectclone ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RexxVirtualBase
virtual void flatten (RexxEnvelope *)
virtual RexxObjectunflatten (RexxEnvelope *)

Static Public Member Functions

static size_t processTraceSetting (size_t traceSetting)
static RoutineClassgetMacroCode (RexxString *macroName)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from RexxInternalObject
static size_t getObjectHeaderSize ()

Protected Attributes

ActivationSettings settings
RexxExpressionStack stack
RexxObject ** arglist
size_t argcount
size_t named_argcount
bool debug_pause
int object_scope
int execution_state
int activation_context
size_t pending_count
uint64_t random_seed
bool random_set
size_t blockNest
size_t lookaside_size
- Protected Attributes inherited from RexxActivationBase

Static Protected Attributes

static const size_t trace_off = 0x00000000
static const size_t trace_debug = 0x00000001
static const size_t trace_all = 0x00000002
static const size_t trace_results = 0x00000004
static const size_t trace_intermediates = 0x00000008
static const size_t trace_commands = 0x00000010
static const size_t trace_labels = 0x00000020
static const size_t trace_errors = 0x00000040
static const size_t trace_failures = 0x00000080
static const size_t trace_suppress = 0x00000100
static const size_t trace_flags = 0x000001ff
static const size_t default_trace_flags = trace_failures
static const size_t trace_all_flags = (trace_all | trace_labels | trace_commands)
static const size_t trace_results_flags = (trace_all | trace_labels | trace_results | trace_commands)
static const size_t trace_intermediates_flags = (trace_all | trace_labels | trace_results | trace_commands | trace_intermediates)
static const bool default_enable_commands = true
static const bool default_enable_macrospace = true
static const size_t single_step = 0x00000800
static const size_t single_step_nested = 0x00001000
static const size_t debug_prompt_issued = 0x00002000
static const size_t debug_bypass = 0x00004000
static const size_t procedure_valid = 0x00008000
static const size_t clause_boundary = 0x00010000
static const size_t halt_condition = 0x00020000
static const size_t trace_on = 0x00040000
static const size_t source_traced = 0x00080000
static const size_t clause_exits = 0x00100000
static const size_t external_yield = 0x00200000
static const size_t forwarded = 0x00400000
static const size_t reply_issued = 0x00800000
static const size_t set_trace_on = 0x01000000
static const size_t set_trace_off = 0x02000000
static const size_t traps_copied = 0x04000000
static const size_t return_status_set = 0x08000000
static const size_t transfer_failed = 0x10000000
static const size_t elapsed_reset = 0x20000000
static const size_t guarded_method = 0x40000000


class RexxSource

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from RexxInternalObject
ObjectHeader header
- Protected Member Functions inherited from RexxVirtualBase
virtual ~RexxVirtualBase ()
virtual void baseVirtual ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 164 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RexxActivation() [1/5]

RexxActivation::RexxActivation ( RESTORETYPE  restoreType)

Definition at line 172 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

◆ RexxActivation() [2/5]

RexxActivation::RexxActivation ( )

Initialize an activation for direct caching in the activation cache. At this time, this is not an executable activation

Definition at line 175 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References RexxInternalObject::setHasNoReferences().

◆ RexxActivation() [3/5]

RexxActivation::RexxActivation ( RexxActivity _activity,
RexxActivation _parent,
RexxMethod _method,
RexxCode _code 

Initialize an activation for a method invocation.

_activityThe activity we're running under.
_methodThe method being invoked.
_codeThe code to execute.

Definition at line 188 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activation_context, activationSettingsTemplate, ACTIVE, activity, RexxActivity::allocateLocalVariableFrame(), RexxActivity::allocateStackFrame(), ActivationSettings::alternate_env, ActivationSettings::calltype, RexxInternalObject::clearObject(), code, ActivationSettings::current_env, NumericSettings::digits, ActivationSettings::enableCommands, ActivationSettings::enableMacrospace, RexxActivationBase::executable, execution_state, ActivationSettings::externalTraceDepth, ActivationSettings::externalTraceFlags, ActivationSettings::externalTraceOption, NumericSettings::form, NumericSettings::fuzz, InterpreterInstance::getDefaultEnvironment(), RexxSource::getDigits(), RexxSource::getEnableCommands(), RexxSource::getEnableMacrospace(), RexxSource::getForm(), RexxSource::getFuzz(), RexxActivity::getInstance(), RexxActivity::getInstanceSecurityManager(), RexxCode::getLocalVariableSize(), RexxCode::getMaxStackSize(), BaseExecutable::getName(), RexxActivity::getRandomSeed(), RexxMethod::getScope(), RexxCode::getSecurityManager(), RexxSource::getSecurityManager(), BaseExecutable::getSourceObject(), RexxString::getStringData(), RexxSource::getTraceFlags(), RexxSource::getTraceSetting(), RexxLocalVariables::init(), ActivationSettings::intermediate_trace, RexxSource::isBlock, RexxMethod::isGuarded(), RexxInternalObject::isOldSpace(), ActivationSettings::local_variables, METHODCALL, ActivationSettings::numericSettings, object_scope, OREF_NULL, parent, ActivationSettings::parent_code, RexxSource::parentSource, ActivationSettings::propagateNumericSettings, random_seed, RexxObject::requestString(), scope, SCOPE_RELEASED, ActivationSettings::securityManager, setGuarded(), RexxInternalObject::setHasNoReferences(), RexxInternalObject::setHasReferences(), settings, setTrace(), sourceObject, stack, TheNilObject, and ActivationSettings::traceOption.

◆ RexxActivation() [4/5]

RexxActivation::RexxActivation ( RexxActivity _activity,
RexxActivation _parent,
RoutineClass _routine,
RexxCode _code,
RexxString calltype,
RexxString env,
int  context 

Create a top-level activation of Rexx code. This will either a toplevel program or an external call.

_activityThe current thread we're running on.
_routineThe routine to invoke.
_codeThe code object to be executed.
calltypeType type of call being made (function or subroutine)
envThe default address environment
contextThe type of call context.

Definition at line 390 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activation_context, activationSettingsTemplate, ACTIVE, activity, adjustRandomSeed(), RexxActivity::allocateLocalVariableFrame(), RexxActivity::allocateStackFrame(), ActivationSettings::alternate_env, ActivationSettings::calltype, RexxInternalObject::clearObject(), code, ActivationSettings::current_env, NumericSettings::digits, ActivationSettings::enableCommands, ActivationSettings::enableMacrospace, RexxActivationBase::executable, execution_state, ActivationSettings::externalTraceDepth, ActivationSettings::externalTraceFlags, ActivationSettings::externalTraceOption, NumericSettings::form, NumericSettings::fuzz, InterpreterInstance::getDefaultEnvironment(), RexxSource::getDigits(), RexxSource::getEnableCommands(), RexxSource::getEnableMacrospace(), RexxSource::getForm(), RexxSource::getFuzz(), RexxActivity::getInstance(), RexxActivity::getInstanceSecurityManager(), RexxCode::getLocalVariableSize(), RexxCode::getMaxStackSize(), RexxActivity::getRandomSeed(), RexxCode::getSecurityManager(), RexxSource::getSecurityManager(), BaseExecutable::getSourceObject(), RexxSource::getTraceFlags(), RexxSource::getTraceSetting(), RexxLocalVariables::init(), ActivationSettings::intermediate_trace, RexxSource::isBlock, RexxInternalObject::isOldSpace(), ActivationSettings::local_variables, ActivationSettings::numericSettings, object_scope, OREF_NULL, parent, ActivationSettings::parent_code, RexxSource::parentSource, ActivationSettings::propagateNumericSettings, random_seed, SCOPE_RELEASED, ActivationSettings::securityManager, setDefaultAddress(), RexxInternalObject::setHasNoReferences(), RexxInternalObject::setHasReferences(), settings, setTrace(), sourceObject, stack, and ActivationSettings::traceOption.

◆ RexxActivation() [5/5]

RexxActivation::RexxActivation ( RexxActivity _activity,
RexxActivation _parent,
RexxCode _code,
int  context 

Create a new Rexx activation for an internal level call. An internal level call is an internal call, a call trap, an Interpret statement, or a debug pause execution.

_activityThe current activity.
_parentThe parent activation.
_codeThe code to be executed. For interpret and debug pauses, this is a new code object. For call activations, this is the parent code object.
contextThe type of call being made.

Definition at line 313 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activation_context, ACTIVE, activity, adjustRandomSeed(), RexxActivity::allocateStackFrame(), RexxInternalObject::clearObject(), code, debug_pause, DEBUGPAUSE, RexxActivationBase::executable, execution_state, ActivationSettings::externalTraceDepth, ActivationSettings::flags, RexxActivationBase::getExecutable(), RexxCode::getMaxStackSize(), BaseExecutable::getSourceObject(), RexxCode::getSourceObject(), ActivationSettings::intermediate_trace, INTERNALCALL, INTERPRET, ActivationSettings::local_variables, object_scope, parent, putSettings(), reply_issued, SCOPE_RELEASED, RexxInternalObject::setHasNoReferences(), RexxInternalObject::setHasReferences(), RexxLocalVariables::setNested(), settings, sourceObject, stack, ActivationSettings::timestamp, ActivationSettings::traceindent, ActivationSettings::traceOption, traps_copied, and RexxDateTime::valid.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addBlock()

void RexxActivation::addBlock ( )

Definition at line 397 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References blockNest, and indent().

Referenced by RexxInstructionDo::execute().

◆ addLocalRoutine()

void RexxActivation::addLocalRoutine ( RexxString name,
RexxMethod _method 

Add a local routine to the current activation's routine set.

nameThe name to add this under.
methodThe method associated with the name.

Definition at line 4324 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References RexxCode::getLocalRoutines(), RexxCode::getSourceObject(), new_directory(), OREF_NULL, ActivationSettings::parent_code, RexxDirectory::setEntry(), RexxSource::setLocalRoutines(), and settings.

◆ adjustRandomSeed()

void RexxActivation::adjustRandomSeed ( )

Definition at line 350 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References random_seed.

Referenced by RexxActivation().

◆ assignLocalCompoundVariable()

void RexxActivation::assignLocalCompoundVariable ( RexxString stemName,
size_t  index,
RexxObject **  tail,
size_t  tailCount,
RexxObject value 

◆ cacheLocalVariable()

void RexxActivation::cacheLocalVariable ( RexxVariable var)

Definition at line 629 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References RexxVariable::cache(), memoryObject, and RexxMemory::variableCache.

Referenced by cleanupLocalVariables().

◆ callExternalRexx()

bool RexxActivation::callExternalRexx ( RexxString target,
RexxObject **  _arguments,
size_t  _argcount,
size_t  _named_argcount,
RexxString calltype,
ProtectedObject resultObj 

Call an external program as a function or subroutine.

targetThe target function name.
parentThe name of the parent program (used for resolving extensions).
_argumentsThe arguments to the call.
_argcountThe count of positional arguments for the call.
calltypeThe type of call (FUNCTION or SUBROUTINE)
resultObjThe returned result.
True if an external program was located and called. false for any failures.

Definition at line 2955 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activity, RoutineClass::call(), ActivationSettings::current_env, EXTERNALCALL, RoutineClass::fromFile(), BaseExecutable::getSourceObject(), RexxCode::mergeRequired(), OREF_NULL, ActivationSettings::parent_code, RexxExpressionStack::pop(), RexxExpressionStack::push(), resolveProgramName(), settings, and stack.

Referenced by SystemInterpreter::invokeExternalFunction().

◆ callMacroSpaceFunction()

bool RexxActivation::callMacroSpaceFunction ( RexxString target,
RexxObject **  _arguments,
size_t  _argcount,
size_t  _named_argcount,
RexxString calltype,
int  order,
ProtectedObject _result 

Attempt to call a function stored in the macrospace.

targetThe target function name.
argumentsThe argument pointer.
argcountThe count of positional arguments,
calltypeThe type of call (FUNCTION or SUBROUTINE)
orderThe macrospace order flag.
resultThe function result.
true if the macrospace function was located and called.

Definition at line 2841 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activity, RoutineClass::call(), enableMacrospace(), EXTERNALCALL, getMacroCode(), BaseExecutable::getSourceObject(), getSourceObject(), RexxString::getStringData(), RexxSource::mergeRequired(), MS_PREORDER, OREF_NULL, RexxQueryMacro(), and RXMACRO_SEARCH_AFTER.

Referenced by SystemInterpreter::invokeExternalFunction().

◆ checkTrapTable()

◆ cleanupLocalVariables()

◆ clearTraceSettings()

void RexxActivation::clearTraceSettings ( )

◆ closeStreams()

◆ command()

◆ conditionalPauseInstruction()

int RexxActivation::conditionalPauseInstruction ( )

◆ createStackFrame()

StackFrameClass * RexxActivation::createStackFrame ( )

◆ currentLine()

size_t RexxActivation::currentLine ( )

◆ debugInterpret()

◆ debugPause()

◆ debugSkip()

void RexxActivation::debugSkip ( wholenumber_t  skipcount,
bool  notrace 

◆ digits()

◆ directRetriever()

RexxVariableBase* RexxActivation::directRetriever ( RexxString )

◆ dispatch()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::dispatch ( )

◆ dropLocalCompoundVariable()

void RexxActivation::dropLocalCompoundVariable ( RexxString stemName,
size_t  index,
RexxObject **  tail,
size_t  tailCount 

◆ dropLocalStem()

void RexxActivation::dropLocalStem ( RexxString name,
size_t  index 

Definition at line 552 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References getLocalStemVariable(), and RexxVariable::set().

Referenced by RexxStemVariable::drop().

◆ dropLocalVariable()

void RexxActivation::dropLocalVariable ( RexxString name,
size_t  index 

◆ enableCommands() [1/2]

bool RexxActivation::enableCommands ( )

◆ enableCommands() [2/2]

void RexxActivation::enableCommands ( bool  status)

Definition at line 2220 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References ActivationSettings::enableCommands, and settings.

◆ enableExternalTrace()

void RexxActivation::enableExternalTrace ( const char *  option)

Turn on external trace at program startup (e.g, because RXTRACE is set)

Definition at line 3926 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References DEBUG_ON, new_string(), setTrace(), SIZE_MAX, RexxString::strCaselessCompare(), trace_debug, TRACE_RESULTS, and trace_results_flags.

Referenced by SysInterpreterInstance::setupProgram().

◆ enableMacrospace() [1/2]

bool RexxActivation::enableMacrospace ( )

◆ enableMacrospace() [2/2]

void RexxActivation::enableMacrospace ( bool  status)

Definition at line 2228 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References ActivationSettings::enableMacrospace, and settings.

◆ evaluateLocalCompoundVariable()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::evaluateLocalCompoundVariable ( RexxString stemName,
size_t  index,
RexxObject **  tail,
size_t  tailCount 

◆ exitFrom()

◆ expose()

void RexxActivation::expose ( RexxVariableBase **  variables,
size_t  count 

◆ exposeLocalCompoundVariable()

RexxCompoundElement * RexxActivation::exposeLocalCompoundVariable ( RexxString stemName,
size_t  index,
RexxObject **  tail,
size_t  tailCount 

◆ external()

RexxActivation * RexxActivation::external ( )

Definition at line 1683 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References external(), isInternalLevelCall(), and parent.

Referenced by external().

◆ externalCall()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::externalCall ( RexxString target,
RexxObject **  _arguments,
size_t  _argcount,
size_t  _named_argcount,
RexxString calltype,
ProtectedObject resultObj 

Main method for performing an external routine call. This orchestrates the search order for locating an external routine.

targetThe target function name.
_argcountThe count of positional arguments for the call.
_stackThe expression stack holding the arguments.
calltypeThe type of call (FUNCTION or SUBROUTINE)
resultObjThe returned result.
The function result (also returned in the resultObj protected object reference.

Definition at line 2887 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activity, RoutineClass::call(), RexxActivity::callFunctionExit(), RexxActivity::callObjectFunctionExit(), RexxActivity::callScriptingExit(), Error_Routine_not_found_name, EXTERNALCALL, RexxCode::findRoutine(), SystemInterpreter::invokeExternalFunction(), OREF_NULL, ActivationSettings::parent_code, reportException(), settings, and TheFunctionsDirectory.

Referenced by RexxExpressionFunction::evaluate(), RexxInstructionCall::execute(), and RexxInstructionCall::trap().

◆ externalTraceOff()

void RexxActivation::externalTraceOff ( )

◆ externalTraceOn()

◆ findClass()

RexxClass * RexxActivation::findClass ( RexxString name)

Resolve a class in this activation's context.

nameThe name to resolve.
The resolved class, or OREF_NULL if not found.

Definition at line 3050 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References RexxSource::findClass(), getSourceObject(), RexxObject::isInstanceOf(), OREF_NULL, and TheClassClass.

Referenced by RexxNativeActivation::findCallerClass().

◆ findRexxContext()

RexxActivation * RexxActivation::findRexxContext ( )

Return the Rexx context this operates under. Depending on the context, this could be null.

The parent Rexx context.

Reimplemented from RexxActivationBase.

Definition at line 2255 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

◆ form()

bool RexxActivation::form ( )

◆ formatSourcelessTraceLine()

RexxString * RexxActivation::formatSourcelessTraceLine ( RexxString packageName)

Format a more informative trace line when giving traceback information for code when no source code is available.

packageNameThe package name to use (could be "REXX" for internal code)
A formatted descriptive string for the invocation.

Definition at line 4693 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activity, RexxActivity::buildMessage(), RexxClass::getId(), getMessageName(), isMethod(), isRoutine(), Message_Translations_sourceless_method_invocation, Message_Translations_sourceless_program_invocation, Message_Translations_sourceless_routine_invocation, new_array(), RexxObject::requestString(), scope, and TheNilObject.

Referenced by RexxSource::traceBack().

◆ formatTrace()

RexxString * RexxActivation::formatTrace ( RexxInstruction instruction,
RexxSource _source 

◆ forward()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::forward ( RexxObject target,
RexxString message,
RexxObject superClass,
RexxObject **  _arguments,
size_t  _argcount,
size_t  _named_argcount,
bool  continuing 

◆ fuzz()

size_t RexxActivation::fuzz ( )

◆ getActivity()

RexxActivity* RexxActivation::getActivity ( )

Definition at line 407 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References activity.

Referenced by RexxInstructionSay::execute().

◆ getAddress()

RexxString* RexxActivation::getAddress ( )

Definition at line 413 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References ActivationSettings::current_env, and settings.

Referenced by RexxInstructionCommand::execute().

◆ getAllLocalVariables()

RexxDirectory* RexxActivation::getAllLocalVariables ( )

◆ getArguments()

RexxArray* RexxActivation::getArguments ( )

Definition at line 497 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References argcount, arglist, and new_array().

Referenced by createStackFrame().

◆ getCallname()

◆ getConditionObj()

RexxDirectory* RexxActivation::getConditionObj ( )

◆ getContextLine()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::getContextLine ( )

Return the line context information for a context.

The current execution line.

Definition at line 2760 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References current, getContextLine(), RexxInstruction::getLineNumber(), isInterpret(), new_integer(), and parent.

Referenced by getContextLine(), and RexxContext::getLine().

◆ getContextLineNumber()

size_t RexxActivation::getContextLineNumber ( )

Return the line context information for a context.

The current execution line.

Definition at line 2781 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References current, getContextLineNumber(), RexxInstruction::getLineNumber(), isInterpret(), and parent.

Referenced by createStackFrame(), and getContextLineNumber().

◆ getContextObject()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::getContextObject ( )

Get the context object for this activation.

The created context object.

Definition at line 2743 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References contextObject, and OREF_NULL.

Referenced by RexxSourceLiteral::evaluate(), getParentContextObject(), RexxNativeActivation::getRexxContextObject(), and rexxVariable().

◆ getContextReturnStatus()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::getContextReturnStatus ( )

Return the RS context information for a activation.

The current execution line.

Definition at line 2802 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References ActivationSettings::flags, new_integer(), ActivationSettings::return_status, return_status_set, settings, and TheNilObject.

Referenced by RexxContext::getRS().

◆ getCurrent()

RexxInstruction* RexxActivation::getCurrent ( )

Definition at line 410 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References current.

◆ getEffectivePackageObject()

PackageClass* RexxActivation::getEffectivePackageObject ( )

◆ getEffectiveSecurityManager()

SecurityManager * RexxActivation::getEffectiveSecurityManager ( )

Get the security manager in used by this activation.

Either the defined security manager or the instance-global security manager.

Definition at line 4603 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activity, RexxActivity::getInstanceSecurityManager(), OREF_NULL, ActivationSettings::securityManager, and settings.

Referenced by RexxActivity::callCommandExit(), RexxActivity::callObjectFunctionExit(), and resolveStream().

◆ getEffectiveSourceObject()

RexxSource* RexxActivation::getEffectiveSourceObject ( )

◆ getElapsed()

int64_t RexxActivation::getElapsed ( )

◆ getIndent()

size_t RexxActivation::getIndent ( )

◆ getLabels()

RexxDirectory * RexxActivation::getLabels ( )

Definition at line 4300 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References code, and RexxCode::getLabels().

Referenced by RexxInstructionCall::execute(), and signalValue().

◆ getLocalCompoundVariable()

RexxCompoundElement * RexxActivation::getLocalCompoundVariable ( RexxString stemName,
size_t  index,
RexxObject **  tail,
size_t  tailCount 

◆ getLocalCompoundVariableRealValue()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::getLocalCompoundVariableRealValue ( RexxString localstem,
size_t  index,
RexxObject **  tail,
size_t  tailCount 

◆ getLocalCompoundVariableValue()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::getLocalCompoundVariableValue ( RexxString stemName,
size_t  index,
RexxObject **  tail,
size_t  tailCount 

◆ getLocalEnvironment()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::getLocalEnvironment ( RexxString name)

Retrieve a value from the instance local environment.

nameThe name of the .local object.
The object stored at the given name.

Definition at line 4621 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activity, and RexxActivity::getLocalEnvironment().

Referenced by novalueHandler(), and resolveStream().

◆ getLocalStem()

◆ getLocalStemVariable()

◆ getLocalVariable()

◆ getLocalVariables()

RexxVariableDictionary* RexxActivation::getLocalVariables ( )

◆ getMacroCode()

RoutineClass * RexxActivation::getMacroCode ( RexxString macroName)

Retrieve a macro image file from the macro space.

macroNameThe name of the macro to retrieve.
If available, the unflattened method image.

Definition at line 3002 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References RexxString::getStringData(), OREF_NULL, SystemInterpreter::releaseResultMemory(), RoutineClass::restore(), RexxResolveMacroFunction(), and _RXSTRING::strptr.

Referenced by callMacroSpaceFunction(), and PackageManager::getMacroSpaceRequires().

◆ getMessageName()

RexxString* RexxActivation::getMessageName ( )

◆ getMethodArgument()

RexxObject* RexxActivation::getMethodArgument ( size_t  position)

◆ getMethodArgumentCount()

◆ getMethodArgumentList()

◆ getMethodNamedArgumentCount()

size_t RexxActivation::getMethodNamedArgumentCount ( )

◆ getNext()

RexxInstruction* RexxActivation::getNext ( )

Definition at line 416 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References next.

◆ getNumericSettings()

NumericSettings * RexxActivation::getNumericSettings ( )

Get the numeric settings for the current context.

The new numeric settings.

Reimplemented from RexxActivationBase.

Definition at line 2277 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References ActivationSettings::numericSettings, and settings.

Referenced by RexxNativeActivation::getNumericSettings().

◆ getObjectVariables()

◆ getPackage()

PackageClass * RexxActivation::getPackage ( )

Retrieve the package for the current execution context.

The Package holding the code for the current execution context.

Reimplemented from RexxActivationBase.

Definition at line 4464 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References RexxActivationBase::executable, and BaseExecutable::getPackage().

Referenced by RexxContext::getPackage(), and traceEntry().

◆ getPackageObject()

PackageClass* RexxActivation::getPackageObject ( )

Definition at line 371 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References RexxSource::getPackage(), and sourceObject.

◆ getParentContextObject()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::getParentContextObject ( )

Get the context object for the parent of this activation.

The created context object.

Definition at line 2821 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References getContextObject(), OREF_NULL, senderActivation(), and TheNilObject.

Referenced by RexxContext::getParentContextObject().

◆ getProgramArgument()

RexxObject* RexxActivation::getProgramArgument ( size_t  position)

◆ getProgramArgumentCount()

size_t RexxActivation::getProgramArgumentCount ( )

◆ getProgramArgumentlist()

RexxObject** RexxActivation::getProgramArgumentlist ( )

Definition at line 499 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References ActivationSettings::parent_arglist, and settings.

◆ getProgramName()

RexxString * RexxActivation::getProgramName ( )

Definition at line 4292 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References code, and RexxCode::getProgramName().

◆ getProgramNamedArgumentCount()

size_t RexxActivation::getProgramNamedArgumentCount ( )

Definition at line 501 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References ActivationSettings::parent_named_argcount, and settings.

◆ getPublicRoutines()

RexxDirectory * RexxActivation::getPublicRoutines ( )

Retrieve the directory of public routines associated with the current activation.

A directory of the public routines.

Definition at line 4347 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References code, and RexxCode::getPublicRoutines().

◆ getRandomSeed()

◆ getReceiver()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::getReceiver ( )

Get the message receiver

The message receiver. Returns OREF_NULL if this is not a message activation.

Reimplemented from RexxActivationBase.

Definition at line 2289 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References getReceiver(), isInterpret(), parent, and receiver.

Referenced by RexxExpressionMessage::assign(), RexxExpressionMessage::evaluate(), RexxInstructionMessage::execute(), and getReceiver().

◆ getReserveCount()

unsigned short RexxActivation::getReserveCount ( )

◆ getRexxContext()

RexxActivation * RexxActivation::getRexxContext ( )

Return the Rexx context this operates under. Depending on the context, this could be null.

The parent Rexx context.

Reimplemented from RexxActivationBase.

Definition at line 2243 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

◆ getSecurityManager()

SecurityManager * RexxActivation::getSecurityManager ( )

Get the security manager in effect for a given context.

The security manager defined for this activation context.

Implements RexxActivationBase.

Definition at line 4591 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References ActivationSettings::securityManager, and settings.

◆ getSettings()

void RexxActivation::getSettings ( ActivationSettings s)

Definition at line 411 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References settings.

Referenced by run().

◆ getSourceObject()

◆ getStack()

RexxExpressionStack* RexxActivation::getStack ( )

◆ getStackFrames()

RexxArray * RexxActivation::getStackFrames ( bool  skipFirst)

Generate the stack frames for the current context.

A list of the stackframes.

Definition at line 4727 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activity, and RexxActivity::generateStackFrames().

Referenced by RexxContext::getStackFrames().

◆ getStreams()

◆ getThreadLocal()

RexxDirectory * RexxActivation::getThreadLocal ( )
The directory of thread's local variables.

Definition at line 4630 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activity, and RexxActivity::getThreadLocal().

Referenced by rexxVariable().

◆ getTime()

◆ getTraceBack()

RexxString * RexxActivation::getTraceBack ( )

Get a traceback line for the current instruction.

The formatted string traceback.

Definition at line 3212 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References current, formatTrace(), and getSourceObject().

Referenced by createStackFrame().

◆ getVariableDictionary()

RexxVariableDictionary* RexxActivation::getVariableDictionary ( )

Definition at line 473 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References RexxObject::getObjectVariables(), receiver, and scope.

Referenced by GetConcurrencyInfos(), and getReserveCount().

◆ guardOff()

◆ guardOn()

◆ guardWait()

◆ halt()

bool RexxActivation::halt ( RexxString description)

Halt the activation

descriptionThe description for the halt condition (if any).
true if this halt was recognized, false if there is a previous halt condition still to be processed.

Definition at line 3956 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References clause_boundary, ActivationSettings::flags, halt_condition, ActivationSettings::halt_description, and settings.

Referenced by RexxActivity::callHaltTestExit(), and RexxActivity::halt().

◆ handleNovalueEvent()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::handleNovalueEvent ( RexxString name,
RexxObject defaultValue,
RexxVariable variable 

Process a NOVALUE event for a variable.

nameThe variable name triggering the event.
variableThe resolved variable object for the variable.
A value for that variable.

Definition at line 2497 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activity, RexxActivity::callNovalueExit(), novalueEnabled(), novalueHandler(), OREF_NULL, reportNovalue(), RexxVariable::set(), and TheNilObject.

Referenced by RexxParseVariable::evaluate(), and RexxStem::handleNovalue().

◆ hasActiveBlocks()

bool RexxActivation::hasActiveBlocks ( )

Definition at line 398 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References blockNest.

Referenced by RexxInstructionEnd::execute(), and RexxInstructionOtherwise::execute().

◆ implicitExit()

void RexxActivation::implicitExit ( )

◆ inDebug()

bool RexxActivation::inDebug ( )

◆ indent()

◆ inMethod()

◆ internalCall()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::internalCall ( RexxString name,
RexxInstruction target,
RexxObject **  _arguments,
size_t  _argcount,
size_t  _named_argcount,
ProtectedObject returnObject 

Process an internal function or subroutine call.

nameThe name of the target label.
targetThe target instruction where we start executing (this is the label)
_argcountThe count of positional arguments
_stackThe context stack holding the arguments
returnObjectA holder for the return value
The return value object

Definition at line 3132 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activity, current, RexxInstruction::getLineNumber(), INTERNALCALL, new_integer(), ActivityManager::newActivation(), OREF_NULL, ActivationSettings::parent_code, RexxActivity::pushStackFrame(), receiver, run(), setLocalVariable(), settings, and VARIABLE_SIGL.

Referenced by RexxExpressionFunction::evaluate(), and RexxInstructionCall::execute().

◆ internalCallTrap()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::internalCallTrap ( RexxString name,
RexxInstruction target,
RexxDirectory conditionObj,
ProtectedObject resultObj 

Processing a call to an internal trap subroutine.

nameThe label name of the internal call.
targetThe target instruction for the call (the label)
conditionObjThe associated condition object
resultObjA holder for a result object
Any return result

Definition at line 3161 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activity, current, RexxInstruction::getLineNumber(), INTERNALCALL, new_integer(), ActivityManager::newActivation(), OREF_NULL, ActivationSettings::parent_code, RexxExpressionStack::push(), RexxActivity::pushStackFrame(), run(), setConditionObj(), setLocalVariable(), settings, stack, and VARIABLE_SIGL.

Referenced by RexxInstructionCall::trap().

◆ internalMethod()

bool RexxActivation::internalMethod ( )

◆ interpret()

◆ isElapsedTimerReset()

bool RexxActivation::isElapsedTimerReset ( )

Definition at line 480 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References elapsed_reset, ActivationSettings::flags, and settings.

Referenced by getTime().

◆ isExternalTraceOn()

bool RexxActivation::isExternalTraceOn ( )

Definition at line 475 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References ActivationSettings::flags, settings, and trace_on.

Referenced by processClauseBoundary().

◆ isForwarded()

bool RexxActivation::isForwarded ( )

Reimplemented from RexxActivationBase.

Definition at line 466 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References ActivationSettings::flags, forwarded, and settings.

Referenced by RexxActivity::raiseException().

◆ isGuarded()

bool RexxActivation::isGuarded ( )

Definition at line 467 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References ActivationSettings::flags, guarded_method, and settings.

Referenced by getObjectVariables(), and run().

◆ isInternalCall()

bool RexxActivation::isInternalCall ( )

Definition at line 212 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References activation_context, and INTERNALCALL.

Referenced by checkTrapTable(), createStackFrame(), run(), and trapOff().

◆ isInternalLevelCall()

bool RexxActivation::isInternalLevelCall ( )

Definition at line 218 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References activation_context, and INTERNAL_LEVEL_CALL.

Referenced by cleanupLocalVariables(), external(), and getRandomSeed().

◆ isInterpret()

◆ isMethod()

bool RexxActivation::isMethod ( )

◆ isMethodOrRoutine()

bool RexxActivation::isMethodOrRoutine ( )

Definition at line 220 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References isMethod(), and isRoutine().

Referenced by run().

◆ isObjectScopeLocked()

bool RexxActivation::isObjectScopeLocked ( )

Definition at line 469 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References object_scope, and SCOPE_RESERVED.

Referenced by GetConcurrencyInfos().

◆ isProgram()

bool RexxActivation::isProgram ( )

Definition at line 215 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References activation_context, and PROGRAMCALL.

Referenced by createStackFrame().

◆ isProgramLevelCall()

bool RexxActivation::isProgramLevelCall ( )

Definition at line 217 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References activation_context, and PROGRAM_LEVEL_CALL.

Referenced by exitFrom(), raiseExit(), returnFrom(), and run().

◆ isProgramOrMethod()

bool RexxActivation::isProgramOrMethod ( )

Definition at line 219 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References activation_context, and PROGRAM_OR_METHOD.

Referenced by closeStreams(), and getStreams().

◆ isRexxContext()

bool RexxActivation::isRexxContext ( )

Indicate whether this activation is a Rexx context or not.

true if this is a Rexx context, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from RexxActivationBase.

Definition at line 2266 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

◆ isRoutine()

bool RexxActivation::isRoutine ( )

◆ isTopLevel()

bool RexxActivation::isTopLevel ( )

Definition at line 465 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References activation_context, and TOP_LEVEL_CALL.

Referenced by exitFrom().

◆ isTopLevelCall()

bool RexxActivation::isTopLevelCall ( )

Definition at line 216 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References activation_context, and TOP_LEVEL_CALL.

Referenced by exitFrom(), popEnvironment(), pushEnvironment(), raiseExit(), and run().

◆ iterate()

◆ leaveLoop()

◆ live()

◆ liveGeneral()

◆ loadLibrary()

void RexxActivation::loadLibrary ( RexxString target,
RexxInstruction instruction 

Load a package defined by a ::REQUIRES name LIBRARY directive.

targetThe name of the package.
instructionThe ::REQUIRES directive being loaded.

Definition at line 3111 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References current, and PackageManager::getLibrary().

Referenced by LibraryDirective::install().

◆ loadRequires()

PackageClass * RexxActivation::loadRequires ( RexxString target,
RexxInstruction instruction 

Load a ::REQUIRES directive when the source file is first invoked.

targetThe name of the ::REQUIRES
instructionThe directive instruction being processed.

Definition at line 3093 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activity, current, getSourceObject(), and RexxSource::loadRequires().

Referenced by RequiresDirective::install().

◆ local()

RexxDirectory* RexxActivation::local ( )

◆ localCompoundVariableExists()

bool RexxActivation::localCompoundVariableExists ( RexxString stemName,
size_t  index,
RexxObject **  tail,
size_t  tailCount 

◆ localStemVariableExists()

bool RexxActivation::localStemVariableExists ( RexxString stemName,
size_t  index 

◆ localVariableExists()

bool RexxActivation::localVariableExists ( RexxString name,
size_t  index 

◆ mergeTraps()

void RexxActivation::mergeTraps ( RexxQueue source_condition_queue,
RexxQueue source_handler_queue 

◆ newDo()

void RexxActivation::newDo ( RexxDoBlock block)

◆ newLocalVariable()

◆ novalueEnabled()

bool RexxActivation::novalueEnabled ( )

◆ novalueHandler()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::novalueHandler ( RexxString name)

◆ operator delete() [1/2]

void RexxActivation::operator delete ( void *  )

Definition at line 169 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

◆ operator delete() [2/2]

void RexxActivation::operator delete ( void *  ,
void *   

Definition at line 170 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

◆ operator new() [1/2]

void* RexxActivation::operator new ( size_t  size,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 168 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

◆ operator new() [2/2]

void * RexxActivation::operator new ( size_t  size)

Definition at line 161 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References new_object(), and T_Activation.

◆ pauseCommand()

void RexxActivation::pauseCommand ( )

◆ pauseInstruction()

◆ pauseLabel()

void RexxActivation::pauseLabel ( )

◆ popBlock()

void RexxActivation::popBlock ( )

◆ popControl()

RexxObject* RexxActivation::popControl ( )

◆ popEnvironment()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::popEnvironment ( )

◆ procedureExpose()

◆ processClauseBoundary()

◆ processTraceSetting()

size_t RexxActivation::processTraceSetting ( size_t  traceSetting)

◆ processTraps()

◆ propagateExit()

void RexxActivation::propagateExit ( RexxObject )

◆ propagateNumericSettings() [1/2]

bool RexxActivation::propagateNumericSettings ( )

◆ propagateNumericSettings() [2/2]

void RexxActivation::propagateNumericSettings ( bool  status)

◆ pushBlock()

void RexxActivation::pushBlock ( RexxDoBlock block)

Definition at line 390 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References dostack, and RexxDoBlock::setPrevious().

Referenced by newDo().

◆ pushControl()

void RexxActivation::pushControl ( RexxObject )

◆ pushEnvironment()

void RexxActivation::pushEnvironment ( RexxObject environment)

◆ putLocalVariable()

void RexxActivation::putLocalVariable ( RexxVariable variable,
size_t  index 

◆ putSettings()

void RexxActivation::putSettings ( ActivationSettings s)

Definition at line 412 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References settings.

Referenced by RexxActivation(), and unwindTrap().

◆ raise()

◆ raiseExit()

void RexxActivation::raiseExit ( RexxString condition,
RexxObject rc,
RexxString description,
RexxObject additional,
RexxObject resultObj,
RexxDirectory conditionobj 

◆ random()

◆ removeBlock()

void RexxActivation::removeBlock ( )

◆ reply()

void RexxActivation::reply ( RexxObject resultObj)

◆ resetElapsed()

void RexxActivation::resetElapsed ( )

Definition at line 3266 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References setElapsedTimerInvalid().

◆ resolveDotVariable()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::resolveDotVariable ( RexxString name)

Resolve a class in this activation's context.

nameThe name to resolve.
The resolved class, or OREF_NULL if not found.

Definition at line 3069 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activation_context, RexxSource::findClass(), getSourceObject(), INTERPRET, parent, and resolveDotVariable().

Referenced by RexxDotVariable::evaluate(), RexxDotVariable::getValue(), and resolveDotVariable().

◆ resolveProgramName()

RexxString * RexxActivation::resolveProgramName ( RexxString name)

This is resolved in the context of the calling program.

nameThe name to resolve.
The fully resolved program name, or OREF_NULL if this can't be located.

Definition at line 3037 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activity, code, and RexxCode::resolveProgramName().

Referenced by callExternalRexx().

◆ resolveStream()

RexxObject * RexxActivation::resolveStream ( RexxString name,
bool  input,
RexxString **  fullName,
bool *  added 

Resolve a stream name for a BIF call.

nameThe name of the stream.
stackThe expression stack.
inputThe input/output flag.
fullNameThe returned full name of the stream.
addedA flag indicating we added this.
The backing stream object for the name.

Definition at line 1879 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References RexxDirectory::at(), SecurityManager::checkStreamAccess(), getEffectiveSecurityManager(), RexxString::getLength(), getLocalEnvironment(), getStreams(), OREF_NULL, RexxDirectory::put(), SystemInterpreter::qualifyFileSystemName(), RexxObject::sendMessage(), RexxString::strCaselessCompare(), and TheEnvironment.

◆ retriever()

RexxVariableBase* RexxActivation::retriever ( RexxString )

◆ returnFrom()

◆ rexxVariable()

◆ run() [1/2]

RexxObject* RexxActivation::run ( RexxArray _arguments,
RexxObject **  _arglist,
size_t  _argcount,
size_t  _named_argcount,
ProtectedObject _result 

Definition at line 249 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References OREF_NULL, and run().

◆ run() [2/2]

RexxObject * RexxActivation::run ( RexxObject _receiver,
RexxString msgname,
RexxArray _arguments,
RexxObject **  _arglist,
size_t  _argcount,
size_t  _named_argcount,
RexxInstruction start,
ProtectedObject resultObj 

Definition at line 517 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References ACTIVE, activity, RexxActivity::allocateFrame(), argcount, arglist, arguments, RexxActivity::callInitializationExit(), RexxMemory::checkUninitQueue(), clause_boundary, clause_exits, RexxExpressionStack::clear(), RexxLocalVariables::clearNested(), code, condition_queue, current, debug_pause, RexxInstruction::execute(), execution_state, ActivationSettings::flags, RexxCode::getFirstInstruction(), RexxExpressionStack::getFrame(), RexxActivity::getInstance(), RexxObject::getObjectVariables(), getSettings(), RexxList::getSize(), handler_queue, Interpreter::hasTimeSliceElapsed(), implicitExit(), RexxCode::install(), isGuarded(), isInternalCall(), isInterpret(), isMethodOrRoutine(), RexxLocalVariables::isNested(), RexxInternalObject::isOldSpace(), isProgramLevelCall(), isTopLevelCall(), RexxInstruction::isType(), KEYWORD_LABEL, KEYWORD_PROCEDURE, ActivationSettings::local_variables, MAX_INSTRUCTIONS, memoryObject, mergeTraps(), RexxLocalVariables::migrate(), RexxExpressionStack::migrate(), ActivationSettings::msgname, named_argcount, next, RexxInstruction::nextInstruction, object_scope, ActivationSettings::object_variables, OREF_NULL, parent, ActivationSettings::parent_argcount, ActivationSettings::parent_arglist, ActivationSettings::parent_arguments, ActivationSettings::parent_named_argcount, pauseLabel(), pending_count, RexxActivity::popStackFrame(), procedure_valid, processClauseBoundary(), processTraps(), RexxActivity::pushStackFrame(), receiver, RexxActivity::releaseStackFrame(), RexxActivity::relinquish(), REPLIED, RexxVariableDictionary::reserve(), result, RETURNED, RexxActivity::run(), scope, SCOPE_RESERVED, setLocalVariable(), settings, InterpreterInstance::setupProgram(), RexxActivity::spawnReply(), stack, RexxObject::superScope(), termination(), ActivationSettings::timestamp, traceEntry(), tracingAll(), tracingLabels(), RexxVariableDictionary::transfer(), transfer_failed, RexxActivity::unwindToFrame(), RexxDateTime::valid, VARIABLE_SELF, and VARIABLE_SUPER.

Referenced by RexxCode::call(), debugInterpret(), dispatch(), internalCall(), internalCallTrap(), interpret(), RexxCode::run(), and run().

◆ senderActivation()

RexxActivation * RexxActivation::senderActivation ( )

◆ setAddress()

void RexxActivation::setAddress ( RexxString address)

◆ setArguments()

void RexxActivation::setArguments ( RexxArray positionalArguments,
RexxDirectory namedArguments 

◆ setCallType()

void RexxActivation::setCallType ( RexxString type)

Definition at line 389 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References ActivationSettings::calltype, settings, and type.

◆ setConditionObj()

void RexxActivation::setConditionObj ( RexxDirectory condition)

◆ setCurrent()

void RexxActivation::setCurrent ( RexxInstruction v)

Definition at line 418 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References current.

Referenced by ClassDirective::install(), and ExtensionDirective::install().

◆ setDefaultAddress()

void RexxActivation::setDefaultAddress ( RexxString address)

◆ setDigits() [1/2]

void RexxActivation::setDigits ( )

Set the digits setting to the package-defined default

Definition at line 2157 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References RexxSource::getDigits(), and sourceObject.

◆ setDigits() [2/2]

void RexxActivation::setDigits ( size_t  digitsVal)

◆ setElapsedTimerInvalid()

void RexxActivation::setElapsedTimerInvalid ( )

Definition at line 481 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References elapsed_reset, ActivationSettings::flags, and settings.

Referenced by resetElapsed().

◆ setElapsedTimerValid()

void RexxActivation::setElapsedTimerValid ( )

Definition at line 482 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References elapsed_reset, ActivationSettings::flags, and settings.

Referenced by getTime().

◆ setExternalTraceOff()

void RexxActivation::setExternalTraceOff ( )

Definition at line 477 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References ActivationSettings::flags, settings, and trace_on.

Referenced by processClauseBoundary().

◆ setExternalTraceOn()

void RexxActivation::setExternalTraceOn ( )

Definition at line 476 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References ActivationSettings::flags, settings, and trace_on.

Referenced by processClauseBoundary().

◆ setForm() [1/2]

void RexxActivation::setForm ( )

Set the form setting to the package-defined default

Definition at line 2193 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References RexxSource::getForm(), and sourceObject.

◆ setForm() [2/2]

void RexxActivation::setForm ( bool  formVal)

◆ setFuzz() [1/2]

void RexxActivation::setFuzz ( )

Set the fuzz setting to the package-defined default

Definition at line 2174 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References RexxSource::getFuzz(), and sourceObject.

◆ setFuzz() [2/2]

void RexxActivation::setFuzz ( size_t  fuzzVal)

◆ setGuarded()

void RexxActivation::setGuarded ( )

Definition at line 468 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References ActivationSettings::flags, guarded_method, and settings.

Referenced by RexxActivation().

◆ setIndent()

void RexxActivation::setIndent ( size_t  v)

Definition at line 402 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References settings, and ActivationSettings::traceindent.

Referenced by RexxInstructionEnd::execute(), and iterate().

◆ setLocalCompoundVariable()

void RexxActivation::setLocalCompoundVariable ( RexxString stemName,
size_t  index,
RexxObject **  tail,
size_t  tailCount,
RexxObject value 

Definition at line 4556 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References getLocalStem(), and RexxStem::setCompoundVariable().

Referenced by RexxCompoundVariable::set().

◆ setLocalVariable()

◆ setLocalVariableDictionary()

void RexxActivation::setLocalVariableDictionary ( RexxVariableDictionary dict)

◆ setNext()

◆ setObjNotify()

void RexxActivation::setObjNotify ( RexxMessage notify)

Reimplemented from RexxActivationBase.

Definition at line 4354 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References objnotify.

◆ setReturnStatus()

void RexxActivation::setReturnStatus ( int  status)

Set the return status flag for an activation context.

statusThe new status value.

Definition at line 4285 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References ActivationSettings::flags, ActivationSettings::return_status, return_status_set, and settings.

Referenced by command().

◆ setTrace() [1/2]

void RexxActivation::setTrace ( RexxString setting,
bool  externalTrace = false,
size_t  depth = 0 

◆ setTrace() [2/2]

void RexxActivation::setTrace ( size_t  traceOption,
size_t  traceFlags 

◆ signalTo()

◆ signalValue()

void RexxActivation::signalValue ( RexxString name)

◆ sourceString()

◆ terminateBlock() [1/2]

void RexxActivation::terminateBlock ( )

◆ terminateBlock() [2/2]

void RexxActivation::terminateBlock ( size_t  _indent)

◆ termination()

◆ toggleAddress()

void RexxActivation::toggleAddress ( )

◆ topBlock()

RexxDoBlock* RexxActivation::topBlock ( )

Definition at line 392 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References dostack.

Referenced by RexxInstructionEnd::execute(), iterate(), and leaveLoop().

◆ traceAssignment()

◆ traceClause()

◆ traceCommand()

void RexxActivation::traceCommand ( RexxInstruction v)

◆ traceCompound()

void RexxActivation::traceCompound ( RexxString stemVar,
RexxObject **  tails,
size_t  tailCount,
RexxObject value 

◆ traceCompoundAssignment()

void RexxActivation::traceCompoundAssignment ( RexxString stemVar,
RexxObject **  tails,
size_t  tailCount,
RexxObject value,
bool  quoteValue = true 

◆ traceCompoundName() [1/2]

◆ traceCompoundName() [2/2]

void RexxActivation::traceCompoundName ( RexxString stemVar,
RexxObject **  tails,
size_t  tailCount,
RexxString tail 

◆ traceCompoundValue() [1/2]

void RexxActivation::traceCompoundValue ( int  prefix,
RexxString stemName,
RexxObject **  tails,
size_t  tailCount,
const char *  marker,
RexxObject value,
bool  quoteValue = true 

Trace a compound variable entry that's of the form 'tag => "value"'.

prefixThe trace prefix tag to use.
stemThe stem name of the compound.
tailsThe array of tail elements (unresolved).
tailCountThe count of tail elements.
valueThe associated trace value. @quoteValue Indicates whether the value should be quoted or not.

Definition at line 3714 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activity, code, ActivationSettings::flags, RexxString::getLength(), RexxCompoundTail::getLength(), RexxCompoundTail::getTail(), INDENT_SPACING, RexxCode::isTraceable(), OREF_NULL, PREFIX_LENGTH, PREFIX_OFFSET, RexxString::put(), RexxString::putChar(), raw_string(), RexxString::set(), settings, RexxObject::stringValue(), TRACE_OVERHEAD, trace_prefix_table, trace_suppress, ActivationSettings::traceindent, and RexxActivity::traceOutput().

◆ traceCompoundValue() [2/2]

void RexxActivation::traceCompoundValue ( int  prefix,
RexxString stemName,
RexxObject **  tails,
size_t  tailCount,
RexxCompoundTail tail 

Trace a compound variable entry that's of the form 'tag => "value"'.

prefixThe trace prefix tag to use.
stemThe stem name of the compound.
tailsThe array of tail elements (unresolved).
tailCountThe count of tail elements.
valueThe resolved tail element

Definition at line 3696 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References RexxCompoundTail::createCompoundName(), TRACE_PREFIX_COMPOUND, and VALUE_MARKER.

Referenced by traceCompound(), traceCompoundAssignment(), and traceCompoundName().

◆ traceDotVariable()

void RexxActivation::traceDotVariable ( RexxString n,
RexxObject v 

◆ traceEntry()

◆ traceFunction()

void RexxActivation::traceFunction ( RexxString n,
RexxObject v 

◆ traceInstruction()

◆ traceIntermediate()

◆ traceLabel()

void RexxActivation::traceLabel ( RexxInstruction v)

◆ traceMessage()

void RexxActivation::traceMessage ( RexxString n,
RexxObject v 

◆ traceOperator()

void RexxActivation::traceOperator ( const char *  n,
RexxObject v 

◆ traceOperatorValue()

void RexxActivation::traceOperatorValue ( int  prefix,
const char *  tag,
RexxObject value 

Trace an entry that's of the form 'tag => "value"'.

prefixThe trace prefix tag to use.
tagPrefixAny prefix string added to the tag. Use mostly for adding the "." to traced environment variables.
quoteTagIndicates whether the tag should be quoted or not. Operator names are quoted.
tagThe tag name.
valueThe associated trace value.

Definition at line 3622 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activity, code, ActivationSettings::flags, RexxString::getLength(), INDENT_SPACING, RexxCode::isTraceable(), OREF_NULL, PREFIX_LENGTH, PREFIX_OFFSET, RexxString::put(), RexxString::putChar(), QUOTES_OVERHEAD, raw_string(), RexxString::set(), settings, RexxObject::stringValue(), TRACE_OVERHEAD, trace_prefix_table, trace_suppress, ActivationSettings::traceindent, RexxActivity::traceOutput(), and VALUE_MARKER.

Referenced by traceOperator(), and tracePrefix().

◆ tracePrefix()

void RexxActivation::tracePrefix ( const char *  n,
RexxObject v 

◆ traceResult()

◆ traceSetting()

RexxString * RexxActivation::traceSetting ( )

◆ traceSourceString()

◆ traceTaggedValue()

void RexxActivation::traceTaggedValue ( int  prefix,
const char *  tagPrefix,
bool  quoteTag,
RexxString tag,
const char *  marker,
RexxObject value,
bool  quoteValue = true 

Trace an entry that's of the form 'tag => "value"'.

prefixThe trace prefix tag to use.
tagPrefixAny prefix string added to the tag. Use mostly for adding the "." to traced environment variables.
quoteTagIndicates whether the tag should be quoted or not. Operator names are quoted.
tagThe tag name.
valueThe associated trace value.
quoteValueIndicates whether the value should be quoted or not.

Definition at line 3523 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References activity, code, ActivationSettings::flags, RexxString::getLength(), INDENT_SPACING, RexxCode::isTraceable(), OREF_NULL, PREFIX_LENGTH, PREFIX_OFFSET, RexxString::put(), RexxString::putChar(), QUOTES_OVERHEAD, raw_string(), RexxString::set(), settings, RexxObject::stringValue(), TRACE_OVERHEAD, trace_prefix_table, trace_suppress, ActivationSettings::traceindent, and RexxActivity::traceOutput().

Referenced by traceAssignment(), traceDotVariable(), traceFunction(), traceMessage(), and traceVariable().

◆ traceValue()

◆ traceVariable()

void RexxActivation::traceVariable ( RexxString n,
RexxObject v 

◆ tracingAll()

bool RexxActivation::tracingAll ( void  )

Definition at line 457 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References ActivationSettings::flags, settings, and trace_all.

Referenced by command(), and run().

◆ tracingCommands()

bool RexxActivation::tracingCommands ( void  )

Definition at line 456 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References ActivationSettings::flags, settings, and trace_commands.

Referenced by command(), and RexxInstructionCommand::execute().

◆ tracingErrors()

bool RexxActivation::tracingErrors ( void  )

Definition at line 450 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References ActivationSettings::flags, settings, and trace_errors.

Referenced by command().

◆ tracingFailures()

bool RexxActivation::tracingFailures ( void  )

Definition at line 451 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References ActivationSettings::flags, settings, and trace_failures.

Referenced by command().

◆ tracingInstructions()

bool RexxActivation::tracingInstructions ( void  )

Definition at line 449 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References ActivationSettings::flags, settings, and trace_all.

Referenced by RexxInstructionAssignment::execute().

◆ tracingIntermediates()

◆ tracingLabels()

bool RexxActivation::tracingLabels ( void  )

Definition at line 454 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References ActivationSettings::flags, settings, and trace_labels.

Referenced by run().

◆ tracingResults()

bool RexxActivation::tracingResults ( )

Definition at line 406 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

References ActivationSettings::flags, settings, and trace_results.

Referenced by RexxTrigger::parse().

◆ trap()

◆ trapDelay()

void RexxActivation::trapDelay ( RexxString condition)

◆ trapOff()

◆ trapOn()

◆ trapState()

RexxString * RexxActivation::trapState ( RexxString condition)

◆ trapUndelay()

void RexxActivation::trapUndelay ( RexxString condition)

◆ unindent()

void RexxActivation::unindent ( )

◆ unwindTrap()

void RexxActivation::unwindTrap ( RexxActivation child)

◆ updateLocalVariable()

void RexxActivation::updateLocalVariable ( RexxVariable variable)

◆ yield()

void RexxActivation::yield ( )

Definition at line 3976 of file RexxActivation.cpp.

References clause_boundary, external_yield, ActivationSettings::flags, and settings.

Referenced by RexxActivity::yield().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ RexxSource

friend class RexxSource

Definition at line 165 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ activation_context

◆ activity

◆ argcount

size_t RexxActivation::argcount

◆ arglist

◆ arguments

RexxArray* RexxActivation::arguments

◆ blockNest

size_t RexxActivation::blockNest

◆ clause_boundary

const size_t RexxActivation::clause_boundary = 0x00010000

◆ clause_exits

const size_t RexxActivation::clause_exits = 0x00100000

Definition at line 735 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by processClauseBoundary(), and run().

◆ code

◆ condition_queue

RexxQueue* RexxActivation::condition_queue

Definition at line 699 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by live(), liveGeneral(), mergeTraps(), processTraps(), run(), trap(), and unwindTrap().

◆ contextObject

RexxContext* RexxActivation::contextObject

Definition at line 688 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by getContextObject(), live(), liveGeneral(), and termination().

◆ current

◆ debug_bypass

const size_t RexxActivation::debug_bypass = 0x00004000

Definition at line 729 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by debugPause(), debugSkip(), exitFrom(), forward(), returnFrom(), and setTrace().

◆ debug_pause

bool RexxActivation::debug_pause

◆ debug_prompt_issued

const size_t RexxActivation::debug_prompt_issued = 0x00002000

Definition at line 728 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by debugPause(), and setTrace().

◆ default_enable_commands

const bool RexxActivation::default_enable_commands = true

Definition at line 723 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by RexxSource::translate().

◆ default_enable_macrospace

const bool RexxActivation::default_enable_macrospace = true

Definition at line 724 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by RexxSource::translate().

◆ default_trace_flags

const size_t RexxActivation::default_trace_flags = trace_failures

Definition at line 718 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by RexxSource::translate().

◆ dostack

RexxDoBlock* RexxActivation::dostack

◆ elapsed_reset

const size_t RexxActivation::elapsed_reset = 0x20000000

◆ environmentList

RexxList* RexxActivation::environmentList

Definition at line 695 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by live(), liveGeneral(), popEnvironment(), pushEnvironment(), and termination().

◆ execution_state

int RexxActivation::execution_state

◆ external_yield

const size_t RexxActivation::external_yield = 0x00200000

Definition at line 736 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by processClauseBoundary(), and yield().

◆ forwarded

const size_t RexxActivation::forwarded = 0x00400000

Definition at line 737 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by forward(), isForwarded(), and trap().

◆ guarded_method

const size_t RexxActivation::guarded_method = 0x40000000

Definition at line 746 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by isGuarded(), and setGuarded().

◆ halt_condition

const size_t RexxActivation::halt_condition = 0x00020000

Definition at line 732 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by halt(), and processClauseBoundary().

◆ handler_queue

RexxQueue* RexxActivation::handler_queue

Definition at line 697 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by live(), liveGeneral(), mergeTraps(), processTraps(), run(), trap(), and unwindTrap().

◆ lookaside_size

size_t RexxActivation::lookaside_size

Definition at line 703 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

◆ named_argcount

size_t RexxActivation::named_argcount

◆ next

RexxInstruction* RexxActivation::next

◆ object_scope

int RexxActivation::object_scope

◆ objnotify

RexxMessage* RexxActivation::objnotify

Definition at line 693 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by live(), liveGeneral(), setObjNotify(), and trap().

◆ parent

◆ pending_count

size_t RexxActivation::pending_count

Definition at line 696 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by mergeTraps(), processClauseBoundary(), processTraps(), run(), and trap().

◆ procedure_valid

const size_t RexxActivation::procedure_valid = 0x00008000

Definition at line 730 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by procedureExpose(), and run().

◆ random_seed

uint64_t RexxActivation::random_seed

Definition at line 700 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by adjustRandomSeed(), getRandomSeed(), and RexxActivation().

◆ random_set

bool RexxActivation::random_set

Definition at line 701 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

◆ receiver

◆ reply_issued

const size_t RexxActivation::reply_issued = 0x00800000

Definition at line 738 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by exitFrom(), forward(), reply(), returnFrom(), and RexxActivation().

◆ result

RexxObject* RexxActivation::result

Definition at line 686 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by exitFrom(), forward(), live(), liveGeneral(), reply(), returnFrom(), and run().

◆ return_status_set

const size_t RexxActivation::return_status_set = 0x08000000

Definition at line 742 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by getContextReturnStatus(), rexxVariable(), and setReturnStatus().

◆ scope

RexxClass* RexxActivation::scope

◆ set_trace_off

const size_t RexxActivation::set_trace_off = 0x02000000

Definition at line 740 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by externalTraceOff(), and processClauseBoundary().

◆ set_trace_on

const size_t RexxActivation::set_trace_on = 0x01000000

Definition at line 739 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by externalTraceOn(), and processClauseBoundary().

◆ settings

ActivationSettings RexxActivation::settings

Definition at line 664 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by addLocalRoutine(), callExternalRexx(), checkTrapTable(), cleanupLocalVariables(), clearTraceSettings(), closeStreams(), conditionalPauseInstruction(), debugInterpret(), debugPause(), debugSkip(), digits(), dispatch(), enableCommands(), enableMacrospace(), exitFrom(), externalCall(), externalTraceOff(), externalTraceOn(), form(), formatTrace(), forward(), fuzz(), getAddress(), getCallname(), getConditionObj(), getContextReturnStatus(), getEffectiveSecurityManager(), getElapsed(), getIndent(), getLocalStemVariable(), getLocalVariable(), getLocalVariables(), getMessageName(), getNumericSettings(), getObjectVariables(), getProgramArgument(), getProgramArgumentCount(), getProgramArgumentlist(), getProgramNamedArgumentCount(), getSecurityManager(), getSettings(), getStreams(), getTime(), guardOff(), guardOn(), guardWait(), halt(), inDebug(), indent(), internalCall(), internalCallTrap(), isElapsedTimerReset(), isExternalTraceOn(), isForwarded(), isGuarded(), live(), liveGeneral(), localStemVariableExists(), localVariableExists(), newDo(), novalueEnabled(), pauseCommand(), pauseInstruction(), pauseLabel(), procedureExpose(), processClauseBoundary(), propagateNumericSettings(), putLocalVariable(), putSettings(), reply(), returnFrom(), RexxActivation(), rexxVariable(), run(), setAddress(), setCallType(), setConditionObj(), setDefaultAddress(), setDigits(), setElapsedTimerInvalid(), setElapsedTimerValid(), setExternalTraceOff(), setExternalTraceOn(), setForm(), setFuzz(), setGuarded(), setIndent(), setLocalVariableDictionary(), setReturnStatus(), setTrace(), signalTo(), sourceString(), terminateBlock(), toggleAddress(), traceAssignment(), traceClause(), traceCommand(), traceCompound(), traceCompoundAssignment(), traceCompoundName(), traceCompoundValue(), traceDotVariable(), traceEntry(), traceFunction(), traceInstruction(), traceIntermediate(), traceLabel(), traceMessage(), traceOperator(), traceOperatorValue(), tracePrefix(), traceResult(), traceSetting(), traceSourceString(), traceTaggedValue(), traceValue(), traceVariable(), tracingAll(), tracingCommands(), tracingErrors(), tracingFailures(), tracingInstructions(), tracingIntermediates(), tracingLabels(), tracingResults(), trap(), trapDelay(), trapOff(), trapOn(), trapState(), trapUndelay(), unindent(), unwindTrap(), updateLocalVariable(), and yield().

◆ single_step

const size_t RexxActivation::single_step = 0x00000800

Definition at line 726 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

◆ single_step_nested

const size_t RexxActivation::single_step_nested = 0x00001000

Definition at line 727 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

◆ source_traced

const size_t RexxActivation::source_traced = 0x00080000

Definition at line 734 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by traceClause(), traceEntry(), and traceSourceString().

◆ sourceObject

◆ stack

◆ trace_all

const size_t RexxActivation::trace_all = 0x00000002

◆ trace_all_flags

const size_t RexxActivation::trace_all_flags = (trace_all | trace_labels | trace_commands)

Definition at line 719 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

◆ trace_commands

const size_t RexxActivation::trace_commands = 0x00000010

◆ trace_debug

◆ trace_errors

const size_t RexxActivation::trace_errors = 0x00000040

Definition at line 714 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by processTraceSetting(), and tracingErrors().

◆ trace_failures

const size_t RexxActivation::trace_failures = 0x00000080

Definition at line 715 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by processTraceSetting(), and tracingFailures().

◆ trace_flags

const size_t RexxActivation::trace_flags = 0x000001ff

Definition at line 717 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by clearTraceSettings(), and setTrace().

◆ trace_intermediates

const size_t RexxActivation::trace_intermediates = 0x00000008

Definition at line 711 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by processTraceSetting(), and setTrace().

◆ trace_intermediates_flags

const size_t RexxActivation::trace_intermediates_flags = (trace_all | trace_labels | trace_results | trace_commands | trace_intermediates)

Definition at line 721 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

◆ trace_labels

const size_t RexxActivation::trace_labels = 0x00000020

Definition at line 713 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by pauseLabel(), processTraceSetting(), traceLabel(), and tracingLabels().

◆ trace_off

const size_t RexxActivation::trace_off = 0x00000000

Definition at line 707 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by processClauseBoundary(), and processTraceSetting().

◆ trace_on

const size_t RexxActivation::trace_on = 0x00040000

Definition at line 733 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by isExternalTraceOn(), setExternalTraceOff(), and setExternalTraceOn().

◆ trace_results

const size_t RexxActivation::trace_results = 0x00000004

Definition at line 710 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by processTraceSetting(), traceResult(), and tracingResults().

◆ trace_results_flags

const size_t RexxActivation::trace_results_flags = (trace_all | trace_labels | trace_results | trace_commands)

Definition at line 720 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by enableExternalTrace(), externalTraceOn(), and processClauseBoundary().

◆ trace_suppress

const size_t RexxActivation::trace_suppress = 0x00000100

◆ transfer_failed

const size_t RexxActivation::transfer_failed = 0x10000000

Definition at line 743 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by run().

◆ trapinfo

RexxArray* RexxActivation::trapinfo

Definition at line 687 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by live(), and liveGeneral().

◆ traps_copied

const size_t RexxActivation::traps_copied = 0x04000000

Definition at line 741 of file RexxActivation.hpp.

Referenced by checkTrapTable(), and RexxActivation().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: